Flag: Denmark
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: December 11, 2022 at 2:29 PM
Posts: 16

Yay just keeps whiffing

posted about a year ago

kru 0 gun rounds speedrun

posted about a year ago

they came all the way back just to lose a 3v1 to stellar

posted about a year ago

even if 100t somehow loses this map, then it should still be pretty safe if 100t wins fracture since haven should be free for them

posted about a year ago

cender running thru a smoke in a 4v3 while they have the site, basically just lost them the game. i still think they have a chance on Fracture tho
edit: okay he made up for it with that 1v2 at 12-11

posted about a year ago

oh yes but that was Enzo, don't expect him to do anything

posted about a year ago

the last round can only be sayf's fault. that's such a garbage call when you know you're againts a low buy

posted about a year ago

Insane call from sayf in last round KEKW

posted about a year ago

easy 3-10 13-11

posted about a year ago

losing to NA? time to disband imo

posted about a year ago

nice production

posted about a year ago

Fut's attack side is so weird. they just hope that someone gets a multi kill and if that doesn't happen then it's basically just GG
this game was litteraly unloseable, but they can't win an advantage to save their lives

posted about a year ago

Wait comrade you're gambling here aswell????

posted about a year ago

Fnatic are either tilted or they don't care anymore. they're just running it down at this point

posted about a year ago

and it came down to a retake aswell lol

posted about a year ago

Fnatic is giga trolling, and Acend might still lose this after a 6-1 lead

posted about a year ago