Flag: International
Registered: June 24, 2023
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 7:43 PM
Posts: 167
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NA 2 playoff teams EU 3

posted 16 hours ago

PRX got to grand finals in champions last year playing reyna in ascent and bind

posted 2 days ago

reyna's blind is the only thing that can be utilized consistently. You cant relay on her dismiss or heal that you can only use after getting a kill

Clove has smokes which are better than all reyna abilities if you compare them one to one. And her ult is actually useful. The orb thing is meh but you can try to combo it with other utils

posted 2 days ago

I didnt search about it, your post was on "recent discussions"

posted 2 days ago

Any agent is viable, this is an fps game, you shoot them, they die

Nah actually if Reyna can be viable in pro play then clove surely can

posted 2 days ago

If neon's wall is doing damage she can be more viable. Rn she is weak against cypher trips

posted 2 days ago

I thought the post was gonna be about "prove it or I will kill you"

posted 2 days ago
  1. FUT (FUT haters will be making kebab for living after this tourney)
  2. PRX (They were already favorites and with the viper nerfs they got buffed a lot, If I wasnt a delusional FUT fan I would put them at no 1)
  3. fnatic
  4. geng
  5. G2
  6. 100T
  7. TH (Sorry but you have standin guys)
  8. EDG
posted 4 days ago

stand in btw

posted 6 days ago

womp womp

posted 1 week ago

lets see if tenz can top this play in shangai

oh wait

posted 1 week ago

actually true, just dont revert the nerfs and nerf dash anyway

posted 1 week ago

do you have any suggestions for aimlabs maps? do I just spam gridshot or are theree any useful maps

and I'm doing tier 5 events too (played a rib tourney today first time) but I need enough individual skill to hit radiant or I simply won't be able to shoot back against actual good players

posted 2 weeks ago

make jett's dash not instant but more like how much time yoru takes to tp because thats the only broken thing about her kit

then revert the previous changes to her cloudburst and updraft cause they werent as broken as dash

posted 2 weeks ago

he has the best harbor in the world imo, icebox and when pearl comes back idk if pancada would be able to replicate that

posted 2 weeks ago

its over

posted 2 weeks ago

I think it only worked because teams didnt know how to play against it.

They played retakes like they did against the default comp but FUT had 2 sentinels to hold down the sites in retakes

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah soloq'ing is definitely a problem for me lol but I dont think any of my teammates can play the game as much time as I do

posted 2 weeks ago

I feel like when I play, I am aware of what I'm doing and I know when I should take space or when I should hold back but obviously I might be biased because I am me and I never got my vod reviewed by someone better than me. I think my aim (like micro adjustments) are my weaknesses and I feel like aiming is something that you just have or dont have. And I tilt a lot when my teammates make stupid mistakes (not like bad aim but bad decisions or not listening to comms) or when I get toxic/passive aggressive teammates

I review my vod and try to understand why I whiff so much but I think it all comes down to small movement or aim mistakes that I don't have an answer about how to fix

posted 2 weeks ago

I have 3k hours and was faceit level 10 in cs but I switched valo too late unfortunately (like mid 2022 when I started actually playing ranked)

I have 1.5k hours or so in valo, I feel like I should have already been high imm3 or radiant if I had what it takes to be pro

posted 2 weeks ago

genetics should play role to some extent, look at the examples from cs and valo

Scream - Nivera
MiniBoo - Boo
Forsaken - xcurrate (and they had 2 more brothers? idk)
Niko - Hunter
sergej - jimphatt
freakzoid - Cooper
hen1 - lucas1

the chances of going pro are lower than %0.001 but theres a lot of examples of 2 relatives making money off a game

posted 2 weeks ago

I peaked at imm2 8 months ago or so a while after i bought a new pc (my old pc was a shit laptop) but I havent been able to peak further and most of the acts I have been hardstuck asc3/imm1 with sometimes hitting imm2 (my peak is 178rr)

when I play scrims with my team against imm3+ players I actually play well in a coordinated environment so its not like I am getting destroyed vs good players but I just cant do good in ranked since I cant carry well with my role (smoke/sentinel) and I dont have the best mental. But someone like nats can carry ranked playing the same role so its not like its impossible

I look at the trackers of pro players and they all were always imm3/radiant and none of them had a phase like mine. is it over for me and do I just give up? Is it possible to improve in the game after some point or is it just genetics

posted 2 weeks ago

infamous -patitek +patitek

posted 2 weeks ago

when we face LEV and 100T, they will be making kebab for us

posted 3 weeks ago

How does Riot decide which organizations are allowed to host third party events or not?

If Afreeca, Convergence, RedBull can host third party events, what is stopping ESL from hosting those kind of events? Does Riot not allow big organisations to host them because they are afraid that it could replace the franchising as the tier 1 events

posted 3 weeks ago

I could see PRX having the balls to do that

posted 3 weeks ago

its already broken in ranked

posted 3 weeks ago

judge was in a good space bur nerfed

posted 3 weeks ago

he was good but not even the best of 2023, he was only best player of champs

leo and alfa were better than him in 2023, maybe even aspas and less as well

posted 3 weeks ago

get tuyz, hes in the shadow of less rn but hes very good

posted 3 weeks ago

-ascent -breeze +new map +haven

posted 3 weeks ago

I wanted BBL to make it but at least nats is in playoffs

posted 4 weeks ago

gurbetci gurbetciyi gurbette.. unluko for bbl

posted 4 weeks ago

ofc brother

posted 4 weeks ago

Group A: FNC, KC qualified. Vitality is out. The third team is either BBL or TL with BBL qualifying is so much more likely

For TL to guarantee qualifying, they need to win 2-0 and BBL needs to lose 0-2

If TL wins 2-1 and BBL loses 0-2, OR TL wins 2-0 and BBL loses 1-2, then TL needs to win by round diff (which is +15 vs -21 so its very unlikely). If BBL wins 17 rounds in total, then they qualify even if they get 0-2'd (they can win like 15 rounds and still qualify as long as TL doesnt win 13-0 13-0 though lol)

Group B:

Navi qualified, GIANTX and KOI are out.

If FUT wins even 1 map, they guarantee qualifying and the other place is between TH and M8

If M8 loses even 1 map, they are out, and FUT and TH qualify

So M8 should win 2-0 and get past a team by round diff (+28 vs +11 vs their -6 right now). It will be a two way tie between them and TH though unless FUT loses 0-2, then it will be a 3 way tie. M8 should lose only 8 rounds to get past TH. If they lose 9 rounds then its a draw between them and TH.

posted 4 weeks ago

she'll still be 75%+ on bind easily

posted 1 month ago

Harbor is great on icebox unlike Breeze, I could see some teams adding Harbor to their comp

posted 1 month ago

cant wait for them to remove icebox and breeze next act right after the nerf and no one in ranked plays her kek

posted 1 month ago

As a viper main and a vct enjoyer, heres how I think Viper will be played out in the meta

Breeze: I think she'll still have a 100% pickrate here since Harbor doesnt really have anything over her.

Icebox: I think Harbor over Viper is an option now. There are walls on B and A that you can do that you cant do with Viper. Like the B wall that goes deep in ct, or the one that covers orange, ct window, heaven and snowman. There are also some retake walls on B that can be used instead of the Viper B orb. And wall lasts 3 seconds longer than viper's. Though I can see teams still play Viper just because of the mid orb. Maybe we will see more Viper+Harbor. If teams decide to run Harbor, solo then the way they play the map will completely change though

Bind: I think Viper is still good here. You can do the same default setup every round and be fine. The only downside is after you take A, you cant take the orb back to use for post

Sunset, Ascent: Viper wasnt as dominant on these maps so she will be irrelevant now

Lotus, Split: I think we will still see viper here and there but I think people will stop using Viper. Omen + Astra can also be used i think

Pearl: Viper + Harbor still has potential imo

Haven: Probably back to double init meta

Fracture: Similar to Lotus, Split. She will be a niche pick


posted 1 month ago

his viper wasnt even the best, he was just good at clicking heads and he still will be able to do that on kj

posted 1 month ago

it used to be 8 seconds years ago but they nerfed it because she had 2 mollies

now they removed a molly but they don't revert the first nerf they did (same shit as skye nerfs)

riot is a joke

posted 1 month ago

KC 2-4
VIT 2-4 kek

posted 1 month ago

I wanna see a team that has woot, cned and alfa. maybe with mrfallin and atakaptan

posted 1 month ago

raze/jett yes

killjoy/cypher yes

viper/omen yes

skye/kayo and gekko. But then again you also have sova/fade and can simply decide to play without flash init

all inits other than breach are competing with each other imo but the meta for the other 3 roles are very boring

posted 1 month ago

Even in his most picked maps, he still has low non mirror winrate (including fracture and haven)

Flash is the easiest to dodge, stun is basically cosmetic. You're better off picking other flash initiators. I dont understand why pros pick him

posted 1 month ago

-ascent -breeze +fracture +haven

posted 1 month ago

woot is like a mix of demon1, leo, alfajer and less on steroids and he can play all agents. he will destroy any team now

posted 1 month ago

he wasn’t a classic nerdy computer kid in school he was one of the ones to get a girlfriend first and a very social person typical for alfajer is that he is very determined ist egal obs jetzt beim kartenspielen ist oder beim tischtennis oder beim computer er gibt nicht auf what he really wants is to win a champions it’s his dream and therefore it’s also my dream for him to get that

posted 1 month ago
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