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Registered: February 1, 2023
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:29 AM
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thanks for the links. added.

posted 7 hours ago


posted 8 hours ago

I'm not even hating though.

posted 9 hours ago

Yeah I saw this linked somewhere else as well. Kind of adds to the hypocrisy of it.

posted 9 hours ago

I would appreciate a response from you to #140. Also, just because you are frustrated that your argument is getting weaker, that's not a good reason to devolve to ad hominems.

posted 9 hours ago

Yeah, i saw that too. I'm doing my best to engage genuinely though.

posted 9 hours ago

"I don’t even know what to say to this, I think this is ridiculous frankly but I can see I won’t change your mind. You have just decided to think that way without anything concrete to base it off of."

Because it is literally true. If a public figure sits by on the side while something happens, it means they functionally approve it because they aren't acting to stop it. It's very simple.

posted 13 hours ago

bro is mad his copy-paste spam got deleted

posted 13 hours ago

I have no idea why you're so hyper focused on gender. I made the thread about Yinsu (and Kaquka) because those were the two tweets I saw from a thread on the valorant competitive subreddit. Their gender has nothing to do with anything. And by the way, with all the things you're trying to imply, you're assuming that I'm a certain gender.

I think Yinsu didn't voice opposition because 1. she didn't voice any opposition publicly(which was the most important thing to do) and 2. she was on the desk and seemed to have fun with Steel's segment. As a public figure, not voicing opposition to something means you functionally approve of it.

If Tombizz was on the cast that day/saw the yay segment, then yes, everything I said here applies to him too. Tombizz's tweet didn't get reposted everywhere because he isn't as promiment as a figure as Yinsu and Kaquka. So sorry I didn't see Tombizz's tweet I guess? And back when Steel did the segment, I voiced disagreement about it and him specifically. There is no mysterious targeting of only female talent here.

With respect to Sideshow and Platchat, yes, the US gov does many bad things, but living in the US is 100% better than China. In this country you can say "Fuck Trump" and "Fuck Joe Biden" when they are in the most powerful position in the country without repercussions, which is something you cannot do in China. China is a totalitarian country; to say that the US is as totalitarian as China is asinine. And with respect to your Balla point, then kindly explain why Balla has joined the boys in Korea. Debating US vs China further would venture into politics, so let's not go there. The point of me bringing up plat chat was to show that Yinsu has the ability to voice disagreement without repercussions, so she should.

posted 14 hours ago

Yinsu literally created a podcast with Boaster recently that is picking up a following. And now you're just casting slander onto Sideshow's motives, when unlike Yinsu, Sideshow has been decently consistent in boycotting totalitarian regimes.

posted 14 hours ago

That's a really poignant thing to bring up given that Yinsu actually spread this sort of toxicity a while back towards soulcas

posted 14 hours ago

Your response is incoherent and doesn't really make sense to me. Could you reword it? I don't get what it is you're asking. Genuinely asking you to reword so I understand.

posted 14 hours ago

see #140 and the discussion leading up to it

posted 14 hours ago

Also, you see now why I directed you to #114 earlier? You just got two lengthy responses to one comment with overlapping arguments.

posted 14 hours ago

I'm saying that if Sideshow can literally boycott a masters event, making a tweet saying "I think the yay bashing segment on broadcast today was wrong. Let's not spread hate." is not too much to expect from Yinsu if she supposedly cares so much about player's mental health.

posted 15 hours ago

You jumping in on this doesn't change the fact that Chronicle owned you.

posted 15 hours ago

Talk is indeed cheap. Sideshow and the rest of platchat got quite a bit of backlash for boycotting casting in Shanghai, but they did it anyway.

posted 15 hours ago

What is dumb about it? Yes, there are toxic users here, and I discourage that too. How is that relevant to this?

posted 15 hours ago

No, she only has to discourage hate when she sees it, and definitely not encourage it, which is what that EMEA segment did.

posted 15 hours ago


posted 15 hours ago

As an employee, you always have the option to say "I'm not comfortable doing this" or "I think doing this thing is wrong". So even if it was pushed by Riot Production overlords, you have the choice to voice opposition. Or if she didn't know and it just happened while she was on the desk, she has the chance afterwards to say "Hey, I thought this segment was too much." But she didn't. If anything, in her interactions with Steel across various casts, she seems to goad on his hating. And before you try to say "she has to worry about job security", the entirety of plat chat is boycotting casting in Shanghai because of their disagreements with practices of the Chinese government. Making a tweet after the broadcast saying "Hey, i think this segment was harsh and unnecessary. I don't think we should encourage hate on the broadcast." would be appropriate if you truly care about the mental health of players in the scene. The problem I have with her isn't the fact of her defending her boyfriend; that's fine. The problem is that she is admonishing the audience for something she helped encourage towards others.

Now, coming onto what you said in #111. First of all, you are pushing an assumption about production control as fact. And as I said above, you still have the choice as an employee to voice disapproval. Secondly, there is evidence to suggest that the whole segment was planned by the broadcast talent/with broadcast talent approval. If you watch all the discussion that occurred around the time when Americas production showed FNS' stats from the MiBR game in 2023, the conclusions from that were that local production and desk analysts have a lot of control over the show, and if things were left entirely to them, they wouldn't fine anyone for shooting bodies. So if we're going to make assumptions based on data, it is more likely that Yinsu was at the very least passively involved in the creation of the segment.

Lastly, "she doesn't see the effect/toll of other players receiving hate" is such an infuriating and hair-splitting bullshit argument. As a human being capable of fucking logical reasoning, if you/a loved receiving hate negatively affects you, it is fucking OBVIOUS that someone receiving even more intense hate will be affected. In the case of yay, she even DID SEE how it was affecting him because of yay's depressed tweets. So it would be good of her to CONSISTENTLY discourage hate in the community, not only when it comes around to someone she cares about.

To wrap it up, no one is saying defending your loved ones is a bad thing. That is a mischaracterization of this thread. This thread is highlighting her hypocritical act, and the goal of it is to get her to start discouraging excessive hate whenever it happens, which she is in a position to do as a leading broadcast talent.

posted 15 hours ago

What are you yapping about? I was going to respond to you, but someone else already wrote what I was going to say. So I directed you to something someone else already said that I felt was relevant. No point in typing out something twice.

posted 15 hours ago

wait, brother, 21+7 doesn't equal 24...

posted 17 hours ago

Extremely well said

posted 17 hours ago

see #114

posted 17 hours ago


posted 18 hours ago

She is part of the broadcast talent there. She has a voice in what they do. She doesn't need to make a tweet hypocritically preaching to everyone in order to support Boaster.

She doesn't need to be anything other than consistent.

posted 18 hours ago

bruh, this might be worse than not saying anything else about it

posted 19 hours ago

It's different when being a public figure is your job. Surely we can agree that we can do better than being hypocrites 80% of the time?

posted 21 hours ago

For real. They don't even know the exact circumstances of Twisten's departure, so it's even more fucked up.

posted 21 hours ago

She is a public figure. If she wants to preach to the audience about something (which is what her tweet is trying to do), then she needs to be consistent about it.

posted 21 hours ago

It really irked me too. It's so slimy to use someone's tragic death as "a-ha gotcha" card. It's even more slimy when the person doing it is a hypocrite on the issue.

posted 21 hours ago

Literally same. Like it's "yeah shit talk" until "oh no you called our Boaster a fraud. That's toxic"

posted 21 hours ago

I hope so. I like to see people prove haters wrong. While the G2 loss hurt for me as a PRX fan, I can't help but feel happy that the Ascension team is proving that T2 talent is just as good as tier 1 talent.

posted 21 hours ago

I think the boaster shit talk is not ideal, but literally there's been so much worse to other players, and Yinsu is silent about that/feeds into it in the case of yay

posted 22 hours ago

Why should it? I'm not toxic. I'm calling out hypocrisy in the valorant scene.

posted 22 hours ago

Brother, all of us on this site need to go outside.

posted 22 hours ago

Mods, I'm putting this thread under "Valorant" because it relates to how valorant players are treated by the audience. If you feel it should be under "Off-topic", please move it there and don't delete.

To Yinsu:

You made this tweet about people clowning on your boyfriend. I personally think that kicking someone when they're down is cringe, but you are one of the last people to preach about this.

On your own region's broadcast, there was a whole segment where Steel shit on yay, who isn't even in that region. Doing this on official broadcast absolutely feeds into the hate yay is recieving, which is 10 times worse than anything Boaster is getting, and literally drove yay out of competing this season. Where was this concern about players' mental health then?

During this tournament's swiss stage, c0m also recieved 10 times the hate Boaster is getting. Once again, where was this concern of yours when the toxicity was directed to someone other than your boyfriend?

If you want people to take you seriously, then maybe you should make a tweet apologizing for the yay segment on EMEA broadcast, and speak up for players not named Boaster as well. Also, tell your friend Kaquka that I think it's really classy of her to use Twisten's gravestone as a pedestal to hypocritically preach about mental health (the EMEA broadcast segment applies to her too.)

edit: I was hoping Yinsu would make a genuine apology acknowledging the yay segment. Instead we got a non-apology with restricted replies. The mods over on the valcomp subreddit also deleted a thread about her apology because all the comments were pointing out how the apology didn't address anything.

links with additional context: https://www.vlr.gg/356433/yinsucollins-reciepts/#235

posted 22 hours ago

Brother stop with the "we're winning Shanghai" shit. If we do, I'll be happy, but we have a lot to do to get there. You're bringing bad vibes to the team.

posted 1 day ago

why are you typing this with the PRX flair? just another cringe bandwaggoner

posted 1 day ago

The path to strength comes with accepting the fact of us having problems, not running away from them. If we lose to EDG again, it will be sad, but I'll continue to support PRX all the same, because I like the team.

posted 1 day ago

don't worry, he switched to a talon flair

posted 1 day ago

honestly everyone is placing way too much importance on the end result and saying that it's bad coaching. PRX were clearly prepared for the split pick no? That attack half was beautiful and showed PRX's full potential.

Conversely, map 2 PRX got too cocky and played too loose, and then they went to a map 3 they weren't ready for and then completely crumbled under the pressure. Map 3 was literally braindead ego peeks on defense.

posted 1 day ago

brother, stop talking about old news and bringing bad vibes to PRX. We've got our own shit to take care of.

posted 1 day ago

it isn't even the OG PRX fans, because we meme our two 2nd places ourselves. It's the bandwaggoners who jumped onto hype and blew it up because they think talking shit when supporting a winning team is cool.

Bandwaggoners are the most cringe thing in sports of any kind.

posted 1 day ago

No, the 7-1 of valorant is when a Brazilian team is playing a map and the score is 7-1.

posted 1 day ago

question: how did you come up with that username? Did you bang your hands against your keyboard or something. Genuinely asking, no smoke.

posted 1 day ago

Bro bumped his own thread 3 times because of lack of engagement

posted 1 day ago

TBH they let their foot off the gas. We haven't seen MxS and OXG play in LxT form yet at all.

posted 3 days ago
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