Flag: Australia
Registered: March 17, 2021
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 10:47 AM
Posts: 192
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Well in line with your current taste, May I invite you into the cult of despair known as the Tifosi. You can always count on just a good enough attempt from Ferrari to bring your hopes up, a few shining moments then have it all come crashing back down. Seems like your kind of thing

posted about a year ago

I mean most of the player on jett can play the jett substitutes (e.g. Raze, Neon, Chamber when he was busted) and sage for times like jett free icebox and stuff. But most of the properly flexible jetts especially in apac have moved to supportive roles

posted about a year ago

refer to flair

posted about a year ago

legit by the looks of things a copy paste of the official standings

posted about a year ago

yeah, this kind of aged like milk

posted about a year ago

Given the move to disguised would in theory mean a return to main jett I'm really interested to see how he translates to post jett dash re-work jett. Given chamber dominance over his run with Optic and their tendency to run chamber jett with victor on jett. There is very few game's we've seen Yay play post re-work jett (even though the change happened so long ago). This does actually have some relevance due the huge nerf to holding angles which was yay's exceptional talent on both chamber and pre-rework jett (see masters run at berlin for context). Might be interesting to see how he plays the newer more entry oriented jett. Should be good to watch

posted about a year ago

mate any good Australian will tell you that they didn't come here to fuck spiders

posted about a year ago

I mean IRN BRU is kind of a goated soft drink tbh

posted about a year ago

nah thats just a babybay stripper gram, you can order them from any good Faze merch shop

posted about a year ago

Mans about to join bleed in apac for a cool 1 million. Easy life sorted after a 2 year contract

posted about a year ago

So its going to be like quarter finals before we get to see 100 thieves play a real opponent. Like they have such a free bracket. Other than how in form people are at clicking heads I really don't think we're going to be able to tell if they're doing well or not when they play the worse chinese team then either the worst apac team or the worst emea team

posted about a year ago

Damn, man got exposed as the worst thing possible 6 years ago a weeb and a dumb teenager.

Also that "friends" level of jealousy is kind of a bruh moment

posted about a year ago

To be fair, I'd say babybays tenure within top level OWL and to a lesser extent VCT do redeem the CS Vac ban from 2015 is a very long time ago is kind of irrelevant from a legitimacy assessment since its kind of impossible to play at a tier 1 level under as much scrutiny as early OWL without an extensive background/ integrity competitive check.

posted about a year ago

Just a question real quick, what are the roles for this team going 2 look like 2 jett/duelist player and 2 sentinel players plus shazam on sova/fade seems really odd. Is OXY or penny going to transition over to the flex/flashes kind of role? do we see Wippie or Dapr transition to full time smokes? Idk if this is going to work out to great

posted about a year ago

Go emulate pokemon fire red, easy couple hours time sink

posted about a year ago

Both had there rosters leaked for months but made an announcement video's are pretty quality and memorable (even if a bit cring), lets hope the other EU (/couple remaining americas) teams can follow suit

Edit: NVM the giants one is a banger

posted about a year ago

Ardiss copped the biggest NA money bag from NRG, Hence why his off to buy a lambo

posted about a year ago

I'd probably like to throw in a few more names Corey, Bazzi.
Also like a lot of Val coaches came from overwatch;
eMIL from liquid, Lateks from giants, XQQ from zeta, ddx from Kru, Juv3nile on TSM

posted about a year ago

To be fair they are co-owned by activision, bit of a call of duty moment. But honestly with the development hell it went through I'm just happy its here and in a position to make producing content profitable and thus create more content in the game

posted about a year ago

It aint football unless; goals are worth 6 and behinds are worth 1, there are rugby level tackles without pads, Collingwood chokes a grand final or 2, someone takes a hail Mary punt for goals from a few hundred metres back, kids are only going to Auskick to play poison ball at the start and your old man is talking about how footy was better back in his day. Gotta love some true blue football

posted about a year ago

peas (like highkey worst vegetable), love me some overwatch 2 right now

posted about a year ago

real shot at least from a financial aspect probably a fair shout to look at a way to limit cash flow. Maybe not full cut off but definitely hard cap the financial side to add some more stability. I know its available on a lot of betting apps and such if not separate account with limited amount transferred into it could be another option. Hope its looking better

posted about a year ago

I aint complaining :)

posted about a year ago

Anyone know whether Chinese players are considered to be part of the APAC region (given the game isn't out in china still I think)? and to follow up would they count towards being import players if signed outside of Pacific teams?

posted about a year ago

You don't even no the meaning of dead region until you have been an OCE believer

posted about a year ago

So the thing I'm wondering here is does the single import player rule completely prevent OCE players from getting into tier 1 outside of the single greatest cinderella promotion story of all time.

With the announced partnered teams for APAC, it would be a small miracle for one of the very clearly regionalized teams within APAC to sign an OCE team. Of course OCE players are able to play on any pacific team but given the nationality of teams likely to appear within APAC the number that would also communicate in English is roughly 0 (granted maybe I'm just unaware of some regions that prefer to com in English e.g. I remember hearing somewhere that a dominant French Overwatch preferred to com in English because it was more efficient).

Import rules prevent any team from having more than 1 import player from a different region on a team. Unfortunately for OCE this means that OCE players are going to be in direct competition for spots within American rosters (since imports are less common in EU and the cultural/language barrier is a lot less) with any other import players from EU and APAC players. If you were the GM of a partnered team would you rather hedge your single import slot on a tested EU veteran, a rising international star from APAC or take a punt on the one guy who looks really good in Tier 2 OCE.

As such I suggest that the best long term decision to support OCE players within Tier 1 Valorant would be to attach the region back to NA/Americas like 2021 LCQ so that they don't have to compete for the import roster slot in the most likely completive region to bring OCE players to Tier 1.

posted about a year ago

The rumor is bobo are likely to sign with renegades

posted about a year ago

My passport is saying Order to 2:0
My brain is saying banger match
My Heart is saying order go to lan

posted about a year ago

All the players and engh are still signed to gambit. But in order to compete with current sanctions they play under M3C. It basically means that if someone wanted to buyout the M3C roster then they would have to buyout the gambit contracts also (for example what happened with Gambits CS roster moving to C9)

posted about 2 years ago

old mate, this really did age like unpasteurized milk

posted about 2 years ago

Aswell as why One Breath could get into EU last chance last year by buying out the core of forZe they gained forZe's LCQ spot

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly I would bump the non-emea chances given there is a strong probability that a lot of visa issues regarding Russian players could almost nuke 2 EMEA teams leaving fnatic as the only hope for EU. There is decent odds KRU will be the highest placing team at Champs to be able to play at iceland. Feelsvisaproblemsman

posted about 2 years ago

So basically from I can tell ownership behind Andbox, NYXL (the owl team) and Subliners (the CDL team). Has made the call to push their whole org around their most successful branding NYXL I'd say its for multiple reasons. A. NYXL was easily the stronger brand than ANDBOX B. It allows them to pivot their stronger NYXL branding into venturers other than Overwatch which diversifies their presence and has them less tied to a games esports success (which given the stability of Blizzard higher management is very smart from a business perspective). C. It allows them to conveniently close the chapter business venture of ANDBOX as a clothing line which I'm assuming wasn't super successful

posted about 2 years ago

wait until M3 qualify and can't make it, that day will be actual pain

posted about 2 years ago

Easy Gunba stonks, hope the man does well with his return to Overwatch League

posted about 2 years ago

Its time for an old copy pasta from trills Overwatch days


Don't spam it to much I would like to spread the history

posted about 2 years ago

Its kind of just an Australia moment tbh... great potential then through a bunch of non game related obstacles in the way give it 5 years and the talent will have integrated through into other region teams and Australia will return to being a farm region for the very few players lucky enough to escape the island.

kind of hit in CSGO with 5 aussies mixed across t1 cs. Idk I don't know much about CS

definitely happened in Overwatch with Team Australia putting up a stellar run at multiple world cups blizcon but only 4 players total making it the league and only 2 really getting play time (Rip Trill and Adam). Then another OCE player colourhex making it to the league then imediatly getting flexed onto a completely different role because they needed someone to fill the gap...

fighting game players are all still stuck on the island

posted about 2 years ago

no, unfortunately he could not get a passport. Big sad

posted about 2 years ago

Easy for Bonkers, 1st stop on their way to crush gambit at masters

posted about 2 years ago

I can not discriminate on who it is that I hate, everyone needs some hate in their lives :)

posted about 2 years ago

Can I write for over.gg instead?

posted about 2 years ago

There results and eye test have definitely improved since they moved Bazzi over to Jett. It's really nice to see the return to his days on C9 Korea

posted about 2 years ago

Feelsbadman for bonkers :(

posted about 2 years ago

Just a heads up this speculation is in relation to association to current world events in the Ukraine and Russia*

If I'm repeating something that been bought up prior then I apologies but as a person who follows motor racing I'm seeing a lot of rumors surrounding governing bodies restricting drivers like Danil Kyvat and Nikita Mazepin from competing. And though I would hope Riot don't follow suit in preventing players of Russian citizenship from competing at offline international events the precedence would likely be there in other sporting/(esports with the blast premiere restrictions in CSGO).

To circle back to Version 1, given they are currently looking like a very strong contender within NA to make it to Master 1 a potential outlaw of Russian players could unfortunately hit them with the same issue they had on their last trip to Iceland with Wippie being unable to compete. However the more unfortunate issue I would like to raise is the potential for the current situation to not result in a blanket exclusion of Russian players, however the political nature of the conflicts having an adverse effect on Russian Visa's and travel which is an issue Wippie has already had in the past (pre-conflict) which I could only imagine could result in him missing Masters 1 if the team did qualify to represent NA.

posted about 2 years ago

The key word there being 'were', didn't say they are anymore. It's amazing the difference playing Ardiis on Jett made for FPX's results but also it shows that they're not allergic to duelist's anymore. If only a certain other team would follow the same lesson.

posted about 2 years ago

It's pretty unlikely we see hiko out, from what I remember hearing they need to retain at least 3 players to maintain their invite to VCT (granted no idea how that effects them after they've started playing, though its likely a similar rule to prevent invite spots being sold to organizations without the majority of the roster having in some way earned that spot). So with steel and seven on T1, boi (actually I don't know what his doing), dicey on Faze and Nitro playing CSGO. They really can't sub hiko out and can probably only replace him in VCT with a temp stand in for exceptional circumstances

posted about 2 years ago

G2 were the TSM of EU, really good at the start of the game then trying to constantly throw a bunch of new talent at the issue while still holding onto their broken core of players. Giving you just enough hopium to keep the fan base alive

FPX were the soniqs of EU. Clinging onto former glory while barely fighting in the T2 scene, Throw some roster changes in around the core but it doesn't make a huge difference and an unknown allergy to playing duelists.

posted about 2 years ago

Here I was thinking G2 were the TSM of EU, When really they were the 100 thieves of EU. Unfortunate really

posted about 2 years ago

Um, ok but like are these boys the 100t of EU now

posted about 2 years ago
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