Flag: Australia
Registered: March 17, 2021
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Posts: 192
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I hope that link is a rickroll

posted about 2 years ago

Lorde, Solar Power is what you need right now my guy

posted about 2 years ago

From a results perspective it's pretty undeniably 1st place Engh. Then the other big hitters would be Sliggy (liquid), NBS (Ascend), Mini (Fnatic) and Onur (Ex - KRU).

I'd also like to shout out the former immortals coaches Gunba and Packing10 who have since their start on the LA Valiant in Overwatch had an amazing eye for player scouting. (some of the top of my head, asuna, dicey, neptune, JCstani, JonahP and Genghsta in Val. aswell as KSP, Dreamer, Shax, Lastro and Rain in Overwatch league)

Coaching is really hard to judge without an inside perspective in how the team operates but all of the above have very good references from their players and other coaches, with the results to back them up.

posted about 2 years ago

Gotta add an amendment to the flair section that the only correct options is Bonkers

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

when cars

posted about 2 years ago

In terms of the role, its the guy who wants to play a second duelist but spends all their time on KAYO and Skye

In terms of these boys, anyone who plays like more than 2 agents apparently qualifies

posted about 2 years ago

Hard boiled

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Trust me, Kone is the way to salvation big man

posted about 2 years ago

Bonkers, Bonkers or Bonkers

posted about 2 years ago

This should be difficult

posted about 2 years ago

Why does everyone keep calling nukkye's team G2 when its clearly pronounced T2

posted about 2 years ago

T200 take

posted about 2 years ago

Good to see Calypso leaving his days of TSM behind him for the one truth that is bonkers

posted about 2 years ago

Bonkers Baby, Gotta rep the boys

posted about 2 years ago

nvm, I should look at twitter more

posted about 2 years ago

guessing probably AimDLL as the flex (kayo, skye, secondary duelist and sage) that's the role he was playing for desyre and it's roughly in line with the 2nd duelist sentinel flex role he had on SMB

posted about 2 years ago

can't wait to watch one half of old smb (Izzy and Brave) vs the other half of old smb (paura and Turko). All we need now is giants to make their way to EMEA challengers

posted about 2 years ago

smooth brain take

posted about 2 years ago

The coach you need is former immortals coach gunba, just gotta pull him back from his return to coaching OWL. But gunba is actually amazing
at what he does

posted about 2 years ago

mate just check the profile and look at the post, it truly is the one and only

posted about 2 years ago

I hecking love Trembolona batchest

posted about 2 years ago

Who knows, maybe this time he will be able to play the Jett one trick with a level of depth and entry capabilities that won't hamstring the teams secondary duelist to try and cover for his "unique" playstyle

posted about 2 years ago

So I'm reading this tweet and thinking 2 things

  1. Fucking finally, god I hope TSM build around a regular system instead of trying to force a core around the players who were grandfathered in from the early success of the TSM valorant roster.

  2. This tweet heavily implies that agency over the roster was not in the hands of the teams general manager which probably explains a lot about why Wardell and Subroza lasted so long on broken roles that didn't fit into any team system since 1st strike NA

Lowkey want my hot take to fix this roster, Sign Packing10 as coach build around Corey, Rossi (playing sentinel and secondary smokes) and Levi then integrate a regular jett entry player (there are plenty of cracked out jett players in T2 to chose from) and a hard smokes player who will commit to playing Astra/Omem/Brim/Viper. Then suddenly I think the in game decisions from TSM rapidly improve because Rossi will be calling from a normal structure instead of the broken TSM system that played so incredibly different to any other team style that any shot calling skills from other teams are basically non-transferable

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah they're trying to play their roles from previous teams but those roles don't work in the TSM system. For example Corey can't really play secondary duelist flex properly in a system where his not playing with a main duelist entry player,

Corey was never the entry for Faze he was the reliable clean up man who capitalized on Babybay's aggression something he can't do next to wardell because wardell is the most defensive jett in NA and recently spends 80% of his time on Chamber which is great for clicking heads, not so good for creating opportunities, as such Corey becomes incredibly inconstant trying to play sole entry from a role that isn't Jett.
Levi is actually playing really well statistically and passes the eye test on sova, I think the big issue for levi is when he has to flex of the Sova (with a side of breach and skye) role onto secondary smokes to cover for subroza being the hard dedicated skye player while also trying to be the main smoker.
And as for Rossy my god this kid has it hard because of the broken TSM system, First of he comes from immortals as an IGL and Sentinel player, now throw him into TSM and his suddenly playing hard smokes and flexing to conventional sentinels for the 2 instances where wardell isn't on chamber and Subroza isn't on skye. Now I know what your saying, ok but that doesn't make up the decision making being awful. Well of course the decision making is going to be broken. Rossy comes from Immortals who were very blatantly a farm team and ran a very normal system, the same normal system pretty much every other team uses, then you have the TSM system which doesn't play like anything else and as such has drastically different win cons, approaches a site in completely different ways. Of course Rossy (or any other IGL for the people shouting Zander at the screen right now) is going to struggle to make the TSM system work.

TSM at their best is one dimensional and inconstant at their worst is a dumpster fire of beautifully machined bolt on's attached to an engine with a hole through the side of the block.....

posted about 2 years ago

Guessing Texture benched him by playing better. Given Texture is playing damn well its really not that unreasonable to assume that Texture was just better in scrims

posted about 2 years ago

Really an unfortunate case of NA esports inflation, though most of these teams could likely afford the buyout for Zander it's generally a lot more complicated than that. Each team has a budget and different ambitions. Faze is a good example of this, realistically no matter what supporting cast surrounds babybay the brand image stays the same and the merch sales and sponsorship opportunities stay the same. Esports like all sports is 90% brand marketing and 10% results.

It's all about the simple question of investment, for an established org like Faze, TSM or 100t is the difference in results going to result in a significant enough difference in income. Is a winning roster going to be more marketable than a well branded roster (this question actually launced a legendary montage series in overwatch called "blank is marketable"). So is the difference between Zander and ec1s worth the difference in buyout.

Aswell there is also that matter of finding a player that fits the system, wants to play for the team (I could see some issues from players who don't want to have to play around the political issues of TSM and having to build around the flawed Wardell/Subrossa Core) and isn't wanted more by another team who will play more. As well some of these signings could have already been made before the prominence of Zander in T2 meaning teams are already committed

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, The Guard are owned by the same ownership group (Kroenke Sports & Entertainment) as the Los Angeles Gladiators Overwatch League team and the Los Angeles Guerrillas Call Of Duty League Team. (They also own the LA Rams and Arsenal F.C.)

So yeah, if they're spending in Overwatch is anything to go by money is probably not an issue

posted about 2 years ago

The Trembolona waiting room be like

posted about 2 years ago

I'm assuming by 'fine' he means buyout and that the mans first language was Portuguese not English, which is a fair miss translation

posted about 2 years ago

The bag has been dropped

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly I expected more hype from Mr Mwzera himself

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair, Valorant has a number of incidents of teams with Coaches in the calls or even main calling for teams in the past. From recent examples like G2 in the challengers qualifier or to historical examples like Ascent in masters 1 2021. Coaches in the calls aint a new thing in Valorant. Is the suspension warranted yes probably, is it going to be a long term measure, I doubt. T1 have a lot invested in David Dennis and the system he has built around this team so it's unlikely his gone

posted about 2 years ago

On the bright side he could get a gig with the english cricket team. Took a team of Aussies 2 weeks to get him out, we had all the poms out in a couple of hours.

posted about 2 years ago

Its ok, after Apac 3 spots for every region within apac. Except South Asia who get 2 and ANZ who get 1. Like wat, the fuck does Vietnam need 3 spots for. But anyway life is pain, yet still I will watch the game

posted about 2 years ago

idk the only thing you could really say I own that's an "investment" is my car, Which somehow in the current fucked Australian second hand car market has gone up to 25k-26k from 18k-19k. But an assets really only worth something if you plan on selling it so I guess 0, just a poor man with a fun car now :(

posted about 2 years ago

"Sometimes I like to hang out with people who aren't that bright, Just to see how the other half lives" - Mike Ross
Seems applicable here, like you ever watched a TSM game?

posted about 2 years ago

Mate, china's top 4 is pretty clearly Totoro, TOE, Edward and KONE. order is up for grabs recently but they're pretty clearly head and shoulders above the rest of the region. Will be interesting to see how the 2 apac last chance spots for china are allocated

posted about 2 years ago

See the thing that is terrifying about that is that Sinatraa powered faze would be incredibly dangerous as a roster.

posted about 3 years ago
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