Flag: United States
Registered: October 26, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 12:49 PM
Posts: 378
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that's what im thinking too, they do have hella potential if they can get their mental in line though. feel like jake is the main weak point but he has some insane moments as is, and he's so young

posted about a year ago

what are you even trying to say here?

posted about a year ago

fnatic has
#1 initiator
#1 flex
#1 or #2 duelist
#3 IGL (after FNS and saadhak)
#2 sentinel (skillwise, not brainwise)

none of the other teams are that close

posted about a year ago

fair enough. we'll just have to see

posted about a year ago

they beat c9 week 2 of a roster with a brand new IGL while getting blown out on one map that LOUD have been picking since then. not really sure what using the same comps has to do with anything, like i said, they might have stuff cooked up, but the argument that loud won over a month ago isnt really feasible here

posted about a year ago

LOUD is likely hiding stuff for masters, but i dont think you can really say they've definitively over C9 after what they've been showing. struggling against EG, KRU, getting blown out by NRG
NAVI have some shit cooked up for sure, these Yoru comps are so troll but they're locked in so i guess we'll see how they do there. same as LOUD though - with current form, i dont think we can definitively say they're better than c9

posted about a year ago

id agree. c9 has potential but isnt internationally proven

posted about a year ago

explain. runi is performing consistently better when it comes to fragging, like i said, likely not a better IGL, but im not sure how you can claim boaster is more skilled. he has his moments, but isn't extremely consistent

posted about a year ago

i didnt make a claim about who was better you fragile donkey. fnatic would win

posted about a year ago

Assuming they beat KRU easily like they should, they'll only be second to fnatic when it comes to round differential with 3x the maps lost (+71, 3 maps vs +92, 1 map), and by a thin margin at that.
If fnatic loses to NAVI, then C9 can overtake them, but we all know that's quite unlikely.

leaf gets just under 2x as many first kills as first deaths, more assists per round than the majority of Americas' duelists, and has crazy consistency.
derke is ever so slightly behind leaf in the FK/FD department, at 1.75x as many FK as FD, a bit behind the curve when it comes to APR, but still has crazy consistency.

runi > boaster skillwise, tough to say who's a better caller.

alfajer > zellsis skillwise, but the presence/motivation zellsis brings is unparalleled

chronicle > xeppaa. man's insane

leo is clearly best init in the world, not even close. runi's got work to put in

who yall got winning?

posted about a year ago

nah, LOUD just haven't updated their Split and it's readable. they're not hiding anything on Split guaranteed

posted about a year ago

m80 fan

posted about a year ago

how does it compare to BotW? haven't read anything about it, would love the lowdown from some fellow VALORANT gremlins

posted about a year ago

in 2023 apparently

posted about a year ago

it's unfortunate you have good taste in literature for being such an odd human

posted about a year ago

where does it say benched

posted about a year ago

...why would I lie?

posted about a year ago

for those who can't see the link

posted about a year ago

the regional advantage/disadvantage of pearl wasn't something i'd considered, but that's a great point. the map should be removed and reworked, honestly, B site simulator gets old quite quickly

i think Tokyo is gonna be a free win for FNC, not gonna lie. with LOUD's inconsistency, it's hard to say if they're trying new stuff or if they're just off kilter, i think it's more the latter, because tuyz and saadhak have been fragging quite poorly for a bit now which seems to open holes for teams with more consistent players to open wider. NAVI need to rein cned in a bit, he's been inting quite a bit recently, just going for hyper aggro plays, which has led to SUYGETSU not doing as well as he was last year. not necessarily crucial for their success, but that seems to be what flips NAVI between good and great - letting him get in on the action more.

C9 have a chance to beat FNC if they get a great mental coach starting now. otherwise, facing a team with better skill across the board and a great caller, better than LOUD, could just break them. but they didn't break against LOUD, so i'd be curious to see how well they do.

i haven't watched TL closely enough to say if i agree with you or not. how would you rank EMEA currently? even after yesterday I'd still go

  1. FNC
  2. NAVI
  3. Giants
  4. FUT
  5. TL
  6. KOI
posted about a year ago

not on this forum often enough to hold a consistent debate

regardless, this discussion is pointless. the only point I was debating was your argument that EMEA/APAC had close games between presently high and low seeds due to there being a similar level of team across the regional board. i never made a claim about LOUD - point being, context can be crucial to a conversation, but in this case, I came in to debate you solely on your perspective on EMEA/APAC, not Americas.

if we want to get into that - EMEA>Americas>APAC when it comes to team quality, Americas inconsistent as fuck (NRG and Cloud9 are on the up, LOUD is undefeated but look shaky in every win), EMEA teams are semi-consistent, but top teams seem to show greater consistency (FNC, FUT, Giants before yesterday), APAC... after this morning, I don't know what to think

posted about a year ago

then stop being so aggressive? do you think you're going to get anywhere in life by aggressively forcing your beliefs on others? it's just distasteful

posted about a year ago

since you seem like a logical mind, how do you think Americas compares to EMEA? i've watched essentially all of Americas and EMEA because my job is extremely flexible, and from what I've seen, EMEA has a better pool of team than Americas. hell, LOUD isn't even completely consistent - the only team in Americas proving themselves to be consistently improving is C9, and NRG to an extent, but that's a hot topic

FNC, FUT, Giants (except for this match), NAVI (kinda in same spot as LOUD) all look pretty solid

posted about a year ago

fair point. i would note, though, that pulling stats from one map out of a three map series is not really the best way to prove that point, though. especially when out of those three maps, he doesn't seem to have performed that horribly.

regardless, i see what you were going for now. i appreciate you clarifying

posted about a year ago

you're the hostile one brother. you're intentionally trying to bait people into arguing with you, stop being weird

posted about a year ago

no, im asking if you were trying to make the argument he was a bad player, why did you not originally just send his stats for the entire league?

posted about a year ago

didnt check

posted about a year ago

...so why did you cherry pick one map to make that argument?

posted about a year ago

literally cherry picking 1 map out of the hundreds the man has played for why he isn't good LOL

posted about a year ago

"he refuted my points with logic, and I don't have the intelligence to refute his, so I'm going to ad hoc him and 'win'. got him"

posted about a year ago

close? it would probably be 2-0, or potentially 2-1 with stomps on split and haven considering how close it is. trent is also switched onto tex's role, net onto trent's, so they're essentially bringing it this close while having a partially different set of roles

posted about a year ago

and I quote: "Americas other than LOUD is weak"

that is a similar claim but not the same as "LOUD is trying some stuff", so don't try to backtrack on your original claim

i also never claimed anything about LOUD or other Americas teams. I was disputing your points about EMEA/APAC. don't put words in my mouth

posted about a year ago

all the LOUD stans malding in the twitter dms...

posted about a year ago

that's when KOI weren't trolling and NAVI were trolling

FNC had a sub, + BBL is good people just don't realize

DRX haven't been as consistently good since adding in Foxy9, and both GE and RRQ have had meteoric rises in form

your arguments are fundamentally flawed brother

posted about a year ago

a sane VLR user? wtf

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he's second highest frag. you need to open your eyes my friend

posted about a year ago

in what world would he start in Tokyo?

posted about a year ago

your comment is sarcastic. weird bait, but ok

posted about a year ago

i just said that they're #1 in americas and #2 in the world. use your brain

posted about a year ago

#1 americas, #2 world. but they're still inconsistent. watch their gameplay, my friend

posted about a year ago

just because they're winning doesn't mean that they're consistent... have you actually watched their games? they're still #1 in Americas for sure, but their performance game to game is not consistently the same

posted about a year ago

because the top teams aren't untouchable, which is the point I was making. KC, BBL, KOI, Heretics all took maps off of top EMEA teams as well - KOI was considered top4 at one point, and BBL have actually looked pretty good, KC look great w/ their ZE1SH stepping in, Heretics... we don't talk about them

posted about a year ago

what's your point? have you actually watched any of their recent games?

posted about a year ago

hard truths for VLR cretins to accept

  1. fnatic are indeed the best team in the world
  2. LOUD are not consistent enough quite yet to prove that they can beat fnatic considering their recent showings. simultaneously, LOUD is clearly experimenting with comps, so who knows what Tokyo will look like?
  3. Americas really is not that much more competitive than EMEA anymore. LOUD, C9, FURIA, LEV, SEN, 100T, NRG vs fnatic, NAVI, Giants, FUT, Liquid, Vitality - for both regions, top3 teams are consistent, lower teams have high peaks but are less consistent
posted about a year ago

you should probably re-evaluate the state of the NA pro scene in VAL then, significantly less nepotism than in CS. combined with the fact that all NA teams are performing better-
NRG (less than the others), your point makes no sense
also, you're aware that rosters are locked, correct? nepotism inherently cannot exist in a closed system

posted about a year ago

EG knew what LOUD were doing every single round and had a counter set up for every single round. Demon1 hit some nice shots, as did Ethan, but that definitely was not mainly aim diff

posted about a year ago

this aint CS. there's a significant amount of pros who grinded their way up from the depths, not really sure what year we're living in here

posted about a year ago
  1. LOUD
  2. SEN
  3. C9
  4. FURIA
  5. LEV
  6. 100T
  7. NRG
  8. MIBR
  9. EG
  10. KRU
posted about a year ago

bang crouched under it. just good movement

posted about a year ago

both played well. nt

posted about a year ago
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