Flag: Portugal
Registered: May 16, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 9:54 PM
Posts: 229
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Didn't expect the APAC, NA, BR and JP combination at all, but I'm really happy the see the smaller regions grow.

posted about 2 years ago

And even if all Optic players were better or vice-versa it might not even really matter - it's a team game there are a lot more factors than individual skill.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm doing this entire thing assuming that the roles are the same as they were in the last VCT even tho they might very well change soon with a new players joining the team.

(Duelist) Aspas > Heat - Just purely based on agent pool because I feel that VK always needing to use either Jett or Chamber can be problem sometimes bcz Heat doesn't really play anything else, and Aspas can pretty much play every duelist at international level.

(Iniciator) Sacy > Mwzera - Again if we are judging them as iniciators, Sacy is clearly better. MW could be better if he had more of a flex role? Maybe. But as of right now Sacy is the better iniciator by far.

(Controller) Pancada > RGLmeister - They have the same strong points, controllers with amazing aim, a wide agent pool and nice utility usage, but I still feel Pancada as proven himself more than RGL has a consistently good controller.

(Flex) Saadhak > Murizzz - I don't think anyone will disagree with me on this one. Murizzz is good don't take me wrong but the value Saadhak adds to the team is just to great.

I think that what Vivo Keyd needs it's a change inside the team, the way the team arranged the roles has been their main problem, the last player needs to lock the team into place so that they don't have to constantly change their roles from map to map and remain playing confortably but with good comps.

posted about 2 years ago

Saying that Pancada has no utility/teamplay might be most stupid shit I've read on this website.

Pancada sets up his team perfectly, he did back when Astra was meta and now he still does with Omen and Brim.

posted about 2 years ago

Clearly not a troll account at all, not like it was created an hour ago and just posted dumb baits since.

posted about 2 years ago

What a stupid fucking rule if it's real, hope the punishment isn't anything like it was with VK either.

posted about 2 years ago

NIP's mistakes become extremely clear when they play against organized teams, against LOUD their biggest downfall was their lack of discipline and coordenation and here the same thing happened, they had some pretty nice reads on what was going on, the problem is that their utility usage and coordenation was just worst than both LOUD and DRX.

Also Icebox first map was kinda troll.

posted about 2 years ago

Always nice to see fair play, respect to Boaster.

posted about 2 years ago

What a stupid fucking comment, Boaster showed nothing but respect against every team he played against, be that a team from EU or from any other region.
The most disrespect he demonstrated was against NA... and it was clearly in the form of banter.

If you want to seem like an asshole that's fine but why pick Boaster to do it? He himself asked for a pause when they found a exploit that could help them against NIP.

posted about 2 years ago

You don't know shit about how they are playing in Scrims, Saadhak himself said they were struggling and focused more on improving that anything else.

Yet you keep hyping them up like they are undesputed first place - the best team in the world... hopefully most people can distinguish the players and the normal fans from the stupid annoying one's like you

I know Loud might look good, but chill.

posted about 2 years ago

It's the same guy, not really a journalist but he sure likes to leak stuff.

Pretty much everything he came up with was true in the BR scene.

posted about 2 years ago

Weird decision, V1xen performed well on the international stage, even tho his playstyle is mostly focused on helping the team.

My hope is that RGL is just a great IGL and that a strong voice is what's lacking on VK, otherwise they're wasting one of the best controllers in Brazil.

posted about 2 years ago

According to Noyn that's not what's going to happen.

posted about 2 years ago

Pelo lado positivo, se a equipa não funcionar ainda têm excelentes players que provavelmente fariam melhor figura noutra equipe, se o KILLDREAM ficar free agent espera que alguma equipa tier 1 o apanhe.

posted about 2 years ago

A Sharks é muito estranha, tecnicamente todos os player deveriam ser bastante bons nas suas função mas parece que pelo estilo de jogo nenhum deles se consegue destacar.

A antiga Sharks para além de ser melhor taticamente conseguia jogar mais solta.

posted about 2 years ago

Doesn't make much sense to me, either they'll take out V1xen and he's a perfectly good controller or Jhow and RGL will have to become a sentinel.

posted about 2 years ago

One of the worst teams I agree. But the worst?

They 3-0'd LEV, and LEV had a really close series against KRU - I'm not saying that this makes NIP better than KRU by any means but it indicates that especially with Fluyr coming in as coach maybe they're at least close in level.

posted about 2 years ago

That was a joke by Josh - he asked people to give him fake scrimbux on twitter.

posted about 2 years ago

There wasn't even enough time for them to practice against that many teams, they started 2 days ago I think.

posted about 2 years ago

There aren't 0 flaws in LOUD but they haven't been pushed enough by BR teams to the point where some players just underperform.

Their hardest series was against Liberty and they won because every player was on point, winning every clutch they could.

posted about 2 years ago

Even tho I often root for Brazil I also think they are one of the worst teams in the tournment, but they are pretty dangerous, I don't know if it was the Fluyr factor but they seem more organized now than when they played against LOUD... also they don't lack firepower at all.

On a good day they could give any team in the tournment an hard time.

posted about 2 years ago

that's an understatement

posted about 2 years ago

They have the same spots, the only difference is now they are destributed between Brazil and LATAM

posted about 2 years ago

In my opinion, no.

I believe that LOUD manages to use their utility to maximize Aspas potencial that's the main reason he frags out so much - but skill wise Heat has a more crucial role on his team.

Also ignore trembola, he said that Keyd was gonna stomp this series so that speaks for itself. Aspas gets a lot of impactful kills even tho his FK isn't as high as most Jett mains that's just because his team doesn't need to rely on him to make agressive plays on defense very often. It's because of the playstyle of the team not bcz he lacks fire power.

posted about 2 years ago

2 - 0 for Liberty

A map will be somewhat close the other will be easy and clean.

posted about 2 years ago

You know what matters? First kills, and he got 16.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, that's how it works, there was no improvement, no change in the team and also they didn't evolve tatically they are just the exact same team.

posted about 2 years ago

Jogo bom de assistir mas certo erros persistem, a capacidade das equipas tanto a LOUD como a Liberty de jogar situações de extrema vantagem por vezes é bem ruim.
A Liberty taticamente encontrou-se vários vezes em situações bem favoráveis que a LOUD tinha que reverter com jogadas individuais, isto fica evidente especialmente na Ascent (Não só 5v2 do Less e Sadhaak, mas também 5v4 e 4v3 que a Loud acabava ganhando na bala).

É uma pena a Loud não ter um analista focado somente no aspeto técnico do jogo, acho que ajudaria demais a equipa e talvez tivessem ganho esse jogo com uma vantagem bem mais confortável e fora isso têm SEMPRE que valorizar as situações de vantagem, algo que equipa consegue obviamente fazer mas por vezes perdem-se no momento.

posted about 2 years ago

na verdade eu não sou burro, estava simplesmente fingindo.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with Xand being a pretty inconsistent player but I disagree with everything else.

First Bezn never really had a team he could pop off on, mostly just tier 2 teams and he was consistently good on those.
Second Cauazin is a very young player and is most likely the most promising player in Brazil at the moment alongside with Less, he isn't average at all.

posted about 2 years ago

They're doing a camp early on NA, if they manage to get to masters dgzin will really be nice to watch, he's the only sniper on Brazil on Heat's level, and he's probably more consistent.

posted about 2 years ago

True, they accidentaly beat Furia, than had a fluke against Sentinels, than in a moment of luck won against Fnatic and almost took out Gambit.

That's some luck right there.

posted about 2 years ago

Saadhak is playing flex, mostly second iniciator.

Right now people think that Less was the sentinel selected by LOUD.

posted about 2 years ago

The tweet in portuguese would indicate otherwise - novidades em breve (news coming soon).

posted about 2 years ago

But now what will happen to LATAM? They have no teams.

Meanwhile Brazil has a bunch of ORG's that want to invest but there are basically no tier 1 players left.

posted about 2 years ago

Tier S - Loud, Vivo Keyd

Tier A - Furia, Sharks, NIP

Tier B - Gamelanders, Oddik, MIBR

Tier C - Liberty, Vikings, Liberty, Stars Horizon

Tier D - Los Grandes, B4, Rise, Try, Lusa, Fluxo

posted about 2 years ago

Em termos de players todos são excelentes nas suas funções, pode parecer estranho mas o sucesso do time vai depender mais do trabalho feito pelo coach e pelos analistas.

posted about 2 years ago

A Vikings está interessada no Ds, então acho que o Fizzy vai fechar o line da NIP e Ds vai preencher a line da VKS no lugar dele.


posted about 2 years ago

Só falta o Janny, mas provavelmente encontrou uma equipa t1 na europa.

posted about 2 years ago

Nada contra o Killdream e o Addicted obviamente são excelentes nas suas funções.

posted about 2 years ago

Eu sei que podem mudar de função né, mas é meio contra produtivo já que não têm resultados demonstráveis nessa função (que eu conheça) e já que existem outros jogadores excelentes em Portugal com muitos mais conhecimento da função (teoricamente) disponíveis.

posted about 2 years ago

A line da Sharks com os reforços portugueses pode até ser verdadeira, mas não faz o menor sentido, Addicted é um iniciador uma role que provavelmente vai ser feita pelo Frz e o Killdream é um duelista que joga maioritariamente de Jett, uma função que é claramente do Gabx.

A equipa vai ter 3 duelistas, 2 iniciadores e 0 controlares e sentinelas?

Se os reforços são de facto portugueses é mais provável ser Fizzy e Ds, ou algo do gênero.

posted about 2 years ago

Muito gente vai criticar essa lineup, mas eu achei bem interessante.

Não tem muitos jogadores com resultados comprovados, mas tem bastante potencial. Se souberem trabalhar juntos podem segurar um lugar no top 5 das melhores equipas.

posted about 2 years ago

That's what google translate does to you, first tweet was VERY CLEARLY ironic and the second tweet you are interpreting the word "apavoro" way to literally.

Same way you might say - I'll cause a riot, or bring caos if you're being loud and over the top.

posted about 2 years ago

If they meet again in playoffs Acend will actually be so fucked, even without the cam Keyd outplayed them.

Fair enough tho.

posted about 2 years ago

If that's actually true and the cam was on it, than I change my mind, if he missed it it's still his responsability - Pro players don't have to know everything that happens around the world like the X10 or VGIA situation but if it's explained to you and they show the actual things you can't do than fair enough.

Still think they should've paused, but if that's actually true than the punishment was fair.

posted about 2 years ago

Come on my dude, Riot is being insanely inconsistent, pausing in some cases in not others, aplying different punishments.

Of course you can just think I'm an idiot but most pro players are saying the same things just look at Yay and Asuna for exemple.

posted about 2 years ago

Jhow said that he didn't have a clue, of course he could be lying but I doubt that if he knew what happened to teams that used the cam in the past he'd actually use it in an international event.

posted about 2 years ago

I doesn't take 2 hours, it takes to minutes to check Jhow's POV and see if that he was using was indeed an exploit - an the first time I saw the it I knew it was the bugged cam, so I think Riot should also be able to do so.

posted about 2 years ago
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