Flag: Singapore
Registered: February 17, 2024
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 11:19 AM
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100t will still win

posted 13 minutes ago

The easiet fix is just merging CIS (or at least russia) with China. Russians are having a hard time getting visa in the Eu and alot of russian talents plays in JP and CN anyway because they are closer to China and Japan than Moscow. A China+Russia+Mena and Central Asia league will be decently competitive, with Navi, FPX and EDG playing for them in an alternate Shanghai masters for example. (5 cn, 4 cis and 1 mena teams in the league).

Emea will take a hit but they'll be fine. Most of them don't use their import slot anw so having 1 russian import wouldn't change much.

posted 14 minutes ago

Drg? Yes

FPX? Nah fpx will smoke all 3 maybe except RRQ with monyet.

Edg? Depends on which side of the bed TS wakes up on. But Talon clears. Old rrq not sure

posted 1 day ago

Apac getting their own region? We will be sending Talon, TS and RRQ to masters. It will be the funniest shit ever.

posted 1 day ago

EDG needs to stop pretending they are a western team and just play their own styles. Get new coachs

posted 1 day ago

Which why imo giving them a master next year would be better. I feel bad for the Chinese fans rn, being humiliated in home soil is probably not good for business

posted 1 day ago

They are good , but not enough to make top three in this tourney even if they beat TH. I am very hopeful about them when champs come. But keep in mind this decision was made last year before champs when the only strong Chinese team is EDG

posted 1 day ago

Why did we have a tourney in China this early when most Chinese teams have not caught up yet. Were they betting only on EDG and hoping they are going to be a top team? Did they seriously think China will catch up in the first year of franchising? They lowkey looks like 2021 Asia(both east and south east) with some strong teams but unlikely to make a deep run.

posted 1 day ago

No. 100t will win this with 0 map dropped like Reykjavik.

posted 1 day ago

Thats cheating, skrossi is a God among men

posted 1 day ago

Its a response to the very common hate of people calling boaster trophies flukes because he was carried by a super team. Fns was also carried by the best in the world. Its double standard as FNS is always held up high as the best brain igl(saadhak can shoot so not a pure no aim igl).

Why is it relevant? Go look at the Boaster hate threads and see how many people are comparing him to FNS. Both are the most accomplished igl alongside saadhak, both cant aim. Only one is called a fraud.

posted 1 day ago

Bro did not watch boostio before playoffs

posted 1 day ago

Oh i love FNS. He is the gold standard of a successful IGl, which why boaster is always compared to him. My point is both are equal. And their team will crumble without them.

I don't need to shit on NRG though. Americas teams are already doing it for me

posted 1 day ago

Why would you want this as a navi fan? Imagine 3 DRXs in masters. Navi would get sent home immediately. Atleast navi knows they can beat PRX or other sea teams (except ardiss)

posted 1 day ago

I don't get why people keep calling boaster a shit igl?He won two trophies. The usual boaster hater's goat FNS only have one. Because he's carried by a super team? Did they forget FNS also got his with prime Yay and Marved? Look what happened to th NRG super team without igl. That is fnatic without boaster.

posted 1 day ago

If 100t/geng don't win this is confirmation that's riot actually rigs the tournament. both teams winning will setback riots effort in China for years , but those two teams, especially 100t are the likely grand finalist

posted 1 day ago

PRX should just go home, they are not winning so what's the point? Getting 3-0d by fnatic in lowers?

posted 1 day ago

Edg is going to lowers then they will eliminate prx. Riot really like that script for some reason

posted 2 days ago

Th will drop them in lowers. Its done

posted 2 days ago

Clearly NA is leagues above other regions rn. 100t wont even drop a map

posted 2 days ago

Because G2 is not winning the tourney. This only means 100t is far above other teams.

posted 2 days ago

If prx lose to 100 thieves then yes a lowers run is accepteable? but to G2? Even fnatic looks stronger rn. The only team prx can beat is fut

posted 2 days ago

There is always a "top" Team that completely crumbles in the mid season masters. Usually loud takes that slot. Guess its PRX turn now. Gg, fking frauds

posted 2 days ago

Go to tier 2, fight with some dude, probably Steel and break a promising tier 2 team. Then go to APAC/China and fails miserably.

posted 2 days ago

What upset? G2 is expected to win. Sea is a minor region. Have mercy on us pls

posted 2 days ago

Not that hard when there's only 3 mid teams+ geng coming out of Swiss

posted 3 days ago


Pacific's only change of winning. If this is not achieved 100t or fnc will steal it all

posted 6 days ago

Master tel aviv

posted 1 week ago

The expectation of this team is to atleast make it to playoff of internationals, not go 2-4 in regional league. They underperformed massively.

posted 1 week ago

Change rossy's name to skrossy and give him op, they win champs

posted 1 week ago

They tend to flop though. Izu and foxy9 was the star KR talent in JP and they are inconsistent.

posted 1 week ago

Problem is xcc is their best igl. They lost to dfm with carpe igling. But xcc is not even a good igl so they need an actual igl.

posted 1 week ago

T1 is not going to champions imo(there's drx,rrq, talon waiting) . So probably this is the last time we see them in international this year.

They need an actual igl. Xeta for carpe

posted 1 week ago

Faker will diff everyone through sheer aura alone

posted 1 week ago

Atleast drg is funny when they play, this is just mid

posted 1 week ago

Only if they have skrossi

posted 1 week ago

Assuming they are not braindead and actually research when is exam season in Lithuania and consulted if miniboo needs to be present for the tests, they would have seen this coming from a few months ago.

Which means either they are lying and they have been practicing with patitek or they incompetent. Anyway nobody forced them to sign a high schooler so they just handicapped themselves. Thats not an excuse, they choose this.

posted 1 week ago


Seriously, the fact that heretics dont have a plan for this situation when everyone can see it coming shows how bad the org is.

posted 1 week ago

Did they drop a map against emea? Im not aware of that. Last i checked FPX beat Fut

posted 1 week ago

Lev got more rounds vs 100 thieves than GenG

So who is second? 100t? Prx? FNC? By what metric?

Until playoffs happen geng prx 100t and fnc are about equal.

posted 1 week ago

Because they were second in the world?

posted 1 week ago

Oh no, the consequences of my own actions. How did miniboo suddenly have tests? In the middle of the season? Surely nobody seen this coming, its not like academic calendar exists and they could have planned ahead...

Yeah keep coping, nobody told u to sign an 17 year old high schooler and fk up on getting a visa for ur Turkish players. Should have planned better

posted 1 week ago

Im not the one who signed a high schooler without knowing when is exam in Lithuania, cope more

posted 1 week ago

They are not the worst team in the tournament, merely second worst. Congrats on the improvement, at least ur not the worst like in madrid.

Shouldn't have hired a high schooler knowing he have exams lmao. (Also notice how emea let a Highshooler play while Juicy is stuck in T2 due to age) classic riot emea favoritism.

posted 1 week ago

Copium, also what every other game? EU only good in CS lmao

posted 1 week ago

Look at all these copium

PRX and Navi both played really well with a sub with 0 prep in the past and one of them played with streamer, TH is a fraudulent team from the start. Quit making excuses, patitek played for the team for two tournament and half a split

posted 1 week ago

Rigged i swear

posted 1 week ago

It took NA how many years to win their first major in CS? And it has bern 5 years since any western team reach a final in league in both MSI and world's.

This is how it's done in esports, otherwise CS would have 13 EU teams, 1 Na, 1 SA and 1 Asia team. League would be 6 Kr, 6 China, 1 sea, 1 Jp and 2 western teams., but ofc when its not China nobody actually complaints about free spots.

posted 1 week ago

RRQ will be the 5th with monyet, trust

posted 1 week ago
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