Flag: Europe
Registered: September 14, 2021
Last post: March 15, 2024 at 3:21 PM
Posts: 101
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first BIG blunder by Boo, why did he select Atk side first against SEN on Lotus during picks and bans.

posted 2 months ago

worst statement ever.

posted 2 months ago

NaVi with ardiis is much more scary than NaVi with CNeD

posted 8 months ago

mostly mix but thanks anyway :"D

posted about a year ago

dont think i asked for money lol xD

posted about a year ago

LFT Analyst Map Vetos VODs... Lmk. Twitter @Bosayyy Discord: Bosayyy#3396 Willing to put in the work and strive for results.

posted about a year ago

yay was good when jett was an unbalanced agent lmao. now that she been nerfed to the ground essentially all he can do good on is chamber. just being realistic here. ardiis clears yay by a mile in terms of being able to adapt to what his team needs and not be a crutch when forced off.

posted about a year ago

ardiis is a Great chamber player, and a amazing jett.
yay can only play chamber, and whenever he was forced on jett got diff'd hard.
they aint the same. ardiis >>>

posted about a year ago

Mixwell / AvovA / Keloqz

Who's the last two?

My guess: Paura Lowel

Who y'all think?

posted about a year ago

you think so? i feel like scream was super consistent, so was hoody on g2 since he got there he had impact. avova fell off a little true. mixwell on chamber was good, and nivera pops off on the viper and kj. u really think only 1/5 is consistent?

posted about a year ago

how so ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

m1xwell FLEX

posted about a year ago

fnc and 100t dont play each other regularly broski.. all u can do is try to counter strat and follow ur gameplan... what can i say tho. u are a supporter of one of the weakest regions in valorant.

posted about a year ago

2021 sentinels mickey mouse // 22 optic mickey mouse fpx not allowed to attend due to war

posted about a year ago

if you can't counter strat u shouldnt be involved in any type of comp play LMFAO happen in every sport and every esport

posted about a year ago

Expanding map pools. Understand strengths and weaknesses of teams and opponents. Analyzing both ATK & DEF when watching VODs. Most importantly here to help teams with their veto's. Willing to put in the work for any team that can provide data up front as well as the one Ill gather once apart of the squad. Twitter @Bosayyy or Discord @Bosayyy#3396

posted about a year ago

thanks goat

posted about a year ago

Expanding map pools. Understand strengths and weaknesses of teams and opponents. Analyzing both ATK & DEF when watching VODs. Most importantly here to help teams with their veto's. Willing to put in the work for any team that can provide data up front as well as the one Ill gather once apart of the squad. Twitter @Bosayyy or Discord @Bosayyy#3396

posted about a year ago

Who gets first veto in most of these matches?

posted about a year ago

anything trying to do world record

posted about a year ago

didnt shao and suygetsu shit on ur team @ LAN?

posted about a year ago

sentinels not beating that sunday 100T team, not a chance. not even with sick

posted about a year ago

:D :D :D

posted about a year ago

really g2 at full force should be better than the teams on their bracket tbh. if they show up i feel good about their chances.

posted about a year ago

Real possibility G2 make it. I have G2 GLD match up in the final. G2 have opponents they should beat easily 2-0 or 2-1 if needed if we're being honest. Who do y'all have making it through?

posted about a year ago

on top of this seider can frag but there seems to be compositional issues

posted about a year ago

thats fpx ascent with seider. fpx with suy is a different beast brother. teams other than fanatic should be thanking god he has visa issues

posted about a year ago

all im saying is g2 has been playing super inconsistently in stage 2 and yet they take top teams to 13-11, 3 maps each. imagine if they were actually consistent ;)

posted about a year ago

vlr forum user for sure, what did i expect xD

posted about a year ago

as for masters 1.. they had to go up against liquid gambit fnc to reach seed 2 in the elimination bracket. that's not something to call as a fluke. esp winning the way they did against all 3.

posted about a year ago

this was almost a great read until u said g2 fluke masters 1. brotha we'd be having an entirely diff conversation rn if g2 closed out the games against OGLU ACE FNC like they were supposed to. they'd be 4-1 sitting comfortably up top. all u had to do was research the games they lost and you wouldve seen they lost 13-11 map 3s against OGLU / ACE / FNC . as a fnc fan u shouldve seen what g2 was capable against T-1 of the world rn. yall shouldve lost that week 5 matchup and yet you call it a fluke. not to mention they went 13-9 // 13-10 against FPX as well.

posted about a year ago

sadly i dont see them doing this against FNC Guild or FPX

posted about a year ago

my headset just keeps cutting in and out almost like it shuts off then turns on by itself.. jbl quantum 800s are the ones i use. anyone know why my headset does this and crackles?

posted about a year ago

You know Yay been performing since he was on AB right ? or you just trolling saying tenZ doesn't have support around him.

posted about a year ago

why yall want to keep tenz lol \

posted about a year ago

spitting rn

posted about a year ago

yeah i stopped reading after literally be tier 2... he clearly doesnt know about gambit the org xD

posted about a year ago

Sentinels fans going through it huh. As a G2 fan, i know. But don't act like they didn't bring this hate upon themselves with their cocky ass attitudes. All Talk.

posted about a year ago

4th seed btw, shouldn't've been there :D ur prolly a masters 1 of 2022 bandwagon sooo

posted about a year ago

the g2 one wasn't. did you forget about our 4th seed almost beating loud ?

posted about a year ago

name checks out !

posted about a year ago

people really think emea's best were at Iceland. it's hilarious xD

posted about a year ago

LLL got to veto 2 maps. wow. instead of 1/1 it was 2-0. wow !!! such a huge advantage for Loud. in a best of 5 too. a advantage is where u start with a 1 map lead or the team from losers got to win 2 bo5. that's an advantage but to say they had all the vetos when in theory it was only the 1 they got for coming from winners is ridiculous.
LLL ban Split; LLL ban Fracture; LLL pick Ascent; OPTC pick Bind; LLL pick Breeze; OPTC pick Icebox; Haven remains

posted about 2 years ago

dont forget they lost to loud and loud received 0 advantages coming from the winner side lol

posted about 2 years ago

what makes you think OG are going to be able to produce all year round ?

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA sucks? g2 was the only roster who was fully there @iceland quit meat riding brazil and NA lol.. OpTic lost and beat Loud. 1-1 against brazil and we trying to say EMEA sucks, comical.

posted about 2 years ago

he can also play reyna brotha. do a better job if you going to lie.

posted about 2 years ago

what a g2 fan u are. they are literally switching comps up against a lower tier team. why arent they allowed to lose maps and try out variations of comps? this is the perfect time to do it. you're not going to do it vs FNC or ACEND in the next weeks so quit crying and just watch them play. this same roster beat FNC for Seed #2 last split. fnc in a honeymoon phase along with acend with new rosters and teams tryna figure them out.

posted about 2 years ago
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