Flag: Portugal
Registered: May 16, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 9:54 PM
Posts: 229
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My dude DGzin is playing not fame.

posted about 2 years ago

Most players don't like the format either.

posted about 2 years ago

Primeiro, vc só tem 1 jogo para análisar a performance do Sacy de Jett na qual ele ganhou 12x2, a não ser que esteja falando que o Sacy estava baitando num jogo que vc nem viu.

Segundo, ele é constanmente MVP contra os radiantes de nível mais alto do Brasil jogando de Jett, então se não tem mecânica, NINGUÉM no Brasil tem mecânica.

Terceiro, vc só fala merda, seu último comentário foi críticando uma performance do Xand na qual ele conseguiu 19 first kills contra a GL então está mais que obvio que vc só fala merda.

posted about 2 years ago

O cara joga 6 mapas seguidos sem ter nem 30 minutos de pausa, é o destaque da Furia em ambos os mapas que a Furia venceu, mas como não performou no mesmo nível no último mapa tem reformar.

É típico prata todos.

posted about 2 years ago

Claro, mas o Sacy tem olho de pro player a gente tem olho de player casual, é obvio que o entendimento do cara vai ser bem superior.

Ele falou que trollaram demais na Haven, que a melhoria foi notória na Bind e que na Ascent o jogo foi muito muito feio e voltaram aos maus hábitos.

posted about 2 years ago

É muito engraçado ver o seu comentário, depois ligar a live do Sacy e ouvir ele dizendo que o uso de utilidades da Gamelanders melhorou muito e que já não estão tão dependentes da mira do MW.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes dropping players that play perfectly well is always the answer.

posted about 2 years ago

And their best game was with Mazin playing duelist, nice jinx.

posted about 2 years ago

At least you did a good job starting your top 10 with "1. TSMFTX".

That way we know everything you say after that is just objectively wrong.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think so, Brazil has insane viewship in League but they had their slots reduced twice because they couldn't keep up with the international teams.

posted about 2 years ago

I know that NA and EU outplayed BR that's exactly what I said, my point is that Vikings didn't play against Crazy Raccon or Nuturn because if they did we'd know more accurately if they deserved the 2 slots or not.

posted about 2 years ago

It's too early to know in my opinion, they won against Thailand and lost against the NA and EU respective champions.

If the slots change the same way they did in LOL, they'll probably judge Brazil's performance from the entire year, by that I mean - Iceland, Berlin and Champions and if they under perform in all of those it's pretty much guaranteed that they'll lose 1 slot.

I need at least see Berlin first, if they don't improve at all I think they should be reduced to 1 slot.

posted about 2 years ago

Jesus Christ you can't have one good take, just one.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh but those are even worst samples my friend, his function on Gamelanders is much different than his function on VK even tho he played sentinels in both teams - in Gamelanders he did whatever the team needed even if it wasn't what he was best at. In VK he clearly has more space to get creative and show his playstyle, he didn't just magically improve.

Besides that he played against Ex-b4, Slick and Gamelanders with that you get like 7 maps against good teams to judge him from and he isn't bad at all, not only that but he had a lot of good clutches.

posted about 2 years ago

You have a 5 game sample to look at to judge his performance, he played at the same level of his entire team in all of them.

People love to hate for no reason whatsoever.

posted about 2 years ago

This hate for Johw is just stupid at this point, look at his VLR.GG, he performed constantly well, against good and not so good teams, I mean, he doesn't usually have the spotlight but that's to be expected based on the fact the team has players like Heat and Murizzz.

TenZ picks Rayna because he isn't so good at Raze must surely be a meme, he picks Rayna because it really complements his aggressive play style, he uses the champion to constantly get pick offs - that's why he has so many first bloods. He could be the best Raze in the entire green earth he still couldn't have had as much impact as he had with Rayna.

Brazil's MACRO is clearly their weak point, but your critiques don't really make much sense - Not using Viper on Icebox I guess is a good critique, but Astra does pretty much the same job only in a different way (a worst way in my opinion), even tho Astra has more control, she has less post plant power and holding site control, so teams can't use 1 B (Viper) - 1 MID - 3 A, strat that a lot of team of teams used on Iceland (mostly Fnatic and Sentinels) but that problem can be overcome. And if there's something that Brazil should've learned on Iceland is - Copying another teams style doesn't fucking work.

And why does Jonn use his skills so badly? Please give some good exemples to make your point.

posted about 2 years ago

Eu acho bem engraçado o seu comentário porque disseram exatamente o mesmo sobre a Sentinels e eles acabaram limpando tudo na Islândia.

A Sentinels tem muito investimento por trás da org e perdeu para a ANDBOX no challagers 2 - NA, a única coisa que foi precisa foi um estudo extensivo da forma como a Sentinels jogava e bastante talento da parte dos jogadores da ANDBOX, merito da ANDBOX e não demerito da Sentinels.

Se os Desempregados ou B4 estiverem bem preparados para o que um time como a Furia ou a Gamelanders tiverem para oferecerer e tiverem a mira para suportar essa preparação podem arrancar 1 jogo ou até a série, vergonha seria se a Gamelanders ou Furia fossem incompetentes e perdessem por erros estúpidos ou falta de preparação, agora perder para uma equipa talentosa, bem preparada, seja tier 1 ou tier 47 é o jogo mesmo.

posted about 2 years ago

É verdade, os desempregados por exemplo, podem vir a ser uma line muito forte.

posted about 2 years ago

And they probably won't sadly.

posted about 2 years ago

Nyang will probably do that since he is spamming it on ranked.
And because some maps require double controller.

posted about 3 years ago

Please, GL and Furia didn't choke Sharks was just better.

How many time does Sharks have to beat GL for people to understand that? They've done it like 3 times already.

posted about 3 years ago

Aspas hasn't left Slick as of yet, and clearly that was some deeper problem with Vorax than just the players themselves.

Besides, none of these players has any experience as an IGL (that I know of ofc).

posted about 3 years ago

This is stupid on so many levels, BR isn't like EU or NA where most people focus on the same the game (CS GO and Overwatch for the last few years) - there is a lot of talent spread across a bunch of different FPS games, games that you probably never paid attention to.
And even tho Imperial was a good team their disbanding clearly isn't the downfall of BR Valorant - The only thing you can take out of this is that their talent wasn't being used to it's fullest capacity so they decided to disband so that talent would work better elsewhere.

posted about 3 years ago

A classic case of "I say something stupid, than people are mean to me".

posted about 3 years ago
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