Flag: United States
Registered: May 5, 2022
Last post: April 22, 2024 at 10:18 PM
Posts: 131
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peepee advantage

posted 1 month ago

Bro you're 100% in your feels right now lol

posted 9 months ago

Well that just sounds like cope because NA is currently rank uno, homie. Deal with that shit. Be mad if you want, but deal with it.


posted 9 months ago

Also aspas and D1 traded 20 for 19 kills. So relax. Neither owned the other at all. And take EG out of your name ya poser. Lol

posted 9 months ago

D1 had more. :]

I don't even dislike aspas, I'm just slinging shit back at yall for the shitty little shots you're taking. Yet I call him "AssPads" and HUP! You're pissed! XD

posted 9 months ago

Buddy if we're gonna start singling out countries WITHIN regions for shit talk it gets real sad, real quick for you, idiot. XD

Relax. EMEA sucks at the moment. It happens

posted 9 months ago

Pussy fake account. NA in the finals. Get bent

posted 9 months ago

U sound mad, kid. Fnatic went home. cope

posted 9 months ago

AssPads couldn't do it. :P

posted 9 months ago

Relax, SPAIN. Keep cheering for the zero players that ever come from your country. XD

posted 9 months ago

AssPads couldn't hang I guess. :]

posted 9 months ago

This didn't age well xD

posted 9 months ago

Brazilian fans are nerved out right now.

posted 9 months ago

A month ago I would have agreed with you, but when you beat LOUD on Ascent, which is one of their strongest maps, and then absolutely destroy them on Lotus... I dunno man. They've clearly been brushing up on strats with lotus and ascent

posted 9 months ago

Fnatic got slapped, bro. They didn't look better than LOUD so what do you want? Lol

posted 9 months ago

And would still slap the bitch outa you in a 1v1 any day xD

posted 9 months ago

Split would get banned. Prx is gonna try and force LOUD into a map that they're not comfortable on. Assuming LOUD get past EG. If it's EG vs Prx in a rematch then Prx bans pearl and fracture 100% and then pick their strongest map. Which is basically getting control of half the picks and bans right out of the gate. Then they still get one more ban after EG selects a map.

posted 9 months ago

It could always happen, but it would be an astronomical upset if it did. Riot's finalist advantage is just INSANE for the team that makes it there first. LOUD and EG are great challengers, but I don't think either of them can overcome that ban advantage.

posted 9 months ago

Okay, well now it doesn't really matter who PRX meets in the finals, lol. They pretty much just win on super strong pick/ban advantages. So congratulations PRX! Well earned victory for this event. Great way to send off Jinggg! He deserves it and so do the rest of them. Hard work pays off.

Congratulations PRX

posted 9 months ago

Okay, well now it doesn't really matter who PRX meets in the finals, lol. They pretty much just win on super strong pick/ban advantages. So congratulations PRX! Well earned victory for this event. Great way to send off Jinggg! He deserves it and so do the rest of them. Hard work pays off.

Congratulations PRX

posted 9 months ago

Tell c0m that shit with a straight face. XD

posted 9 months ago

You say that, but if he dunks for 30 here there's gonna be tears ×D

posted 9 months ago

You say that, but if he dunks for 30 here there's gonna be tears ×D

posted 9 months ago

C0M, bro!

HOLY SHITBALLS, that was a great performance. WOW. Dude just made a HUGE impression with that game. My dude came to play for sure.

Doesn't even matter who you're rooting for. Ya gotta respect that. Damn!

posted 9 months ago

Some of the org ownership/management/coaching staff most certainly are, yes. Players don't control the rosters, though. Even though it's fair to say that they'll be granted some creative space to make suggestions or make requests of specific players for their leadership in their orgs to consider, though. IGL's would have the biggest influence, but most just make the best they can out of the rosters they end up with.

I do think that players you're building rosters around should have a little more control over the makeup of the team, though. And in some cases they probably are given a little bit of control, but that also depends on the org.

posted 9 months ago


Buddy... EG is a good team. Stop the fkn cope, little bro. xD

posted 9 months ago

You're silly, they're in the upper final, kid, lol.

posted 9 months ago

Yeah, that was an absolute beatdown. EG got DRX figured out pretty quick.

posted 9 months ago

I promise, it was them overlooking BILIBILI more than anything. They were prepping for EG, PRX and FNATIC and didn't watch a single BILIBILI vod, my dude. Had they been prepped they'd have had answers for BILIBILI which is why EDG can stomp their asses and still lose to EG that hard, and NRG can very much give EG a good match any day.

posted 9 months ago

Of course you don't care if people in Portugal speak Spanish, asshole. I'm just explaining why I mentioned it to begin with. Is your brain literally dead? Wtf? Try using it

And do you know what the reality is, ya clown? Yeah, NA does talk shit first, but it's little PUSSIES like Less who waits for a big lead or to win the match before he talks his shit and acts like a little bitch. Some people think that's smart, but the reality is that he WAITS TO TALK HIS SHIT BECAUSE HE'S TOO BIG OF A PUSSY TO TAKE THE HEAT WHENEVER HE OVERESTIMATES HIMSELF AND HIS TEAM.

Say what you want about NA, but they're the ONLY REGION with the fucking BALLS to talk shit to whoever they fucking want to BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE MATCH. All the other pussy bitches like Less wait until they're sure they can say whatever they want to. And I think that's some WEAKASS, SPINELESS, PATHETIC SHIT. And it's EXACTLY the type of shit that a little coward like YOU would do. Because you're weeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkk, MATTY. You're WEAK and you won't bring your shitty attitude UP FRONT like a fucking man.

Keep being a loud mouthed little coward, kiddo. :D

posted 9 months ago

Você percebe que muitas pessoas em Portugal também falam espanhol, certo? Como você é tão estúpido que não consegue descobrir isso? São países vizinhos, constrangimento de sua família. Eu aprendi menos espanhol do que português, mas trouxe isso para te provar que você não sabe absolutamente nada sobre mim ou qualquer outra pessoa na internet. Pare de fazer suposições estúpidas.

I hesitate to keep using Portuguese because I know my grammar isn't very good and I mix words, but so do you when you speak English. I think you might need to consider not being a bitch. This conversation literally started with me just saying that "every event is NA vs Brazil vs EMEA vs China vs Korea in game, but in the comments it's NA vs everyone else" and it's ONLY because you hate Americans and have prejudice against anyone from America. And like a gift from god you IMMEDIATELY PROVED MY POINT by saying this stupid shit...

"fuck you, NA always trash talk against everybody and when we start to mess with you the cry begins"

Go fuck yourself, "Matty". There are MANY more chill Brazilian's than you out there who don't seethe every second of the day in their hatred and prejudices like you do. You're probably a fkn racist too. Prick

posted 9 months ago

If you think for a second that doesn't mean that a demon like her can't come back and haunt your stupid ass, I promise you you're wrong. She's a socialist idiot who was obsessed with control. xD

posted 9 months ago

Relax, second rate society, or Jacinda's gonna put you bitches back in masks xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

posted 9 months ago

CHICHOO isn't, but KK most certainly got his feels hurt. Boostio's living rent free in that dude's head with him playing like this. He's holding onto that grudge.

posted 9 months ago

NRG was prepping for FNATIC and EG and didn't watch a single fkn BILBILI vod. Sometimes if you disrespect teams that bad they'll just surprise you.

posted 9 months ago

Agreed. CHICHOO channeling his inner s0m right now.

posted 9 months ago

Maybe Boostio's just right. :P

posted 9 months ago

I think Boostio might have busted KK's mental, because this was definitely a quiet series for the little OP king.

posted 9 months ago

Bye bye, BILBILI! Ya mouthy little cunts! :D

See ya later, Whzy! Ya judge dependent little bitch!

I'd say GG, but CHICHOO fucked your shit up map one and you barely scraped by map two. Seethe, BILBILI kiddos. T_T

posted 9 months ago

Well... the obvious response here is to say that both the stinger and specter DEFINITELY require more accuracy than the JUDGE which literally covers like a three foot wide span with each shot xD

But I think that last night proved NA is not just an SMG region with Demon1 busting three caps in 1.5 seconds using the vandal, of all guns. Arguably the hardest gun to make work in the game, lol.

But okay, kid. Cope all you like.

posted 9 months ago
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