Flag: United States
Registered: October 26, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 12:49 PM
Posts: 378
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thank you for breaking down how to beat fnatic. I know the top pros will see value in this VLR post and heed the advice, leading to great success in defeating the best team of 2023

posted 6 months ago

DRX experimenting with no timeouts, 2 subs?

posted 6 months ago

you understand who they're playing, correct?

posted 6 months ago

fell off hard without will

posted 7 months ago

hoping to see him learn some new agents. feel like he's been a KAYO one-trick for far too long, he's got too much potential to be stuck solely there

posted 7 months ago

my question stands. that is a mix roster of random tier 1/2 pros - fragging out against them isn't that insane, esp considering he went negative immediately after that game

posted 7 months ago

against who?

posted 7 months ago

Yes, igling against a team who is using a new 5th who is also their new IGL is of course, much easier to do.

posted 7 months ago

what's wrong with this tweet?

posted 8 months ago

Assuming -Redgar..
+Mistic on controller - he looked better than he ever has on controller, and isn't comparable to Soulcas. Enzo would be
+Enzo -soulcas initiator - huge improvement in consistency and likely the leadership he brings to the team
+Keiko -Sayf duelist - not a huge downgrade. Sayf was fantastic but Keiko also has immense potential, I'd compare him to koalanoob, kinda dominated Challengers but has little big stage exp

posted 8 months ago

Let's goo

posted 8 months ago

Gatekeeping a profession and saying something isn't involved in it doesn't mean it didn't take work. Actual weirdo take

posted 8 months ago

lock in isnt representative of the year at all lol

posted 8 months ago

1630 posts in 61 days is fucking crazy. You post over 25 times a day on average. Stop this madness my king, you deserve better

posted 8 months ago

they chose to step down...

posted 8 months ago

Demon1 should be 2. Alfajer had an insane year, carried an already individually stacked roster, only stumbled in a few matches at Champs

Ethan has to be top5 for me - his utility has been consistently the BEST flex ITW the entire season. His stats don't lie, and the degree of composure he brings to the team cannot be understated

I'm surprised you have Boostio above c0m - why is that?

EDIT: Just saw you said currently - then Demon1 is #1 simply based on a dominant tournament, same conclusions otherwise

posted 8 months ago

demon1, jaw, ethan all been performing well the whole season. agree on c0m and boostio, but the others are easily top15

posted 9 months ago

the impact he's had for his team has been insane though. he performed poorly in 1 match - who should be higher? something? he shit the bed far worse than demon1 in that series. jingg really hasn't had a good tourney, and mindfreak has been incredibly impactful, but statistically he's barely top20, even in just playoffs.

id say than is the MVP so far, 14/41 clutches is crazy and his util is just so impactful

posted 9 months ago

what frauds got exposed exactly? trying to think of Chambers that faded into irrelevance post nerf... ardiis? kind of? tex for a bit? yay? i don't think one sample size of a team he did poorly in can really say he's heavily overrated - he was the undisputed player of 2022 for gods sake

posted 9 months ago

your phrasing, at least in English, essentially says that because Brazil is historically better at VAL, we should care less about other minor regions that are not as good (i.e. Oceania and India). i get that you're only discussing what is happening in Americas now, so your point makes sense, but for global VALORANT, they can't just do that and ignore those regions

posted 9 months ago

such a poor take. "this region is better than the others, so fuck those regions, just focus on this one" - how exactly do you expect other regions to be built up?

posted 9 months ago

i'm not sure that fits into xenophobia. would people in Americas saying SHITMEA mean that they're xenophobic to all EMEA countries? or vice versa?

perhaps it's normalized xenophobia, but that would mean all sports are rooted in xenophobia, simply because all countries have passion for their country

posted 9 months ago

"racist" - how does talking shit about a REGION have anything to do with race?

posted 9 months ago

Why do you care about having a girl? They come into your life when you're ready for it. Searching for a relationship instead of naturally letting it happen is a recipe for disaster, in my opinion.

posted 9 months ago

he's been 'trolling' since the start of franchising. i don't know if we can really say that it's trolling anymore

posted 10 months ago

he went from being set up in every single situation/round and just needed to hit the shot, compared to t2 where he was forced to entry and play nothing like he was comfortable with. I don't think it's an apple-to-apples comparison

posted 10 months ago

If we're talking raw aim, your list makes sense. Factoring in consistency
Alfajer=Something>Sayf=yay=Jingg=leaf>Demon1=Scream>Zmjjkk (rifle)
ZmjjKK>yay=Sayf>something>leaf=Demon1>Jingg=Scream (op)

posted 10 months ago

ScreaM, Alfajer, Demon1, yay, leaf, Sayf, ZmjjKK, something, Jingg are all up there (no order)

posted 10 months ago

Why is cauanzin in your top5? Genuinely curious

posted 10 months ago

the players...

posted 10 months ago

yeah you're baiting. bye

posted 10 months ago

you can literally look at M80s team profile and see that NONE of them are American.

posted 10 months ago

if jonah doesnt get picked up ill be livid. he's criminally underrated

posted 10 months ago

they literally have zero American players my friend

posted 10 months ago

anyone link to OG tweet?

posted 10 months ago

you too my brother. hopefully the world will pivot in a better direction (non-capitalistic) so everyone can live with this mindset and not be punished for doing so (i.e. unable to survive due to lack of income)

posted 10 months ago

I don't disagree at all. I am literally just saying - we have NO idea if UNI is playing to their max potential. Technically all the factors are there to favor them, but who knows if we're gonna see a new face to them today? I don't think we will, to be honest - they look significantly more sloppy that the NA reps when it comes to teamplay, esp. against FSN yesterday

posted 10 months ago

that is accurate. what I am saying is, how do we know that both teams weren't playing to their fullest potential?

posted 10 months ago

most likely, but who knows if UNI is playing w/ nerves too?

posted 10 months ago

id have to agree. UNI look like best fracture team, Pearl tbd, no idea on other maps, so they could wipe the floor with everyone on the other maps, hard to say. but based on how they looked against FSN, I can see M80/TGRD taking them out 2-0

posted 10 months ago

they have potential but not because of that game. FSN did not look good at all - they looked like a completely different team from yesterday, like they were just playing a ranked match. I'm not sure why they picked Pearl again even though their Ascent looked innovative/hard to counter

that being said, UNI are prob favorites to win the tournament, but that match was just really bad from Fusion, not amazing by UNI

posted 10 months ago

me too. hopefully he stumbles onto this comment thread and changes his mind :) my mindset is if you're incredibly skilled in something and passionate about it, fuck everything else. chase your dream and make it a reality

posted 10 months ago

my point still stands: if he were willing to forego the pressure from his family and the potential income of being a doctor for the passion of going pro, that would mean he prioritized his (potential) dream over a secure income/his family's desires. I'm not disagreeing with you, just saying if he truly wanted to achieve his full potential as a player, he'd give those things up.

posted 10 months ago

maybe if you're going for money. going pro in any country isn't easy, it's equivalent to building your own business. if you're passionate enough about something, you'll sacrifice everything for it - sounds like he's taking the safer route, which there's nothing wrong with, but disappointing considering how much potential he has

posted 10 months ago

Valid. I was mainly discussing him in comparison to 'pure' initiator mains rather than flex players, but I agree with his potential

posted 10 months ago

Well said. I think he has the potential to be the best Skye in the world - his playstyle fits her perfectly. Sova and Breach? Not sure, but in terms of potential, yes, with how skilled he is, he has immense potential. I think with frod and saadhak helping him learn and grow, it's likely we'll see him be even more insane within the next 6 months.

posted 10 months ago

I don't necessarily think so. He performs pretty well fragging-wise, but he's not necessarily in contention for the best initiator in the world. Don't get me wrong - he sets Aspas up fantastically, but he doesn't get the same level of map control/nformation that someone like Leo, C0M, or crashies do.

Perhaps that's because he's on Skye the vast majority of the time, but even look at his APR compared to those 3 - he's underneath all 3 of them when it comes to assists, which is pretty crucial when you're the main init on a team

posted 10 months ago

I didn't push my interpretation. I said you interpreted it differently than I did, but it's more likely mine is accurate. I then called you out for trying to ego me. So, no, your comprehension skills are lacking.

Lastly, you've upvoted every single one of your comments and downvoted every one of mine. It's ironic you call me insecure. We're done here.

posted 10 months ago

He asked for YouTubers similar to Will Tennyson, not for content similar to Will Tennyson's. You're assuming the latter (which is most likely incorrect, based on the grammar of his sentence).

You're pushing hard on that - your interpretation of his question. When I responded, it was clear I was discussing the YouTuber themselves, not the content (re: comedy). Now you're just doubling down on being a dick by angrily debating points that aren't actually debatable (since we're discussing different things), and you're also trying to ego me.

Grow up.

posted 11 months ago

these numbers are just fluff
fnatic has 2 coaches, EG has 3
5 reserve players - you really think she has the time to just be absorbing everything these people who are meant to be a scrim roster are saying?

posted 11 months ago
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