Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:47 AM
Posts: 668
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he's too good to be a 6th ngl

posted 10 hours ago

I wasn't familiar with your game. Sorry GOAT. Pop off

posted 10 hours ago

kingg is their IGL on a multi lingual team. I gotta cut him some slack tbh.

posted 3 days ago

He had a bad day and he doesn't have too many days like that but still it's hard cz LEV literally has to play 4v5. I didn't watch the first map but it costed them too much i think.

posted 3 days ago

People don't realize how hard it is to play 4v5 in this game. LEV literally has to play 4v5. Other teams have chem or macro problems instead of player quality problem. FPX for example. But that's not the case with LEV. tex , kingg and mazina are really good but c0m holds them back too much. Same with SEN and sacy. Any other good player and both of these teams would be unstoppable.

posted 3 days ago

Bros must be so pissed rn! He had to lose against these shitters. wtf

posted 3 days ago

Teams are just a lot better now. You can't win with slackers against top teams like 100T, FNC, TH, PRX etc in this meta and SEN has too many slackers in the excuse of chemistry(the chem arg is cope btw).

posted 3 days ago

I am not defining him by stats by any means. That was just to prove a point. His stats aren't half bad, it's his decision making in crucial moments that lets him down.

posted 3 days ago

The idea wasn't bad tbh but he shot the first pump before landing so it was inaccurate. Tragic.

posted 3 days ago

wdym 'you may call a fraud'? yall would rather put down one of your best players to prop up fraudulent performances? Nah I have seen it all. TenZ support util is very good but he also racks up APR from smoke and kayO assists. compare him with other ini players obviously.

posted 3 days ago

Do you understand what 'prime' means? Why does having a prime span for 1 tournament matter? And no he didn't have a prime for 1 tournament. He was equally good in tokyo. Stop debating like a 12 year old kid.

posted 4 days ago

It literally does. Why you lie? LMAOO . Shows how clueless you are about everything LOL

posted 4 days ago

Didn't say it didn't. As I said you just remember his clutches more. How many people remembers the c0m clutch on sunset against KRU? Not many. All the SEN players are overly glorified, that's just fact. He is a initiator player and he baits a lot. So go figure if he isn't in a lot of 2v3, 2v2s. He absolutely blows in those situations most of the time. That sunset round against EG at the later end of the map, tenz gets an early 2k it was like 3v2 and sacy throws the round in the dumbest way I have ever seen. He is not confident in taking fights so he leaves winnable opportunities and that costs his team time and time again. You won't realize these things until you actually watch the games with an open mind or until he's gone and you say how much better it is with a decent initiator player that knows how to trade and how to win favorable fights.

posted 4 days ago

Bonecold won a champs as well. Doesn't mean shit. Without sacy SEN would have had a better 2023, prolly would have made LANs and won it. They had a winning team but sacy was absolutely horrible.

posted 4 days ago

clutch god with a 12% clutch rate? You guys make me laugh LMAO. Get a grip on reality before peddling this agenda further. You just remember his clutches more because he is a SEN player.

posted 4 days ago

tex is NOT struggling. He is a senti player now, you expect Jett numbers from him? sacy prime is worse than c0m prime but at their current level they are similar in many aspects.

posted 4 days ago

If you are smart you should have all your regional teams too. league rivals can't be accumulating them VCT points

posted 4 days ago

I think a lot of people would be down to relocate to LA if their housing is paid for. Unless he has family constraints I don't see why wouldn't take the opportunity

posted 5 days ago

Why not? Those stax iVamooos! would go crazy lowkey

posted 5 days ago

cNed GIGACHAd is gonna cook 100T once again

posted 6 days ago

Just stop subscribing to the narrative that people created about him being an utility monster or whatever. Have an open mind and watch his games and you will see why I rate him equal to c0m. Trust me on this

posted 6 days ago

Do you actually watch their games or is that flair just to bandwagon? Like be honest. Just watch SEN v EG series. Even ignore the kills, just notice his decision making and tell me he is a decent player. Stop with the sheep narratives of him being clutch and having good util.

posted 6 days ago

trophies are not the metric of a great player. That is literally the point of the post. c0m is a champs winner and a masters finalist but if he was on a lesser team that brotha woulda been fllipping them burgers. Luck and fraudulent CV goes a long way in this esports

posted 6 days ago

'good util tax' in 2024 😭 when he doesn't even have a good APR

posted 6 days ago
  • Both bad at trading
  • Both look lost in the sauce most of the time
  • Both have uncle aim
  • c0m perma flanks, sacy spam recycles util
  • Both have the champs tax
  • Both costs their team a lot by being consistent frauds
  • c0m gets a lot of flak for being shit( rightfully so) while sacy doesn't

It's hard to pick one here ngl

posted 6 days ago

I had an exam today and it got postponed for some reason. All my friends are rejoicing because it got cancelled while I am sitting here all mad n shit cause I have this shit looming over my head for few more days! Am I lame or this is a valid emotion?

posted 6 days ago

sacy is worse than zellsis. Zellsis is a good team player

posted 1 week ago

nah kaplan and drew would rather have s0cy cz he is bald and has g0oD uTiL. LMFAOO. sacy util isn't even that good. If you wann see good ini util watch lakia

posted 1 week ago

what now?

posted 1 week ago

You were saying?

posted 1 week ago

cNed was always a Jett OP spammer whereas wo0t can literally do it all. They ain't the same

posted 1 week ago

Come back to this thread 3 years later when he becomes the undisputed GOAT.

posted 1 week ago

noooooooo, please don't

posted 1 week ago


Aspas needs sacy. Let them reunite and this teams chemistry would work much better anyway.

posted 1 week ago

LEV sacy. Let the father and son reunite

posted 1 week ago

Shohei Ohtani is literally fat bro. It has to be NBA or football athletes.

posted 1 week ago

He implied it. People were giving him extra praises for noob stomping when the whole team played bad.

posted 1 week ago

See? Even his coach, SEN drewSaprk knows that t0nz sneaking into the top 10 ratings for split 1 was a fraudulent achievement. Blud just farmed the noob teams.

posted 1 week ago

Biggest myth in the world. Stop parroting the lines that everyone says and watch the games with your eyes open brudda

posted 1 week ago

I have seen his gekko and I have seen it all. He single handedly trolled Icebox against G2, you can't blame that on IGLing.

posted 1 week ago

Everyone is good, everyone should win. Based take actually

posted 1 week ago

Nah he's been a fraud for a while now.

posted 1 week ago
  • Mako
  • sacy
  • Enzo
  • Klaus
  • Icy

Players from shitty teams don't count because it's hard to tell who is actually not a fraud on teams like Furia, Mibr.

posted 1 week ago

As sad as it is, 1 bum is holding them back really hard.

posted 1 week ago

I will DEACTIVATE if SEN makes it to champs through playoffs, the normal route. No chance

posted 1 week ago

Didn't change anything. Both will happen and NRG being good is bad news for SEN because they will play each other.

posted 1 week ago

s0m will literally redefine this team and will make all the washed bums unwashed with his charisma. He can literally play anything, so NRG won't have to put Lemon1 on raze duty all the time and with raze nerfs he can go back to being a Jett spammer. Marved wasn't necessarily the problem but NRG have saved themselves from the curse of bumness with one move.

Whereas SEN is the exact opposite. This team is full of bums. They have one, may be two perma bums and depending on tenz, zekken or johnqt having a bad day, they literally have 3 bums on any given day. That's really bad because we are in the PRIME anti-bum meta. With the duelist reworks, I can promise you that actual good players will run riot. SEN is also gigafucked because all the teams in their group are actually good now!

posted 1 week ago

you ain't getting s0m without FNS

posted 2 weeks ago

It's just a negotiation technique to get good buyout money

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago
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