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Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 3:26 PM
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Hohohoho. Please do mine

posted 4 weeks ago

Vitality, NRG, Fnatic

HM: SEN, LOUD, Bleed, T1

posted 4 weeks ago

Sen have to go 2-0 against Loud and Furia

We need Kru to go 0-3 (which could be possible) or go 1-2 and lose 2-0 twice.

We just need G2 to at least lose twice.

posted 1 month ago

Bro its not that deep. Shroud prefers logitech stuff especially since he is being paid a shit ton of money which creates a bias. End of story thats his opinion and saying it represents the mental illness of his fans is just as braindead

posted 1 month ago

I do think that their calling was shaky esp if the expectation is the they are the best team in Americas. I also think its unfair because this is Ethan first match as the primary IGL.

posted 3 months ago

Yeah i agree. OXY heroics were very important in their wins. I think C9 is in the same scenario as FURIA in the sense that if OXY does well, they will do well but C9 has much better support around him that Furia and MW

posted 3 months ago

Disclaimer: it’s only day one. You can’t take these takeaway too seriously as teams are playing their first matches.

NRG vs Furia

  1. Furia will go as far as Mwzera takes them. MW looks very good and he won then several rounds. However, the rest of team look pretty lackluster but they did have their moments.

  2. NRG look very good. I don’t think there should be much concern about Ethan’s IGLing abilities esp when you look at the firepower this team has. Albeit its one match against arguably one of the worst rosters in Americas

C9 vs Mibr

  1. Mibr looked better than I expected. They seem well coached and put up a hell of the fight. If not for some heroics by C9 they could’ve walked away with the win.

  2. OXY is insane. Nothing more needs to be said.

posted 3 months ago

Ur acting like tenz isnt switching roles right now and notnplaying pretty well

posted 4 months ago

Roster looks insanely scary. I am interested to see who IGLs. IDK about Marved IGL

posted 5 months ago

Xeta, vanity, leaf, mitch, xeppaa went to lan.

When curry replaced xeta they werent very good

posted 6 months ago

Benkai prob comes back into active lineup

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Are we talking right now 1-2 months before LCQ?

I think yay can be better given time to integrate with sentinels. But if not given enough time it will turn out like dsg

posted 11 months ago

0/8 i get dsg notifs

posted 11 months ago


posted about a year ago

Tbh i think zekken is gonna call now. Dephh did say he was an igl in the making.

posted about a year ago

Karmine Corporation Melons

posted about a year ago

flag and flair check

posted about a year ago

In my opinion i thinks SEN members wanted to bench TenZ
i mean thats why they played bad in latest games with tyson
They didnt gave him the support
im not talking about Zekken he tries his best
but i have a big Q about brazilian duo
they performed well with marved but not with TenZ
they didnt gave tyson a Chanse, Just look at all deaths of tyson VS NRG it was all about Info and lack of support guys
the fking look at them !!! its not tyson its Others
they let tyson down !!! but why ?
they just needed a new roaster a whole new one i mean wtf out tyson did huh ?
hes a good man !
BTW good luck tyson we love to see play you again like the old monster !
we re waiting for you. Till then GG !

posted about a year ago

That is the most copium ive seen in a while

posted about a year ago


HM: shao, buzz

posted about a year ago

He was practicing in toronto before he flew LA for the match. He also prob doesn’t want to live out of a hotel for several weeks

posted about a year ago

Different team

posted about a year ago

Buddy just wants to an event without buying a plane ticket. Lmfao

posted about a year ago

The way they played today, they can win out and go 6-3

posted about a year ago

Xeta calls for T1

posted about a year ago

amen brother amen

posted about a year ago

Yeah. Im a big fan of tenz. But i think the roles fit perfectly right now with marved

posted about a year ago

Im very excited to see zek on duelist. Guy is insane

posted about a year ago

Sh1n, newzera, scream, xms, nagz

posted about a year ago

i think he only oped when he was on jett on haven. since cryo was on chamber. they doubled oped

posted about a year ago

Oped with xset when they played haven

posted about a year ago

Yeah thats entirely possible.

posted about a year ago

Yeah. Entirely possible but i except marved to play next week

posted about a year ago

duelist: phoenix
initiator: skye (haven, bind, split), kayo (ascent, icebox), breach (Fracture, haven), some sova (pearl) (i main intiator)
smokes: astra, viper
sentinel: sage, (currently unlocking kj)

posted about a year ago

I think marved is now on the active roster at least for next week. sen are scrimming still and I doubt tenz is well enough to practice and marved has his visa.

pancada - smokes
marved - sentinel/secondary smokes
sacy - initiator
dephh - initiator/igl
zekken - duelist

marved and pancada could switch roles but I suspect pancada goes back to smokes because marved played sentinels on UB

posted about a year ago

cant tell if you are trolling but they are engaged

posted about a year ago

Well tbh their gameplan against LEV and NRG weren’t very well executed. Like i think their gameplan of focusing A on Pearl and their macro on icebox wasn’t very good. Whether thats an igl, head coach, strat coach issue is still unknown

posted about a year ago

Literally doesn’t matter. Teams beat each other on their map picks all the time. also nrg has nothing to anti strat because mibr haven’t played it yet

posted about a year ago
yay (clear)s without a doubt #DSGFIGHTING

posted about a year ago

That’s understandable but there is no evidence that sacy can be the world class igl you expect. During NRGs game, it seemed like the mid rounding wasn’t there and everyone contributes to mid rounds even sacy.

posted about a year ago

Holy fuck im gonna mald the next time i see another sen thread. People need to chill out over a loss to NRG, who quite possibly is the best or close to the best team in the league. Its also only week 2 with plenty more time and games to be played. I understand people want them to be top 3 like me but have some patience. Call it excuses if you want but even good teams have early hiccups

posted about a year ago

Most people aren’t spitting excuses buddy.

posted about a year ago

Nt buddy

posted about a year ago

Tenz played poorly. But everyone did except maybe zekken. If you put blame on tenz, You should put blame on everyone as well.

posted about a year ago

They just looked poor. They weren’t playing as a team. You can pin point the blame on one person but in the end it was a team loss.

posted about a year ago

Sen and 100t have to be together right? Also mibr being in between? Imo its sen 100t mibr c9 but overall p good list

posted about a year ago

There was a cryo and tenz jett duel on maps 1 and 3 wdym

Also sen barely won any pistol rounds that game so that put them at a disadvantage.

posted about a year ago

JonahP i think would be better as a flex than subroza

posted about a year ago
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