Flag: Uganda
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 9:50 AM
Posts: 16

I think you might be underrating the smoking while dead ability

posted 4 weeks ago

its really not minimal, her whole kit except dash got nerfed

posted 9 months ago

I think it will stick to first map geomatry hit and then explode, like a semtex flash

posted about a year ago

how is that molly smart? just because its some cross map lineup does not make it good

posted about a year ago

While i agree that he had an amazing performance at Copenhagen with outrageous clutches, he only won 21/83 attempted clutches (25%). He currently sits at 3/15 (20%) which is not THAT much lower. Its just that we remember the crazy ones from Copenhagen which made it feel like much higher.

posted about a year ago

people need to start realizing that clutches involve a decent amount of "luck", you cant expect anyone to clutch consistently every tourney.

posted about a year ago

yeah 4 tier 3 players make a top 3 team for sure

posted about a year ago

jett on bind is trolling, really hard to perform

posted about a year ago

typical vandal abuser thread

posted about a year ago

Sayf is alright, but not an amazing star player and given the role he plays i dont think thats enough vs Loud

posted about a year ago

one team has 5 great players, the other has leo and trexx

posted about a year ago

cyphers hat becomes a vicous prowler, chasing the nearest enemy and drone tagging him on impact

posted about 2 years ago

i like your chamber nerf / rework, i had a simular idea. only difference would be that i would keep the 20 second cooldown when he recalls the tp without using it. to balance that out i would make the ult 8 points and remove the slow on kill, as it just seems unnecessary punishment for the enemy rush or even the chamber himself on occasion.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah mixwell really skillfully hitting bodyshots with the "headhunter". then he buys OP, and when he loses it he gets free OP. that guy has not hit a headshot for months

posted about 2 years ago

chamber is even better on LAN, there has been no dead TP. its so free for these players to shoot one and get out. also the ult just makes no sense

posted about 2 years ago

lmao yeah he is really good at hitting the chest with his bodyhunter ability and also with the OP. like he has to be the worst aiming chamber in the tourney. smart player, horrible aim

posted about 2 years ago