Flag: Canada
Registered: August 12, 2022
Last post: December 2, 2022 at 8:13 PM
Posts: 12

fair point

posted about a year ago

breeze is not a terrible map but I like the idea of taking it out of the rotation to be worked on and bringing back a map that a lot of people missed. imo this is a W bc it gives riot a chance to rework the map to (hopefully) make it better.

posted about a year ago

ah forgot that because I was born here I gotta blindly take the side of NA lol. grow tf up and form an opinion that isn't based on your geographical location lmao

posted about a year ago

convinced ur just saying shit to farm downvotes at this point. NA meatrider talking about competition LMAO

posted about a year ago

lol you clearly didn't watch G2 play this year. mixwell definitely had moments where he lived up to his hype

posted about a year ago

don't understand the need for a 30 minute pre-match show after an 1h30m delay... edit: nevermind if they don't even have their equipment setup yet then I guess the 30 mins are needed

posted about a year ago

??? beautiful valorant being played right now and ur complaining? ill never understand why yall hate underdogs

posted about a year ago

massive bounce back in map 2 from Chronicle. MAP 3 NATS TIME BABY

posted about a year ago

forgot to mention new coaching/rawkus being head coach

edit: still W post tho

posted about a year ago