Flag: Brazil
Registered: July 31, 2022
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 3:15 PM
Posts: 8

Alfa is different breed

posted 3 weeks ago

In the shimmering crucible of competitive Valorant, amidst the tumultuous ebb and flow of victory and defeat, there exists an iridescent beacon of unyielding determination - Fnatic. This quintessential amalgamation of virtuosos, helmed by the sage-like guidance of Coach Elmapuddy and the astute acumen of Assistant Coach Mini, comprises a constellation of stars: the indomitable In-Game Leader (IGL) Boaster, whose strategic orchestrations sculpt the battlefield with a masterful finesse; the incandescent duelist Derke, whose lightning reflexes and unwavering resolve strike fear into the hearts of adversaries; the versatile and enigmatic Chronicle, a polymath of the digital realm whose adaptability knows no bounds; the stalwart sentinel Alfajer, whose unwavering vigilance and unyielding defense form an impenetrable bulwark against opposing onslaughts; and the cerebral Initiator Leo, whose keen intellect and precise execution unravel the threads of enemy schemes with surgical precision. Though beset by the tempestuous winds of fate, Fnatic, in their valiant march across the annals of esport history, encountered a tempest that threatened to derail their inexorable ascent. Yet, in the crucible of adversity, forged by the fires of defeat, Fnatic emerged, phoenix-like, from the ashes of their former selves. With steely resolve and an unquenchable thirst for redemption, they honed their skills, fortified their bonds, and embraced the crucible of competition with renewed fervor. Through tireless dedication and unwavering unity, Fnatic transcended the confines of mortal limitation, ascending to the zenith of their potential and reclaiming their rightful place among the pantheon of gaming legends. With hearts aflame and spirits unbound, Fnatic embarked upon a triumphant odyssey, inscribing their names upon the annals of eternity as the paragons of Valorant excellence.

posted 1 month ago

how(9) & who(6) & why(2)

posted 2 months ago

nick and why do you think he is the player of the year?

posted 8 months ago

I have been following Valorant since the beta and have concluded that both Less and Alfa are crucial to their team's success more than anything. While there is debate over who is the better player or sentinel, the reality is that these two players are as essential as the engine of a car or the pillars of a building. Imagine facing FNC or LOUD on Haven or any other map actually, and knowing that Alfa and Less are playing sentinel and holding down one or two sites with their utility. You must then decide whether to attack the site where they are playing or to go to the other site. There are two possible outcomes: if you attack the site where they are, you may kill Alfa or Less but lose more than one player, leaving you in a 4v3 post-plant situation against four of the world's best players. Alternatively, if you go to the other site, you avoid Alfa and Less but risk facing other strong players. Given that these two players have consistently shown their ability to hold the site on their own (and sometimes even manage two sites with utility, as Alfa and Less does), your role is to join the site where two or three players are currently holding. Ideally, you should aim to eliminate all four players (assuming none survive after you secure the site), leaving you with just one player, Alfa or Less, in a clutch scenario. This is undoubtedly a high-risk situation. (assuming you lost 3 or 4 while securing the site)

Furthermore, if you're thinking that catching Less or Alfa to secure the site is an easy task, you'd be mistaken, my friend. In just three rounds of consistently targeting these players' sites, they can accumulate enough ultimate ability points to single-handedly secure a round.
I truly believe if they change teams they would be as important as it is now, they would be as awesome as it is now.

posted 9 months ago

Alfa is by far ahead of others. Man is not below average on kda and kills in the last 50 match

posted 9 months ago