keznit racism allegations

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Don't get me wrong him implying that Keznit is causing murders by making monkey noises is wild. Its like saying that WW2 was caused by some random racist dude in Germany.


nah your good, I just misunderstood/ramble regarding the fallacy


nah bro i didnt mean that keznit is causing murders and shit wtf lmao

i meant as in structural racism (which keznit reproduced) CAN contribute towards murders and thats a fact. thats why we need awareness on the subject. when a person with influence like him reproduces racist comments, we only normalize structural racism


oh come the fuck on dude you're paying lip service to the idea of structural racism on a Valorant forum to seem reasonable. If you actually gave a fuck you'd be attempting to dismantle the systems that actively enforce and protect racist people instead of sitting inside complaining about an esports player. This is why i dont fuck with liberals fuckin fake activist mf all you do is performative.


im an activist for the cause irl though? i dont see why i cant try to raise awareness on a forum that i like


imma call that cap. whatever though. you're concern trolling not raising awareness.


how do you attempt to "dismantle the systems" lmao? name me one political philosopher who considers that an action of an invididual. how do you know he's a liberal? the best way to fight online racism in content creators is to spread awareness, and to out those who are, to prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans.


how do you attempt to "dismantle the systems" lmao? name me one political philosopher who considers that an action of an invididual

show me where the fuck i said it was the action of an individual? Spending your energy on fucking vlr trying to cancel a content creator isn't doing shit. If you think you're making a change by doing any of this you're lying to yourself. You're right dismantling systems of discrimination and racism is an incredibly complicated and massive task that a single individual cannot complete alone. However, posting a "keznit racism allegations" isn't even making an attempt at that. This MF literally said keznit is reproducing structural racism you sure this is the hill you wanna die on? If he's an activist as he claims why is his activism limited to make vlr posts? Why isn't he organizing? Why isn't he spending time contributing to communities harmed by systematic racism. Why is he wasting his energy on vlr?

the best way to fight online racism in content creators is to spread awareness, and to out those who are, to prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans

You're feeding yourself a pipe-dream. I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone. Radicalization will happen to these people regardless of whether or not you make vlr thread about keznit. If someone is susceptible to radicalization by keznit making monkey noises then they're likely already being groomed into racist sentiments in their personal life. Radicalization is a systemic cultural issue with how we raise and teach our youth.

I said it before I'll say it again you just wanna be mad. No shit keznits a racist piece of shit but stop with this concern trolling bullshit acting like you're doing something. You're just whining online you aren't stopping racism you aren't preventing radicalization you're writing a self-masturbatory thread about how good of a person you are.

how do you know he's a liberal

I don't just an assumption based on his actions. I doubt a right-winger is calling keznit racist and I would be surprised if he's a leftist given the fact he said keznit is "reproducing structural racism."


you literally told him that he should "attempt to dismantle the systems"....? suggesting that it's an action that an invidual (he) can carry out. 1 line in and you already contradict what you said ?XD

i don't think he ever said that activism is "limited" to making vlr posts, perhaps that is all he does but so what? as long as he is making some consequential positive change, where is the issue?

i never said he was "stopping", but increasing the amount of people who can be wary of racist influencers clearly has a positive impact on them. what makes someone "susceptible" to racism? it's exposure to it. decreasing their exposure thereby means they will be less likely to be racist. pretty basic stuff man.

liberal also doesn't mean left wing lmao, political liberalism is an ideology founded by John Locke who supported slavery and prescribed property as a "natural right". being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups, it doesn't make you automatically left wing.


you literally told him that he should "attempt to dismantle the systems"....? suggesting that it's an action that an invidual (he) can carry out. 1 line in and you already contradict what you said ?XD

nah that's just your intentionally unfavorable misinterpretation of my words whatever though.

i don't think he ever said that activism is "limited" to making vlr posts, perhaps that is all he does but so what? as long as he is making some consequential positive change, where is the issue?

He isn't making any change hes whining on vlr. This does not push the needle even a fraction of a micro meter.

i never said he was "stopping", but increasing the amount of people who can be wary of racist influencers clearly has a positive impact on them

"prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans" https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/prevent

Get a thesaurus. You misunderstood my point regardless.

what makes someone "susceptible" to racism? it's exposure to it. decreasing their exposure thereby means they will be less likely to be racist. pretty basic stuff man.

Overly simplistic reduction of a complex topic and my point to try and make your point more credible. If keznit doesn't exist those who you say are "radicalized" by him would still be racist. Are you gonna stop being disingenuous?

liberal also doesn't mean left wing lmao, political liberalism is an ideology founded by John Locke who supported slavery and prescribed property as a "natural right". being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups, it doesn't make you automatically left wing.

yah no shit. I forgot to reply when i said right wing i mean to say alt right. regardless classical Liberalism and "liberal" dont exactly line up in terms of ideology nowadays (you can thank america for that) hence why i didnt capitalize the word. Right and left will always be relative terms regardless and are less useful than the actual beliefs espoused by those who are being discussed. Regardless this is just another distraction since you have no actual discussion on my words just disingenuous misinterpretations to attempt to skew the discussion.

This is why i dont fuck with talking politics online anymore. You write an incredibly detailed and clear sentence and fuckers like you will just say something completely different and act like its what you said. Good luck in life hope you grow out of this phase.


okay then, rephrase your words, how should he be attempting to dismantle the systems? what else did you mean than an individual? it's not a misinterpretation if you don't actually correct yourself.

"incredibly detailed" LMAO your entire paragraph was yapping. you provided barely any logical or empirical points, and instead just said cynically that everything that i claimed was untrue without giving sufficient explanation as to why. this current point which you made actually did address some of what i said. also, you say this after replying to half my points? lol.

tldr for your paragraph: people gonna be racist regardless of this post because they are already racist

i ask you, "what makes them racist?", you don't even give a response. if this post didn't exist, yes quite evidently racist people watching him would be racist still lol. thx for the tautology, but not my point. i'm drawing a distinction with those who are susceptible to racism - people like me aged 14, actually. i knew racism was bad, but if i didn't know people were racist, then i would buy into what they had to say. i used to say the n-word in class and things like that. my personal story aside - spreading awareness about such a figure of the community undoubtedly punishes the subject and makes at least the littlest amount of positive change by influencing whoever reads this article. the fact that you're denying this is bizarre to me.

he's not wining on vlr, as i said, he's spreading awareness. i wouldn't know about this on keznit if i hadn't read the thread, so i can say that he has at least helped me.

yes, prevent people from creating pipelines through which to worsen racism. that doesn't mean stopping racism altogether. if people know someone has done racist things in the past, but their fanbase don''t know about them, then i would argue that's a pipeline through which the fanbase can be radicalised. pretty basic stuff man.

as for the liberal point, you seemed to be suggesting that he wasn't radical enough, making him a liberal, or that there wasn't enough 'praxis' in what he was doing, despite the clear epistemic value of making this post which you are conveniently ignoring.

as for your strange critique of my point about being socially liberal. you will find that there are socially liberal feminists who don't believe in liberation of trans people and (less often) vice-versa.


yes, prevent people from creating pipelines through which to worsen racism. that doesn't mean stopping racism altogether

now what I said in my original point: "I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone"

This sums up why im done here. You dont care about having an actual conversation. You will intentionally misinterpret (or in this case lie) to "win" an argument. You aren't worth my energy


actually upon further reading of your last point do you even know what an ideology is?

being socially liberal can be selective towards certain groups

that is literally just an ideology. every ideology exists to define who you can use violence against. this isnt unique to Liberalism and is a really dumb point to try and make. I had assumed you just defined Liberalism after reading the first sentence but wow.


but you're strawmanning the OP and me because neither of us claimed that this was "stopping" racism/radicalisation together lmao, who's doing the misinterpreting? in fact, i gave you the benefit of the doubt, and assumed that you didn't really mean preventing racism altogether, but clearly you did. not sure how that's lying lmao


neither of us claimed that this was "stopping" racism/radicalisation together lmao, who's doing the misinterpreting?

"prevent those people from creating pipelines through which to influence their younger fans" https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/prevent

I hate to break it to ya but you aren't stopping radicalization by canceling someone

notice how you lie :)


yes, prevent them from creating "pipelines" specifically. how does that stretch to stopping racism altogether? you can't stop radicalisation through an individual action obviously, hence why i referred to specific means through which one can be radicalised that this prevents. that doesn't mean it prevents them in every case, it doesn't mean it prevents radicalisation altogether.

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