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Registered: September 23, 2022
Last post: May 14, 2024 at 3:15 AM
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Wow they play with the coach and still won...

posted about a year ago

round diff?

posted about a year ago

Dude we just never know the result of the trial. ofc It can be the result of the trial, but can also because of the salary they offered. there was rumor that certain org only want to pay bare wage for their roster https://twitter.com/_SushantJha/status/1579125457496440834?cxt=HHwWhIDQ3ZWPl-orAAAA . and as an org it is easier you just stick to the current roster because they have a current contract. just adding a little bit more they will be happy.

And I also disagree with results of trials can be an evaluation about whos better. You cant judge the quality of player just from a week of trials?
I mean if the results of the trial represent the quality of player how can RRQ PH cant do shit in APAC scene? while BOOM is consistently compete in high level (always top 5 in circuit point) it just dont make any sense no?

posted about a year ago

It more like: franchising team signing mostly tier 2 players to keep their money from RITO.

posted about a year ago

Indonesian fans already know it will be mix. And their CEO once said minimum 3 Indonesian rosters. but then they signed 5 ph rosters (not tier 1 rosters btw). there was a rumor that they choose the current rosters since they want to pay with minimum wage.
https://twitter.com/_SushantJha/status/1579125457496440834?cxt=HHwWhIDQ3ZWPl-orAAAA -not directly to RRQ but seems the tendency to go there when you see the drama

posted about a year ago

I dont think so. except tehbotol that consistently compete in high level in APAC scene, the other two haven't been proven to be tier 1. Nexi was quite impressive in challenger 2 tho, so he has potential. Ejay I never heard him in APAC scene. or maybe i'm wrong?

posted about a year ago

I dont think its about hating the rosters (pinoy). Indonesian just hating the org (RRQ) that give them false hope. And its not like they signed a tier 1 PH player, they signed unproven players (tier 2 player from PH) as their rosters. thats the context.

posted about a year ago

An org represents Indonesia, but choose 5 roster from Philippines. The problem was not only there, all the rosters from PH were tier 2 player that never proven in APAC scene. Some rumor also said they choose those rosters because they want only pay a low salary.

posted about a year ago

Even if GE take only 1 Indo player. I believe Indo fans will support GE than RRQ.

posted about a year ago

They only take 1 Indonesian and 5 PH. But also all the PH players were tier 2 players (never proven in the international stage, VCT APAC).

posted about a year ago

dude they said signature agent....lmao...

posted about a year ago

Dude everybody will go and play in Seoul...

posted about a year ago

change role. Its not something new. we saw it with Asuna. And Leaf in some occasion played viper, breach, skye, kj, sage, omen. So its not like have 4 duelist but have 3 flex (Xeppa, Zellsis, and Leaf).

posted about a year ago

Nah...the fact that they also loaned Zellsis to replaced Kanpeki means that they want to win the LCQ...

posted about a year ago

Oh...I believe it also can means, he will compete in Brazil (for the kick off) then go compete in Seoul (for the League 2023)? Does not have to be with Korean Team. But it's possible.

posted about a year ago

Ah Ok. its still rumor tho...but thx for the explanation...

posted about a year ago

What happened?

posted about a year ago

Why I feel Rnt has a better performance than the real franchising org in SA?

posted about a year ago

My bad. I misremembered the news from last year, bcs I remembered they were in Thailand once.

posted about a year ago

He threw...you can analyses the the whole match, but you can already see from the round 4 that he threw...

posted about a year ago

There was a reason GE played from Thailand for the LCQ because they want to play in better ping. but yeah that's not a reason to threw because they are professional players...And Noxxy should visit a doctor to manage his anger....

posted about a year ago

according to George Geddes, they will take FNS, crashies, Victor, and Chet. So Chet will be their coach

posted about a year ago

Interesting....first time I heard a player that had around $ 1.25 Million become underrated.

posted about a year ago

What i am heard from similar topic its not LOUD, but the player that want other offer or "more money"...

posted about a year ago

well tex and hazed also dropped....it just som now. maybe he will be a part of the team or just be a content creator.

posted about a year ago

well...idk man, Shahz already has so many chance to prove himself. I'll be surprise if they still keep him for the 2023.

posted about a year ago

Then one of fl1p or severine will also get the spot. surely the were trial because of their IGLing ability....

posted about a year ago

Ah thats bad. they were insane together. I thought there will be 3 teams that will keep same rosters (DRX, PRX and LOUD). but it not happen with LOUD then...

posted about a year ago

Then who? I mean, you can see there are only 13 rosters up there. between them, no debate monyet is the best option. his was still top 3 duelist in LCQ after Deryeon and kadoom with more 5-6 more map played even he got some of bad map....except you can bring non-Indonesian player like Deryeon then I'll agree with you.

posted about a year ago

2 possibilities. They will always choose fade instead of sova. Or Xeppa/Zellsis has to learn sova.

posted about a year ago

wait...what happen with LOUD?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Will be difficult after seeing their performance against NAOS...

posted about a year ago

They just lost to NAOS...keep all PH roster may be difficult...

posted about a year ago

Then who? between all those player on the list. He is the best option they have.

posted about a year ago

Then who is your TOP 5 IGL in NA? I just wonder...kekw
also Leaf stats always good. he has even the best stats in Stage 1. he is just underrated.
And Xeppa definitely top 5 flex player if we see the stats this year (stage 1, stage 2, and LCQ)

posted about a year ago

Mitch leave C9.

posted about a year ago

He was the best player in 100T in:
LCQ 2022
Challenger Stage 2
Challenger Stage 1
LCQ 2021

Literally, he was the best player of 100T in almost every tournament, except last champions. You cant say he is inconsistent player just from 3 matches no?

posted about a year ago

I think the idea was that the team has a backup of players in case something happens to the main players (injury, illness, etc.). Means most likely we will see the same rosters every game. Except that they have different strategy for specific map. like what DRX did when they still have Laika or Team Secret did with Jremy....

posted about a year ago

Imo. it will depend on RRQ for lmemore...If they pick him as main roster why would he go to PRX.

posted about a year ago

They had a valorant team since 2020 dude. They were just suck.

posted about a year ago

Yeah when they released all their rosters they probably will take all the FPX rosters or all M3C rosters (if they did not think to politics...)

posted about a year ago

not sure. If TS want to build super team PH, they may take KellyS and Nexi. So it could be Super team Indo or mix PH & Indo.
Keeping their PH Roster is just suicide since they cant even win against seed 3 team from Indo (AE) on the last tournament

posted about a year ago

I think he will wait. Since RRQ will represent Indonesia, there will be a possibility they will change some of their rosters if not all with some of Indonesian player. And Lmemore may be one of them. So instead of being 6th man, he may choose to play as main roster.

posted about a year ago
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