Flag: United States
Registered: March 28, 2024
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 7:54 AM
Posts: 6

I am sorry, but staying healthy and being careful in foreign environments is part of being a fucking competitor. Why is it that none of the other teams have these issues? I appreciate that Leo did look sick, and he clearly had a rough game, but it's not a good excuse for a loss. It's all part of the competition - staying healthy is maybe the most important part. Every part of the prep for a game matters.

posted 7 hours ago

It's fine if you find him annoying, but he's not a dislikeable guy. He's nice to pretty much everyone, and leads his team well. I don't really think he's the reason anyone hates on Fnatic.

posted 1 day ago

I like Fnatic a lot - Boaster is a really likeable dude, whatever cringe neckbeard assholes who live in their mom's basement say - but their fans are toxic AF. They're a sick team, but they can lose, and their fans treat the Texas that they go up against as just lucky if they win. It's annoying, and it breeds a lot of hatred for FNC, even tho they're pretty chill and likeable guys, for the most part.

posted 2 days ago

Get shit on loser kekw

posted 1 month ago

Everyone hates so hard on Victor - the guy played a human owl drone on old optic to enable yay and marved. Now that he's actually able to play for himself a little, you can see that the dude has some insane aim and util.

posted 1 month ago

Hydrogen bomb v coughing baby KC 2-0 26-0

posted 2 months ago