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Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 9:15 AM
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As funny as that would be, unfortunately the fourth CN team is probably going to be Trace 🐒 (unless some whacky shit happens which is highly possibly for CN though)

posted 2 days ago

it was just so stupid. It was not reasonable if you just thought for a bit (very hard for this website). So, my brain understood that it was most likely bait, cause in no world would that be the reason.
Like why would you even think that? Why type that message? It could spawn unnecessary stupid debates. Just don't press send. But they chose to any ways, probably without a second thought. That is what annoyed me.

posted 2 days ago

(this comment is so stupid I don't even want to engage with it in the first place, but my brain won't allow me to just see this and not at least correct this just to make sure no one can possibly think this would be true)

if this was the case, why drop Bob now? not like idk.. during the offseason, after they qual'd to challengers, after split 1? why wait until right now?

some moves in SaD camp were clearly cooking because they brought on Coach Joe (former GC coach so it's not him) who tweeted out the signing gif on May 21
So more likely this was a post mid-season cup decision based off team vibes/performance....... you typed this comment and that causes me pain

posted 2 days ago

yeah they got the casting couch streams for masters

posted 1 week ago

big fan of the team. been watching them for a long time, since the very beginning even. a real day1

posted 2 weeks ago

probably. but they didn't. and that's why we watch

posted 2 weeks ago

creepah!! awwww maannnn. so we back in the mines got our pickaxes swinging from side to side (side side to side)

posted 2 weeks ago

dude is in a polo playing Val destroying m80. you cannot tell me he aint cold

posted 2 weeks ago

xqc wishes he could look like bdog (holy fish moly bdog looks good)

posted 2 weeks ago

i'll play

also what's your favorite track from any pokemon ost?

posted 2 weeks ago

thats the only way they could into challengers since they lost to Qor and Thinking Men (who was on fire) during the actual Qualifiers

posted 2 weeks ago

if you think Blinn is just a "premier team", you don't know shit. they are good

posted 2 weeks ago

watch that clip at half speed. its not that the aim or the teamplay is bad. corey just turned into Neo straight up.

swing wide right then quick back left. then shoot a few times and move right again. shoot a few more times move right one more time. then a left into crouch.

Actually just so unlucky from spaz. gets only 4 right clicks with the classic and Corey moved right as Spaz shot each time, and then Spaz ran out of bullets and had to go for the knife.

#ttrwin #signturtletroop #corey4matrix5

posted 2 weeks ago

true experience. you need the racoon

posted 2 weeks ago

I agree with most of this list except for Kirya. not only is he a femboy (maybe can fish really well so I will give a point for that), which are well known for struggling to survive in the outside world.
But most of the time he cooks way to much. Kirya burns the surroundings without any real remorse. I could see your entire camp, supplies, and perhaps even other members falling to the flames. And quite frankly I just feel like that would be more detrimental than helpful

posted 2 weeks ago

yay ‼️❕‼️❗

hope he can recover and come back strong to show us the El Diablo of nightmares once again

posted 2 weeks ago

zekken in masters madrid grand finals. and aspas dropped 101 in the same match that valyn dropped 101 (Lower Bracket Finals of America Stage 1 playoffs)

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah someone posted it later in the thread. Masters 1 really was a wild time just looking at the comps they played.

EDIT: and Team Heretics is playing with a full REAL 6 MAN ROSTER with TWO ONE TRICKS???????!!!!

posted 3 weeks ago

some fun stats about people who have gotten 101 kills in a bo5 (in franchising)

Valyn & Aspas: 119 rounds
Zekken: 110 rounds
Demon1: 105 rounds

(Kills/Deaths/Assists - First Kills/First Death)
Valyn full statline: 101/80/43 . 15/11 +4

Aspas: 101/84/19 . 19/17 +2

Zekken: 101/85/29 . 27/20 +7

Demon1: 101/81/23 . 13/9 +4

Next most kills in the game:
Valyn & Aspas tied. Mazino got to 94 kills. kingg 87, leaf 86. trent 84.

Zekken dropped 101. Tenz was about full map worth behind at just 83. Texture got 82 as well

Demon1 had Aspas chasing him, reaching 95 kills by the end. Less also dropped 91. Then Jawgemo reached 82.

posted 3 weeks ago

when did cned do it?

posted 3 weeks ago

a team with a negative round differential made playoffs in 2 different regions, and probably will in all 3 regions....

we are truly in the Mud era of Valo

posted 4 weeks ago


posted 1 month ago

I see Boostio get a good amount of hate for his antics and little trash talk. But I think Boostio just gets into his opponents heads and makes them tilted. Also while bringing up the energy and confidence of his own team (you see your IGL being a crazy man and it work so you probably feel like nothing can go wrong)

He IGL's, shoots well, brings the vibes to the max, and destroys the opponent's mental.

Forged in the fires of OW comes a 🐐 (boostio was on the team that made the GOATS comp for any OW heads)

edit: wait I just realized, boostio is just an upgraded vanity

posted 1 month ago

hair looks really good πŸ‘

posted 1 month ago

0-2 teams can't advance. you need a minimum of 2 wins in order to make playoffs

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

TTR is NAs best. I don't know what you are confused about??

posted 1 month ago

if you think it is just wedid, you clearly aren't seeing the greatness of the troop. all 5 players are insane and can step up at any point when needed.

posted 1 month ago

m80 not washed. TTR just the goats. I've been saying this

posted 1 month ago

my fucking 🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒 troop

(also i saw the wedid talon classic... what could it mean?!?!?!)

posted 1 month ago

kinda looks like him idk

im not a boaster fan but you did him dirty

posted 1 month ago

im seeing a 13-0 potential here

posted 1 month ago

thats the minimum, some players are probably making much more than that.
But also salaries as a whole for esports have been coming down recently just because investors kind of realized they weren't making money so many orgs had to cut pay, staff, and teams.

posted 1 month ago

50k per year minimum I think is what is the required salary (iirc)

  • this is only for Franchised VCT players, T2 players in most regions are orgless and not getting paid, and I would imagine most T2 teams don't pay that high of salaries either currently
posted 1 month ago

Dsg didnt even exist as an org when franchising spots were decided

posted 1 month ago

Ok, golf is the one sport where you can put it on in the background on the tv and comfortably sleep but still be kind of entertained. I fuck with golf for that reason alone.

It's the perfect sport for taking a nap on a Saturday afternoon when nothing else is on and the blankets are just calling your name.

posted 1 month ago

tenz taller than the Burj Khalifa when he standing on his money

posted 1 month ago

b-but-but valaratre dead game. cs major much better than child game tournament.

posted 1 month ago

I think Team has got this in the bag. Team just been looking rocky as of recently and I think Team is in just such strong form currently to a point where Team will fall 2-0

posted 1 month ago

EG doesn't win champs without their reserve roster to scrim against. Anything but luck, they contributed massively

posted 1 month ago

πŸ€“β˜ askstually!!!

posted 1 month ago

ok then. gl on your hunt, nut on table!!

posted 1 month ago

where did you get 14% from?? if you got your stat from #6 it should be a 36% winrate (66 games win 24)

posted 1 month ago

damn i got baited. you know its bait when you say Bren is the only one with sensible takes. Bren goes out of his way, pretty often, to just say the silliest things imaginable and have fun. That's why he is so funny. Dude literally flipped a coin to decide the outcome of each of his LOCK//IN matches and then argued for them.

(clarification; Bren can have sensible takes, and I think he knows ball. Just often he chooses to not care and argue for something that he definitely shouldn't be)

posted 1 month ago

I'm saying this because I have watched the videos on the internet and understood them. You brought up the tenz video in this thread, and the whole point of the video was to talk about what he was struggling with ( plus showing multiple examples), why it was actually a problem, and what Tenz should do to correct mistakes.

posted 1 month ago

what are you smoking blud.
He didn't say to boot Tenz he just said he didn't like how he was playing entry duelist.

  • Now that Tenz is not playing entry and has fixed alot of the problems Sideshow was criticizing, Sideshow says he is such a big fan of how Tenz is currently playing and what he is doing on Omen

He was talking about comments PRX consistently made about how f0rsaken was the most flexible in the world, but f0resaken at that point had only really played duelist.

  • Now that f0rsaken has shown his true flexing capabilities, Sideshow consistently talks about how he is the best flex in the world

The yay take is about the fact that they are putting someone who was the best player in the world when he has his job cut out for him and he could just destroy his opponents and now Bleed were putting him on Skye, Jett, and Viper.

  • We will see in the future how this one turns out.
posted 1 month ago

chipi chipi chapa chapa dubi dubi daba daba mΓ‘gico mi dubi dubi bum, bum, bum, bum

posted 1 month ago

just one hundred off. really not that much. honestly a pretty solid pred on your part!! you'll get 'em next time!! don't give up :)

posted 1 month ago
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