Flag: Ireland
Registered: August 6, 2022
Last post: May 27, 2023 at 9:12 AM
Posts: 65
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Bro said FURIA....Bwahahahaha

posted about a year ago

Delaware maybe too...no sales tax. Are you shipping it home? Shipping would be cheaper from Virginia or Delaware too. Right into a container and right on a ship.

posted about a year ago

FUR getting 13-0'd on Fracture....what are you smoking.

posted about a year ago

Austin, TX

posted about a year ago

make sure you are back here after the match. your comment is going to age like crap...and then we all get to laugh in your face.

posted about a year ago

I think this is going to boil down to which TEAM plays more like a team. The individual fire power hasn't seemed to be much of a factor thus far in the Americas...There are no super teams...Loud plays the best team game and C9 is doing the same.

posted about a year ago

This won't be close. 100T is going to break out the week...cause some real trouble for LEV and NRG later this week too and they will smash KRU....you heard it here first. 2-0 today.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oooooooooooooooooooooo. got it. that makes sense...

posted about a year ago

why "sadly"?

posted about a year ago

If there aren't upsets, why play? There will be upsets in all 3 leagues all season long...

posted about a year ago

This is the best of the bunch. Legit.

posted about a year ago

everyone who wasn't in the same bracket with FNC is suspect!

posted about a year ago

No one in EMEA can even touch FNC....

1) FNC


2- 10) who cares!

posted about a year ago

So you'd all agree that NRG would get crushed by Fnatics?

posted about a year ago

The post and comments are going to age badly...you are writing off teams with ZERO information. You are raising LEV up on your shoulders...they didn't even move to LA yet..they are going to struggle with LIFE...you guys are not seeing the franchising pic...NRG is good, but they hit their ceiling and won't get better.

posted about a year ago

terrible....so overrated...sickening to watch.

posted about a year ago

now is 100T the best team in NA again???

posted about a year ago

you should be bashing the crap out of Navi...this is a joke!!!! They SUCK!!!!!

posted about a year ago

shut up...you are all bashing 100T for getting thumped by Fnatics...Na'Vi getting CRUSHED....embarrassed, humbled, made to look like fools...also!

posted about a year ago

So far I haven't believed in the "super team", but maybe by the end of the weekend Navi or Fnatics take it all...I'll believe...HOWEVER if Loud wins it all, then the "Super" team concept is still a losing proposition in my mind.

posted about a year ago


140 pts...going to win the Fnatics match too.

posted about a year ago

I'll see you back here in 6 hours....then be a man and admit how dumb you are.

posted about a year ago

Brazilian Hopium....Let's see what happens before you start lifting trophies....LEV has to beat Navi before you start adding them to the top tier and 100T has to beat Fnatics....we'll see who "looks bad in 4 days...maybe you are right, but I doubt it.

posted about a year ago

Good post. Makes sense and I agree.

posted about a year ago

ummmm...let me think. basically every player not from China list?

posted about a year ago

I have them going to the final 4 and then losing...not sleeping on them at all. They are stacked.

posted about a year ago


Got a little loose at the bottom of the bracket, but all came out in the end...not bad

posted about a year ago

They players and live fans are very unhappy with the venue choice and location selection...I'm sure the intentions were good, but it's remote, No A/C in the venue, the practice rooms were hot, small and cramped for the first group. The Pro's are there to compete and all this other "back ground noise" is just a mild distraction for most...let's just move on...some good matches today.

posted about a year ago

because I'm right. the final 4 will be C9, NRG, 100T and Liquid.

posted about a year ago

NA is looking strong my boys...all you EU Lovers aren't liking the way things are shaping up...your living in the past! NA has some powerhouse teams...Deal with it! C9, NRG, 100T (i'd say SEN too, but they lose to 100t in round of 8) and Liquid are making final 4...you heard it here first!

posted about a year ago

There are NA teams that might lose 1st round, but 100T isn't one of them.

posted about a year ago

No...they can't. They are going to get rocked and sent home...this is a huge step up for them...not going to happen...they will lose both games 13-8...

posted about a year ago

Long flight for one match....see ya!

posted about a year ago

Great players are just part of a team. No one is winning without a great IGL, great coaching staff and awesome comms....I don't give a shit who your "best" player is. Best players lose in tournaments all the time!

posted about a year ago

Solid team. Should have tried to put it together earlier to have some time to practice...

posted about a year ago

Any business that relies on Sponsorships to pay people can't really say they are profitable. Profitable companies would need to drive enough revenue from their business model to run without sponsors or investors...so I'd say NO, none are profitable.

posted about a year ago

There is NO WAY that they threw that first match. They lost! Flat out got beat...no excuses, no b.s.

posted about a year ago

He just went OFF again...100T with the big W to open it up.

posted about a year ago

Who had USA 1 - Iran Nil? None of you??? Oh right...you were all losers. USA USA USA!!!!!

posted about a year ago

Incorrect....bye Iran!

posted about a year ago

100T confirmed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

so far you are right on the money

posted about a year ago

Ok...this is going to be a Banging Payback Match...Team Brax in 2....13-10; 14-12 in OT. Super close all the way.

posted about a year ago

Sorry. I had it wrong....13-8....hehehehe

posted about a year ago

Wow...what a match up. This is gonna be a BANGER! I'll go Brax 13-10.....

posted about a year ago

Well....it doesn't matter now, does it boys....that was a good old fashioned ass whoopin'

posted about a year ago
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