Flag: Brazil
Registered: July 30, 2022
Last post: January 27, 2024 at 10:34 PM
Posts: 92
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paper rex jersey is different this year they gave a couple teasers for there youtube members only

posted 4 months ago

hes good but hes a pugger would not perform well in a vct scene

posted 7 months ago

lmao where did you pull this out from

posted 8 months ago

paper rex has had its core ever since csgo lmao

posted 8 months ago

he was i think he departed from the team tho if im not mistaken

posted 8 months ago

what is this lmao

posted 8 months ago

forsaken aint going to leave paper rex

posted 8 months ago

What paper rex were you watching s0mething is known to go balls deep into everything going into ct and playing absolutely confident and some would say stupid

posted 10 months ago

Tbh i dont think its a good idea to drop the whole team they need to decide who is there 6th man first and then they need to do new stuff maybe change there playstyle

posted 11 months ago

I think that Paper Rex might have the step foward atm because DRX are tired aswell with Paper Rex having 5 maps worth of film from today game.

posted 11 months ago

Maybe but probably not

posted about a year ago

bro i already won against him on 130 ping lmao :D

posted about a year ago

With sykko being out will the the comps acc make sense now like Zekken on duelist or pancada on smokes acc have good support around the duelist player i dont know if this will be a W change but i hope it is

posted about a year ago

really thats going to be painful

posted about a year ago

With the recent news that TenZ has a Joint infection is he going to play whats going to happen marved is still in Canada so wtf
/_--/_ IDK man

posted about a year ago

hope its a good game

posted about a year ago

realistically no :D

posted about a year ago

who fucking knows i dont know how d3ffo will be joining but hes joining Global probably found some kind of fault in the fine print

posted about a year ago

they dont have any

posted about a year ago

i Pretty sure theres a loop hole where D3ffo can enter ge as a non import because russia is EU and Asia. Hes also joining GE 100% because All Indian players visas got denied

posted about a year ago

The utill looked amazing you can see they are really comming and preparing of what they are going to do

posted about a year ago

People are putting to much shade on karmine They looked fucking amazing yesterday with utill combo they are creating a good structure lacking fire power

posted about a year ago

no he would not lmao the leaks were not right he is not going to play as much as people think maybe nothing at all.S0mehing is for the near future hes going to replace jinggg after he goes to military service

posted about a year ago

bro they just need time

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying for sure there's only 2-3 people which i acc pretty doubt but I'm just saying what i know so far but there's for sure no more then like 20 Latam people

posted about a year ago

true but most of the time they're in groups and I've been around the stadium and so far I met only one group of about 2-3 people from chile/Argentina

posted about a year ago

they might have been more today but for sure they're going to have loads of people from outside brazil if they pass to playoffs but its been on the low lately which i was very surprised

posted about a year ago

no I've been there when KRU was playing and LEV and there was only 2 people from outside brazil supporting from chile or Argentina

posted about a year ago

I've been there most days and you happen to meet most people on that day small stadium and food area are small so you happen to meet a lot of people capacity only about 1500 people atm

posted about a year ago

the support is big to levi but for the days I've been there which is most there are not many people from south America except from people from brazil as i said before there has been only 2-3 fans from chile-Argentina

posted about a year ago

no there's only one Argentinian and there's the owner and the staff of LEV

posted about a year ago

wrong there have been only like 2 - 3 there are a lot of LEV jerseys because there giving out jerseys and there's a store there as well

posted about a year ago

we like lev but if keznit was playing we would have booed him WE FUCKING HATE KEZNIT

posted about a year ago

my guy if his entries are good and he is creating space i don't think stats will show that. Duelist is not about kills at all it's about the space creating and making a way for your team to get on site and play post plant which he is doing a lot

posted about a year ago

sometimes stats don't explain everything you know

posted about a year ago

taco is a much better player and he has priority because he was in the core before the new players

posted about a year ago

I was talking to LEV staff and even the owner about the players. seems like he just was not fitting in and not really looking good on the direction they wanted to go

posted about a year ago

same as me they were trying a new meta to not be trolls but cmon they're weird and that's how they succeed. They're not a team that should not overthink it and that's what they're doing now they will realize this and they will get better trust me I feel like they will come back stronger but something for sure is not clicking I was there and I was not seeing them really not even fist pumping they have to be laughing and doing more. And also this event did not really matter even jingg said it he rather practice for champs they want to win champs and i think with practice all year they can do it

posted about a year ago

quem foi pra lock in preciso de ajuda vou hoje e preciso saber se devo levar o cartão de vacina ou não. quem foi ontem pode me dar uma ajuda obrigado

posted about a year ago

probably going to be PRX it's going to be either close or an absolute blowout PRX looks so good rn they're probably better than ever and people, in my opinion, are underestimating them. They had so much time to practice and I'm really excited to see them in person,

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im acc 3 and 3/4

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

lmao its been confirmed that yay is going to c9 and also tenz is staying if tenz does not stay it would be a huge pr loss because tenz is the face of valorant

posted about a year ago









C9 i dont got a clue

posted about a year ago

sen would not do it because they have t# enz but i would not be too surprised if it send buy out someone like yay which seem likley also sen also is building around tenz because ofc beyond them winning he is the most popular valorant pro rn and its very profitable of them having him and he also a very good player

posted about a year ago

Prx is going to stick to the same roster in 2024 they will change because jingg will be doing national service and it looks like f0rsasken brother will be filling his spot in future

posted about a year ago

suygetsu, yay, stax (igl), sugarzero jingg

posted about a year ago
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