Flag: Indonesia
Registered: September 10, 2021
Last post: October 25, 2022 at 9:17 PM
Posts: 237
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huhhh??tf is this lmao

posted about a year ago

agree, im waiting for em to show some damage

posted about a year ago

they literally masters grand finalist, ppl who said that theyre the best in asia had a data and records tho what can u argue with that title

posted about a year ago

thats the only way to win this mathcup for boom. they must give their peak performance, each of em

posted about a year ago

this aint happen. indo orgs will only get 1 slot or no slot at all.

posted about a year ago

indo back to the throne, ive been waiting this since old ae's era

posted about a year ago

we always got u my brother

posted about a year ago

hows that yelling lol this guy

posted about a year ago

its actually 50/50 bcs its not xerxia. bleed is good but xerxia is trully indo slayer

posted about a year ago

seems like AE throw more rounds lol, a match that full of choke and throw

posted about a year ago

actually they alr have a great players not from importing eu, just local sg players. so thats not even a good excuse

posted about a year ago

i believe so, theres only two chances for bld either theyre speed running lcq or they choke at the end just like their own genes

posted about a year ago

they just like fancy from vietnam. team with bunch of ranked demon but sadly they prove nothing in lcq or vct

posted about a year ago

thanks for speak tf up lol

posted about a year ago

i think u can call indo teams are trash now. bcs i like the words "stay down until ure up". but lets see tho

posted about a year ago

most underrated thought ive seen this day. well said lol

posted about a year ago

i mean im indo but i know bleed can 2-0 ae obv

posted about a year ago

im on high copium this time letsgo

posted about a year ago

bro said this and still questioning "why i get flame and called by stupid when i get to sg server?"

posted about a year ago

nt prx u guys had a great run, congrats fpx suygetsu deserved a lot

posted about a year ago

sheesh we go map 5 tho

posted about a year ago

u guys talk shit abt prx's strats like they care abt what yall saying. they dont f care bro

posted about a year ago

fpx literally out aim prx too, they look shaky bcs u know they're young

posted about a year ago

ayo my guy, hes talking abt the 2nd map lol

posted about a year ago

theyre not pushing, theyre pinching, thats so common in fracture, they pinching t spawn bcs in fracture if u get the info in one out of two spawn, its huge. thats why guild start to counter it with rope play imo. its just prx trying their strat and if they lose its on guild that can read and counter it.

posted about a year ago

whats wrong with pushing while defending?i mean u always need a map control in diamond rank above, except ure on gold rank

posted about a year ago

what server do u play?we SEA see nothing wrong

posted about a year ago

people be judging pro's callouts, "why pushing why blabla" mannn, they scrimmed, they did custom, they be pros for a reason lmao

posted about a year ago

idk where these hates on xerxia came from tho lol bettors??

posted about a year ago

but naah we indos not embarrased with all indo teams that have made it to playoff, especially onic they just have to try once more in apac. gl to them

posted about a year ago

they 3rd for a reason, start a team with full of rank demon with crisp aim then throw post plant in vct apac but tbf xia did better tho

posted about a year ago

the way they played the mini games, their positionings, mid round calls fokin hell xerxia deserve a slot

posted about a year ago

sadly no sa team even in lcq mr.fake flagger

posted about a year ago

yup thats what apac's represent looks like, deserved a slot

posted about a year ago

u really typing the same sht 3 times, "big 3 apac are secret, prx, xia, dont forget bleed is also strong". are u a bot or what

posted about a year ago

tbf what i saw is, wronski is not even rise and live in laos (i can be totally wrong), like jackky in dota boom roster hes def a laotian 100% born and lived. u can mad if u connected in a spesific way with the roots/race tho. (once again i might be wrong) but im not supporting racism, not stupid enough to be that kind of guy

posted about a year ago

one thing u guys should know is, my guy wronski telling that boom cancel the scrim bcs their lagging is a lie. that being said, boom players is very allowed jumping in this situation tho

posted about a year ago

no bro just no, we dont appriciate that kind of trash talking. pls dont be this guy my indo fellows for the sake of a good series and banter

posted about a year ago

tsunami incoming lol, aussie banter best banter

posted about a year ago
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