Flag: Ukraine
Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 1:07 AM
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I hadn't been to a CS event before IEM Dallas, and I gotta say, being part of the crowd was incredibly fun. Never been to a valorant LAN so I don't know how it compares, but this one set the bar pretty high.

I don't think we'll ever see stuff like that in Valorant, partly because of the community. However, Riot also tend to play very advertiser safe, and most American advertisers are the most puritan mfs you'll ever meet. No swearing, nothing remotely controversial or disrespectful. Tl;Dr, I think Riot wouldn't even allow or cater to this type of crowd even if Val community was like this.

posted 2 days ago

That is so passive aggressive out of nowhere wtf

posted 1 week ago

I think "Private universities* are a scam" is a little more fair.

posted 3 weeks ago

To be fair, most of the time it happens it's like 3-4 people that post on every thread and get downvoted each time. Most people don't seem to think that way.

posted 1 month ago

Holy uwukitten banger

posted 1 month ago

One can only hope 🙏

posted 1 month ago

Can both lose?

posted 1 month ago

Do you know if IEM Dallas is going to be played with -overpass +dustII?

First CS event I bought tickets for, and am curious about the maps I'll see.

posted 1 month ago

Fan base wise, navi. Not really a team I dislike, maybe was RRQ because they had fl0pzjder.

posted 1 month ago

Better be ready to preorder.

posted 1 month ago

If he wants to pursue a career at mcdonalds or some other profession, be my guest. But he can never be trusted in a position where he could abuse power dynamics ever again.

posted 1 month ago

Not sure about that.

18 is probably just a blanket rule because it's considered the age of majority in a lot of countries. Plus most people will be done with primary education by then. They probably just let 18 year olds that aren't done with high school figure their own situation out.

posted 1 month ago

It's much easier when you're in high school to take 1 week off vs five months. My guess is it's a mixture of liability and not wanting kids to sacrifice education for spots in esports.

posted 1 month ago

I feel like it just kills off young talent so much and especially just makes people who win ascension less rewarding (bleed)

Just to add, the point of ascension from an org pov is almost strictly about qualifying. Riot is almost certainly going to expand partnership slots, so orgs want to interact with Riot as much as possible so they get selected. That's my guess as to why you'll see a lot of ascension teams field rosters with under 18 talent or more than one import (à la JDG). Even if they know their roster will be worse after they qualify, they still want to get that 2-year contract.

posted 1 month ago

They've had issues in the past with curfew and work hours limits for under 18 talent.

Most under 18 also have obligations with school that will severely hamper their ability to travel to another state/country and play matches. Much easier to just have them play T2 from their bedrooms until they finish schooling .

posted 1 month ago

JDG wanted to sign jkuro after they couldn't keep yoman. Not a terrible idea since Jkuro is good, but they didn't have an Igl. Every other chinese team picked up the good talent that was available during that time. Sure, they were able to get an igl in Yhchen, but they need more firepower on that roster since his calling isn't as good as Yoman's. The only issue is who is realistically an upgrade that is either not on a team, or would be willing to leave their team to join JDG.

The only hope would be to rebuild around the core of Yhchen, Viva, and Stew, and hope some players on franchised teams might want to play for a well respected org like JDG.

posted 1 month ago

Loud higher than T1 :(

posted 1 month ago

Reykjavik 2022 was the best imo. Start of the optic loud rivalry, Zeta miracle run, Jinggg debut and paper rex doing well at internationals.

posted 1 month ago

Only people that give a shit about it rn are posters on VLR who think they've discovered a secret cabal of NA pros. Best to just let people forget imo.

posted 1 month ago

Nah, tbh Yay doesn't gain anything by commenting at this point. The overwhelming majority of T1 pros that have commented have supported yay. The only ones that haven't have already been against him. If you don't have any bias looking at the situation, yay looks pretty innocent.

If Ghengsta posts some actual shit or ocean confirms it, then maybe, but I don't think he gains anything right now.

posted 1 month ago

Like if this was serious, why the fuck would you include it in a "by the way" manner with a scrim clip being the highlight of the thread?

I would be willing to bet that Ghengsta was just scrolling through logs to find something to shit on yay with and saw the msg, was reminded of the messages and decided to misconstrue the nature of the 10k comment. They both probably knew yay was joking about it, but ghengsta thought he could use it to make Yay look bad.

Don't have any evidence for that, just a gut feeling.

posted 1 month ago

Depends on the state. Some states have anti-bribery laws in sports, but most federal and state-level anti-bribery laws normally are about politicians being bribed.

And, most laws related to sports normally deal with bribing to win a game, not bribing to remove a teammate.

posted 1 month ago

Nah, I don't really care either way whether or not Yay was toxic, that's something the team needs to talk about, and if Bleed think he's too toxic, they can kick him, none of my business.

I just get annoyed with this whole VLR thinking they've discovered some conspiracy of t1 players coming together to hide some bribe accusation.

posted 1 month ago

Why would that make it true if it isn't his alt, what? Wouldn't it seem more suspicious if a legitimate bribe happened seven months ago but nobody took action on it? I'm not saying it proves it didn't happen, but were not even in the zip code as possible evidence with that.

posted 1 month ago

Thinking about that one part of the FNS rant when he said something along the lines of, "You guys are under 15 and it shows." Starting to think it might be true.

posted 1 month ago

You believe it because a random person posted about it 7 months ago? What...

At least wait for some tangible evidence man wtf.

posted 1 month ago

Interesting, but have you considered that random people on VLR that have looked at Yay's match history might have more insight?

posted 1 month ago

I don't necessarily agree with the way Steel is approaching the Yay situation, but I will always root for anyone shitting on Leorge.

posted 1 month ago

No one really cares about T2, just an unfortunate truth. DSG, TGRD, and M80 were probably solo-carrying NA viewership last year. Now there's only 1 left, and it's probably the team with the least fans of the 3.

posted 1 month ago

Individual performance from quite a few players has dropped of a cliff. In the past, rounds they were down in Alfajer Leo or chronicle would get miracle kills and they would win. Doesn't happen nearly as much.

They've failed to innovate any of their strategies, and are getting beaten by teams with better team play and coordination.

posted 1 month ago

Not bad, but not great.

I like him personally, but I can understand why other people don't.

posted 1 month ago

I think Paperthin is good in Pacific as well, his commentary and Achillios' shout casting make a good duo imo.

posted 1 month ago

That's fair, but then I/she knows is a perfectly valid response. Guy just has a fragile ego or some shit then.

posted 1 month ago

Let me ask you this. What would be the benefit of this comm?

There's only a few things I could think of.

  • They don't know how Clove kit works?
  • He wants her to plant and play ult instead of faking the plant and looking for a kill.

If it's the first, then saying "she knows" is perfectly valid. If it's the second, they're back seating.

posted 1 month ago

He's not saying the she has ult. He's saying that in order to ult if she dies, she needs to plant bomb. One is providing potentially useful information, one is telling someone how to play. If they say they know, that should be the end of it. Who gives a fuck.

posted 1 month ago

There's not many things more infuriating in ranked than people telling you how to play your agents in clutches. If I say I know, I just don't want this person micromanaging how I'm playing my clutch. Kinda a huge overreaction from the guy imo. I think if he just calmly said that he was trying to provide helpful information instead of going rant mode instantly, he probably would've gotten a way different response.

posted 1 month ago

Everyone doubting c0m for a bad first game of the season.

Where have I seen this before?

posted 2 months ago

Yeah, if they can keep up this level at the bare minimum they should qualify for Shanghai. I hope losing their opening game against the best team in the region doesn't hurt their mental.

posted 2 months ago

Bit of both. JDG should've won, so many thrown rounds on split that they could've won with more discipline.

Flaws in EDG's team are becoming more obvious. Haodong calling is not good, and they don't use enough supporting util if they rest so much of their chance of winning on KangKang. It's why we see them performing worse overall.

posted 2 months ago

Looking better with YhChen

Horrible individual decision making + nobody single handedly winning ~3 rounds made them lose Split.

Viva made some really questionable calls in the second half, which I think cost them some important rounds. At least one of Yihao and Mart1n needs to be more consistent, they consistently make huge plays and the end of maps after having silent openings.

posted 2 months ago

"Nah I'd win" meme but with Boasters face

posted 2 months ago

I think the one thing that people don't consider is that CS is only able to do this schedule by delineating the work of hosting events to other companies like ESL, PGL, etc. The only way that a lot of these companies are able to run these tournaments is because of the lucrative gambling sponsors. Riot has made it pretty clear they don't want to take gambling sponsors, so that leaves them with really only one option. Decrease the production quality so much that the cost is made up by only ticket and merch sales. Which, I have a feeling isn't what most people want.

posted 2 months ago

People are insecure that other people might not like the thing they like so they project that insecurity into talking shit about the other game.

It happens in the exact opposite direction during Masters/Champs.

posted 2 months ago

CS major beat Masters Madrid by 200k viewers and it's the first cs2 major. This has been the closet the gap has ever been between the two sports.

I like CS as well, but it's very possible that Val overtakes CS soon in viewership. It could even happen at champs this year.

The game gets bigger every year as new teams from different regions get into the game and become successful, ZETA Division getting top 3 in Reykjavik in 2022 created an insanely big fanbase for the game in JP, a region with no history in FPS. Just think what could happen if a KR team or a CN team wins a LAN.

posted 2 months ago

Current EDG lineup isn't that good. Their play style of focusing all their support on KangKang kinda falls flat when you have players like Nobody who don't use supportive util that often.

posted 2 months ago

If SyouTa wakes up for this series I think Fennel win.

The last two times the teams played, Reject did a good job of shutting down SyouTa, Fennel either need SyouTa to do well, or have Derialy or another step up, but Xdll can't solo carry two bo5s.

posted 2 months ago

DRX are presumably running Foxy9 on sentinel, something we've seen to mixed results.

Meanwhile Jinboong is in Japanese T2 dropping a something like performance on Cypher and Killjoy

Seems like it would be a good upgrade on paper.

posted 2 months ago

No one reads off topic, it relates to gambling in Valorant, there's like 80 million threads about agent genders and anime that are in general discussion at least this relates to gambling sponsors in Valorant.

posted 2 months ago

I know I just complained about the amount of CSjoe threads, but this was pretty interesting.

A group of "fans" being paid by a skin gambling site apparently stormed the stage in response to one of the teams, G2, having a sponsorship with a different gambling site.

Plus there's talks about how PGL has been circumventing the Danish laws to promote gambling site 1xBet.

I'm not going to pretend like the two events are connected in anyway, but it's stuff like this that makes me glad that Valorant hasn't taken on any gambling sponsorships and (I think) actively prevents teams from taking on gambling sponsorships.


posted 2 months ago
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