Flag: Portugal
Registered: May 16, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 9:54 PM
Posts: 229
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I think him and rich are pretty much closed on Mibr already - no formal anouncement or anything but from what's being leaked that's the case

posted 2 weeks ago

but who would they pick?

Hero doesn't wanna let go of Dgzin, Palla is on Mibr, Sato is too young - Zanatsu is the only remained and it's pretty hard to take BR players to the USA

posted 2 weeks ago

e o playhard dando like nos twit do pancada... suspeito

posted 2 weeks ago

we hope so

posted 2 weeks ago

Se o Qck realmente sair da Loud (ele mudou o nome de Loud Qck pra Qck e a tag para nunca desista)

Não existem mais opções de duelista pelo menos que eu consiga imaginar - Dgzin não vai sair para tentar ganhar o spot nas franquias com a Hero, Sato é muito novo e o Palla vai para a Mibr. Então na minha opinião a última opção seria o Pancada e a conversa falhada com a Furia faria bem mais sentido se ele tivesse uma oferta tardia da Loud - na minha opinião existe uma chance real da nova Loud ser - Tuyz (duelista), Pancada, Saadhak, Less, Cauanzin - se fosse realidade o q achavam desse roaster?


If Qck really is out of Loud (he change his name on valorant from Loud Qck to Qck and his tag to NgU (never give up))

There's no duelists left that speak portuguese - Dgzin isn't leaving Hero Base, Sato is too young and Palla is going to Mibr so in my mind the only solid reason that Pancada would have to ignore the Furia is too look for something better so in my mind there's a real possibility that the final Loud roaster ends up being - Tuyz (duelist), Pancada, Saadhak, Less, Cauanzin - what do you think of this roaster?

posted 2 weeks ago

Palla has been a solid and consistent player no team in Challengers managed to make him look weak - and he performed against every single team with jett, raze and pheonix - a very good pick up in my opinion

Richzin has some crazy games where he is unstopable and in the rest of them he's pretty average - He'll have to step up a bit to get to franchise level, but he can get there (if Mibr feels like it I mean)

posted 2 weeks ago

Not really - it was just found out that he wasn't happy with the team and was pushing for some real changes in players but the org didn't allow it and the only reason fRoD ever got to Mibr was because Brzk had to do a lot of convincing.

From what's coming out right now seems like the org is just happy to exist in franchise investing as little as possible

posted 3 weeks ago

In terms of Qck I don't think they will trade him - but if they do they'll go Dgzin or Zanatsu most likely - Sato can't go yet, Palla and Gobera need to show a bit more

posted 3 weeks ago

I see a much easier explanation tbh - Saadhak returns to the Sentinel role and Raafa remains as flex.

Saad is a great flex, but in terms of pure numbers he used to be better at the sentinel role, Raafa coming in allows Saad to focus less on calling as Raafa would be a solid second caller and Saad could focus more on his individual performance and delegate a bit more.

I'm not arguing it would be the best thing for the team especially because I don't believe Less going out would ever make any team in the world better but I do believe that if Raafa comes that's how it would go.

posted 3 weeks ago

It's rumored Mibr is keeping Mazin and Artzin

Artzin isn't bad but for sure not a franchise level player yet, Mazin hasn't been a good caller or a good player for the team since he was on Furia - I only get that decision if they can't find any other Igl whatsoever.

On the other hand even tho he doesn't have good stats (no shit no one has on Mibr) I think RglM performed pretty well for a controller and should at least be considered imo - even tho there are a lot good players like Cortezia, GuhRVN and Chase looking pretty good in VCB.

posted 3 weeks ago

If that's true Loud is dead

posted 3 weeks ago

If they are gonna actually do a lineup change go for Sato imo, even if they have to wait a while

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't know if you guys are joking or if you're actually braindead

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 4 weeks ago

From what has been said - he's insane in scrims and clearly a very talented player.

I used to think this was kind of bullshit and just a way to justify getting him but now I think Furia is overall dogshit and it wouldn't surprise me if he actually is good and can't performe very well on such a mess of a team.

posted 1 month ago

sim até pq o Nicolino não tem qualquer motivo para ser queimado

posted 1 month ago

caralho se achas que o Cauazin só jogou 3 jogos bem pelo Loud estás a ver a jogo com o olho do cu amigo

posted 1 month ago

mas ai é falar merda também, quando a Loud estava a bem no inicio do ano era pq o Tuyz estava a performar bem e de forma consistente - quando a Loud foi para merda, todos os membros começaram a jogar mal

Caua é melhor que o NZR em qualquer dia da semana, o Nzr não tem espaço na equipa nunca

posted 1 month ago

Acredito que a Loud ainda tem uma chance de se reorganizar com poucas ou nenhumas alterações - mas as outras equipas do BR precisam de explodir tudo e recomeçar.
A MIBR já tentou manter a base e não funcionou, a Furia decidiu manter metade da line que já estava a ter problemas anteriormente e o NZR não é suficiente para mudar o funcionamente de toda uma line e coaching staff por completo.

Se os times BR não utilizarem a próxima janela de transferências e o talento disponível no VCB o mais rápido possível, vão ser deixados para trás (mais do que já estão).

posted 1 month ago

Sim, eu acho que o NRZ seria uma boa soma em qualquer equipa e talvez desse uma direção aos players novos

posted 1 month ago

Na minha opinião eu acho que a Furia não deveria manter nenhuma das peças que tem atualmente - o conjunto de players da Furia já tiveram problemas com players antigos e estão novamente a ter problemas fora do jogo. Acho que os responsáveis da equipa deviam reconstruir um projeto do zero, manter no máximo dos máximos 2 players da line atual (Nzr talvez) e reformular a coaching staff completamente - do mesmo sitio que veio o Less estão a nascer vários players talentosos, como o Guh, Sato, Spike, Gobera, Swag etc. têm mais do que peças suficientes para montar uma equipa sólida, sem os dramas fora de jogo que impedem a equipa de funcionar.


Imo I believe Furia shouldn't keep any player that they have nowadays - part of this Furia line had problems with their old teammates and are now having out of the game problems again.
I think the team should be completly rebuilt from zero, keeping 1 or 2 players max and get a new coaching staff - Brazil has plently of talent, Less was just stuck in a small team before Loud got to him, there are a lot of talented players waithing to be picked up like Guh, Spike, Sato, Gobera, Swag, etc. they have more than enough talent to pick from to create a new solid team, away from the dramas of the corrent roaster.

posted 1 month ago

He just lacks a lot of confidence in the duelist role - shying away from duels most duelist would take.

I know Aspas is the best in the world - but I don't believe Loud actually need the best in the world - they do however need a confident great duelist - and sadly Qck isn't that right now.

posted 1 month ago

envelheceu bem

posted 1 month ago

You look at the score in game and think that's all there is, Sacy was on Loud when they became champions and is on Sentinels and they are performing, maybe just maybe, he adds something to the team that is more valueble than numbers on a learderboard.

posted 2 months ago

didn't doubt for a second baby

posted 3 months ago

Mibr will win I believe, FroD will make the difference.

posted 3 months ago

mas nem faz sentido, ele está com stats quase perfeitos no topo da ranked do NA

posted 5 months ago


posted about a year ago

I don't think MIBR is the worst team. They lost a close a game to Talon by throwing a good amount of rounds and Talon cleaned EG and put up a good fight against DRX.

posted about a year ago

It's amazing, really good - single elim, so 32 will go to Brazil and 16 of them will go home after 1 game.

posted about a year ago

Just to preface, no hate at all to Geddes everyone has an opinion, I just personally believe his tierlist is wrong on so many levels.

1º (LEV and KRU) Before LEV was already better than KRU, now KRU gets downgraded (loses Keznit and Mazino), LEV gets Keznit and NRZ (huge upgrade) and somehow they're on the same tier?

2º (MIBR) Mibr dead last? Remember how good Keyd was with Heat even tho the rest of the team was weak? Now they have a strong team, and Bzk as a coach to add tactical dept and discipline to the team. Putting them at dead last is a complete meme to me.

3º (NRG) NRG tier S? Ok, FNS best IGL in the world no doubt, still wasn't enough to beat a capable team like Loud even with Yay and Marved on the team, without them I don't see NRG being an undesputed tier S team.

there's more but I'm too lazy

posted about a year ago

Estou pobre, só se for ao Brasil roubar de novo mesmo.

posted about a year ago

Desculpa mas vc é muito burro

posted about a year ago

I didn't say they weren't promising, I think they can be the best team in the Americas.

But I also think that Mibr are very promising, Lev has recent worlds experience in the same meta that's being played in the tourment, meanwhile Mibr didn't exist just a month ago and they're playing head to head.
To me what Mibr is doing pretty impressive and using the "recents scrims" excuse is pretty boring since Mibr hasn't been scrimming for very long either.

posted about a year ago

Oh yes they were doing for fun warm up scrims, after they'll have the serious one's I get it

posted about a year ago

At least you lie consistently, they have scrimmed VKS and unless that's their first go to team for scrimming they probably also scrimmed against other teams...

posted about a year ago

Now you are just lying, Nzr said they scimmed Vivo Keyd before the tournment '-'

posted about a year ago

Mibr has been together for less than month and Leviathan has the Onur + Taco/Shyy/King base that's been together for a while now, this isn't the flex you think it is.

posted about a year ago

Loud took their spot by copying them to be fair.

posted about a year ago

Caralho, botou a Neon e a Raze na pool e ainda amassou nas duas.

O muito gostoso ver alguém burro sendo provado errado kkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Tha Chamber meta is dying doesn't make much sense imo

posted about a year ago

put me in MIBR I'm getting kinda sad looking at the 0

posted about a year ago

Acho que a VK foi bem duvidosa mesmo, mas o problema para mim era claramente tático, acho que com o FRZ e o BZK o poder de fogo do antigo core da VK possa ser colocado para bom uso.

posted about a year ago

Se estão interessados no Murizzz e o Kon4n está praticamente garantido, coloca o Murizzz de Flex e o Kon4n de iniciador primário.

Para mim o Muriz sem o peso de ser IGL pode ser um jogador gigante, para além disso ele já provou o seu impacto em palco internacional.

posted about a year ago

The only way I see to save this is:

Get RglM (pay as much as possible it's your only chance to build a solid team), replace denaro with Shion or Kon4n and last get Adverso as flex I believe he'd be open to it.

But at this point this just seems impossible.

posted about a year ago

I clearly meant they had the necessary tools to make team work WHEN IT STARTED, Sacy said himself that Loud gave by far the best offer out of any BR team so they could eventually become world champions.

The thing is, they hired a promising team and gave them a lot of tools, now they have to keep the world champions and they clearly don't have the budget, it isn't the teams or the players fault.

posted about a year ago

Stop being a dickhead, Sacy hasn't said a bad thing about Loud and he was given the necessary tools to make the team work.

Loud just doesn't have enough capital to keep a world champion roster satisfied and other orgs do, that's just how things go, there's no fault on either side.

posted about a year ago

Are you sure, I only heard about RglM renewing his contract.

On it's own that's pretty shit already to me he was the only controller that perform in BR that could be among the best in the world if given the right opportunity.
If Heat and Mw are out too that would be pretty bad.

posted about a year ago

It's fantastic how Brazil have the players form like 5/6 amazing teams, but don't seem to manage to put together 3 decent ones.

posted about a year ago
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