Flag: Canada
Registered: September 23, 2022
Last post: May 14, 2024 at 3:15 AM
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um...nothing new. every Brazilian said the same thing last year....

posted about a year ago

Yeah...but getting 7 win first also quite important since they may secure the upper semifinal....

posted about a year ago

Dude that's the only map they could won in this VCT...they have 0% win on the other map before this match....LMAOOOO

posted about a year ago

Monyet should be S....He is so consistent fo a huge number of round he already played...

posted about a year ago

GenG is still no 2 even tho Paper Rex has better round differential...so its not rd comes first but map differential...

posted about a year ago

exactly...their consistency is ass (again, for me its because they dont have a good duelist)...but they still showed some improvement...the fact that they can take down DRX on their best map showed that they actually have potency....

posted about a year ago

in America yes...itw imo Fnatic, LOUD, DRX, and NAVI are better than C9....

posted about a year ago

For me they were the most surprising team in Pacific. I have rated them as the worst between all franchising team and though that they will get 0-9 (as many people also did). But actually they were not that bad, and showed an improvement. The problem with them is that their duelist is not consistent, good in one round and very bad in the other round....

posted about a year ago

agree.....RRQ so far is the most surprising team in APAC...before I though this meme team will get 0-9, but then they prove me wrong...the match can be close, but I think GE have a better chance to win it.

posted about a year ago

I believe they want to win Pacific as clean as possible. But they may underestimate RRQ which lead to lost a map...

posted about a year ago

dude dont understand...its not the matter champions or not, its the same team which defeat each others..

posted about a year ago

Nah...although I dont like EG, but not sure M80 is deserved to replaced them in franchising...

posted about a year ago

he did see the bullet come from but not the players...

posted about a year ago

tbh Ange1 is really step up this season...188 kills frag from 5 matches is quite good for an IGL...

posted about a year ago

Nah...individually Mako is better in all international tournaments in 2022....

posted about a year ago

they already have clear and genghsta no?

posted about a year ago

One player play like shit is the fact that be seen by the stats. But "a good mood" is just your assumption that cant be proven. Also, Saadhak, Aspas, and Pancada stats were not bad at that time.

If you want a stats in 2021. Ok then this is 2021
Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík (first international for Saadhak) -5-6th place
FNS - do not participate (lose ticket to SEN and V1)

Stage 3 Masters - Berlin
Saadhak - do not participate (lose ticket to Havan Liberty and Keyd)
FNS - 2th place (lose to Gambit in Final)

Both getting groupped

At the end FNS still get a higher achievement than Saadhak.

posted about a year ago

Reading comprehension... I told you already...OPTIC is the most consistent team in 2022, the year where saadhak and FNS compete together with a good squad... I deliberately did not bring 2021 since Saadhak barely cant do anything in the international level...

"because of ONE bad performance in his career where the whole team was not in a good mood you tell me FNS is better?"
Lmao. This is exactly what I said from the start, NRG would not be able to play well because Ardiis played very bad since the beginning yet you dont understand. Now you bring " the whole team was not in a good mood" as your excuse? what a hypocrite...kekw...

posted about a year ago

Alphabet name no?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nah...you are just delusional lil bro...

posted about a year ago

I've watched APAC quite a lot. But I never impress with OCE every time they performed in Challenger or LCQ (Order or Bonkers). Individually, I only knew Rdeew and Wronski since sometimes they make a really good play. While China, when they have a chance, they destroyed LCQ East Asia (which in general is better than APAC)....

posted about a year ago

China >>> OCE on the money, talent, viewership

posted about a year ago

Leaf definitely...this guy is a monster...

posted about a year ago

even EG carried by KRU bro...

posted about a year ago

Lmao...it was FPX....

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I read somewhere that he lost his wallet in LA so he had to go back to Canada to get his cards/ID's..

posted about a year ago

Current NRG missed Marved lurked (Im not seeing S0m doing this often), and yay OP...

posted about a year ago

they cant even kill zellsis with knife out...kekw...

posted about a year ago

After seeing what happen to yay or vanity, im not sure there is a clause like that in this franchising era....

posted about a year ago

If they dont need him, they could let him leave instead of paying his huge salary and got nothing. like what's happen to yay...

posted about a year ago

VCT America and Lock In are not comparable with Master and Champions. VCT America is more likely VCT Brazil, LATAM, or NA but in a bigger stage. Similar to the lock in, the prize pool (compare to the number of participants) and the format shows that this tournament is not the same tier as Master.
We will see if LOUD could perform well in Tokyo and Champions to see whether Saadhak really could keep LOUD at the high level or not...

posted about a year ago

Lmao...so what? Why did you avoid talking about Copenhagen? Why? Why? Because you will only show your hypocrisy...you talk shit about the performance of FNS on 1 tournament (even though its not finish yet), but you avoid to talk about the performance of "your team" that literally already known...
Also, any sane NA fans know that LOUD will win against EG 2-0. The fact that they dominated LOUD 13-3 on their map pick is surprised me. Again, here you cherry picked the 13-0, where were you at the 1st map?kekw...

posted about a year ago

feels bad for Ethan...getting 13-0 by the Guard, and now by LOUD...

posted about a year ago

And consistency...I mean when LOUD getting grouped on Copenhagen, I don't think you said Saadhak is a bad IGL. no?

posted about a year ago

Nah...its just hard for you to admit that he is still the best IGL until there is another IGL that exceeds his achievements and consistency...that's why its hard for you to understand that a simple "washed"/declining player could destroy a team...

posted about a year ago

Nah that a good series...respect for both teams....

posted about a year ago

at some point they can....Boaster admitted it

posted about a year ago

Nah....you don't understand the context... Ardiis is bring to replace yay with a high hope. But instead, you see how he performed: vs Levi (-12), vs MiBr (-6), vs C9 (-19). Only vs Sen he went positive, although his perform was not outstanding. Thats why like I said, if LOUD have ardiis instead of aspas. I'm pretty sure LOUD could not perform well like now...
And if you see how Marved played yesterday, you will notice very well that lurking is something that S0m does not have/ very lacked.
So surely, with all the changes he may need more time.

Also the fact that he bring OPTIC become the most consistent team in 2022 (something that no others IGL can do) is undeniable....Until Saadhak do the same thing this year and then we can argue...

posted about a year ago

Cause you do not watch vct sa and indonesia. Although i think Azys is more deserved than both of the Australian.

posted about a year ago

Nah....he is right. you see how ardiis played? I dont think LOUD could performed well if aspas swapped with ardiis...
also s0m is a great player, he has proven that he can play at a high level, but he is still not on Marved level yet...

posted about a year ago

A lot...if you are go back to 5-6 month ago. so many thread on doubting him, like why NRG dont pick better smoker, calling him overrated player, saying him was the worst choice compare to Marved, Valyn, Zander, or Zombs; saying that s0m maybe just will only be a content creator in the end, and so many more....

posted about a year ago

Nah its getting better...Fnatic might not be as good as it is today without franchising, similar with other org including GE...surely there is a big gap rn, but mostly due to mismanagement (EG, RRQ, DFM, KC for example). And this is only the first year, we can still hope that in the coming years other organizations will improve...

posted about a year ago

cool...3 years choked and finally get a micky mouse cup...gee gee...

posted about a year ago

Their Ascent was always bad...they never won this map in the last 6 attempt. They should perma ban this map tbh...

posted about a year ago

Nah...they have to stick with the rosters till end of season

posted about a year ago

i prefer sliggy because he is more calm...tmv sometimes overreacting for everything...

posted about a year ago

Tf are you talking about...they won champions, and Sacy and pancada were the best loud player by rating for the entire tournament. So even, I agree with you, they still give their best for the team...

posted about a year ago

Lmao....your team just gave a free win to BBL (that last won a series last November 2022)...

posted about a year ago
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