Flag: Sweden
Registered: April 27, 2021
Last post: June 4, 2021 at 4:50 AM
Posts: 24

-ardiis cuz he is a cheater, -patitek cause he has been VACban in CS.

posted about 2 years ago

nnivera gonna join liquid i think

posted about 3 years ago

Haha they've lost against a mix not even a team. They are definitely not Tier1 in Valorant, just change this line up

posted about 3 years ago

no man that would be a bad idea... As long as we don't need to get a specific composition to be good at the game. I mean you can win a game without any healer, or without any flasher, or you can win with 2 controlers in the same team or even without one duelist. The only thing that everybody need its a smoker.

posted about 3 years ago

i'm just trying to improve this game nothing else=)

posted about 3 years ago

yes but i could do some scrims now with 4 other guys, that's easy to find. But yeah that should be a solution.

posted about 3 years ago

Hello everyone, i'm just gonna talk to exprim my frustration of the game now. I really enjoy Valorant, i'm really happy with the gameplay, the content, etc...
But i don't like to play the game. Because, if you don't want to scrims with a team, what solution do you have to play at a good level by yourself ? Competitive mode ? Face it ?.

Let's start with the competitive mode : every good player in the game has left the ranked for scriming or pickup with friends. They still play competitive but not that much. IMO ranked are awfull atm. Not because that's frutrating to lose or win points, not at all. Just because people are try harding in a bad way. They don't enjoy the game, they just play for 20LP and reach the ladder. They don't care to improve themselves or to have a cool game with a descent level, they just want to win.

Back in the days, i was playing cs 1.6 with 9 other players, there was NO LP to win, no defeat no win to matter. 9 people from ~ the same lvl ~ than you and they just play because they enjoy this game. Is it possible for Riot to create an internal chat with different channels to seek a game and organize pickup with people interested to play Valorant at their own level and fucking try hard this game in a GOOD way this time ? Only focusing on your own performance no matters about victory defeat.

A lot of players that i know, are seeking games on Face it, or anywhere else, just because the competitive make non sense for them. I'm more with them day after day.

We need a chat in game "+4 radiant-immo / mapcycle" or "+2 duelist gold" or whatever .Even to seek a team if you are interested, or seek scrims.

But IMO if everything you can do in Valorant is the competitive mode, that will be a big mistake. Look League of Legends, everybody has played the game, no body never enjoyed a fkin ranked for the same reasons, and finally after a certain time you leave the game.

This is just my opinion i just want to play the game and don't telling to myself "i'm with the bad team" or "i'm with the good team thx god", or to have to listen 2 peoples fighting each other in the vocal. (don't argue with unrated please, unrated there is just no lvl at all, people instalock etc...)

posted about 3 years ago

bramz is so bad

posted about 3 years ago

i think as immo 300rr i should play with "low immortal" and sometimes when i'm spectating teammates or the decision of my opponents I'm really really confused...

posted about 3 years ago

Hello everyone, i would to share my toughts about valorant ranked. Am i the only one thinking the global level is really really not good. I'm playing on europe server now, only soloq. I'm immortal 300rr.
I'm not a super good player, i have played such a long time CS 1.6. But when i see my opponents and also my teammates playing i have serious doubts of immortal would be almost the best elo in Valorant. Serisouly that super weak isn't ? I know real good players are most of the time scriming or playing pickup and they use the soloq as a warm up.
But man i dont even enjoy certain games as the lvl is terrible for a high pretended elo.
sorry for my english but i was wondering if i was the only thinking this

posted about 3 years ago

What is the rank score we have at the end of the season ? For example immortal 5000th, that mean we've reached the 5000th position as our best position in the season or that mean we end the season at the 5000th position?

posted about 3 years ago

i've played 6k hours cs 1.6, never played go and i'm immo 200rr

posted about 3 years ago

As manygames i think there is some cheaters even if you have the best anti cheat of the world. To be honnest in Valorant that's super rare to encouter cheaters or they are really smart and it's not obvious but imo, that's rare.
I'm immo 200rr on the EU serv, i've played against/with heretics players, davidp, scream, a lot of good players in soloq. They are all good. I play CS since 2001 then i'm supposed to guess (or not) what is legit or not in game.
Yesterday i've played against a jett she was doing 26 kills until we all say "ban jett" in the chat. After that she has done 1 or 2 kills in 5 rounds. She was impossible to 1v1, deagle, scout, vandal, she knew everything in game.
Then there is my advice, if you cheat that's your problem dude, but learn to play before you reach high elo in CS or Valo otherwise that's just ridiculous and obvious, even scream misses some shot, every human on earth does.
His nickname is RN h4rry on eu serv.

posted about 3 years ago

who was the cheater?

posted about 3 years ago

viper is the most broken champ nowadays

posted about 3 years ago

soloq from a certain elo is "enjoyable" not everytime but 50% i'd say. In europ from immortal rr+100/150 thats alright. Even if sometimes you think your teammates are really weak for this elo.

posted about 3 years ago

I always play solo but i was wondering if from immortal to radiant it was still possible to have 5 premade game ?

posted about 3 years ago

it would took less to reply.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago