Flag: United States
Registered: July 22, 2021
Last post: May 1, 2024 at 1:56 AM
Posts: 43

I mean she's pretty good. Not the best (brenshow) but certainly not bad by any means

posted 1 month ago

SEN picks TH's best map, Lotus and TH pick SEN's best map, Sunset. What are these teams doing????

posted 2 months ago

I checked and didn't, I think that 13-12 is the most common score if each round was a true coin flip.

posted 3 months ago

From a large valorant dataset, I know that the average valorant game lasts on average 20.5 rounds with a median score of 13-7.
I am trying to set up a monte carlo simulation under the presupposition that each team has a roughly even probability of winning each round, but this produces a median score of 13-12 (no overtime) and an average score of 13-9. Can somebody help rectify this? I would assume that in a dataset of 10,000 games, that it averages out that each team is about equal to each other in skill. Maybe there is a snowball multiplier where the previous round winner is more likely to win the next round? Would love to hear your thoughts

Edit: For those who care(Not Cned fan) a snowball multiple of 13.55% matches the experimental values of the large data set

posted 3 months ago

If you do, how much? Curious because I'm looking to get into it

posted 3 months ago

W copypasta

posted 3 months ago

I am going through a dataset of all recorded games on VLR. Commenting on some of the more interesting ones as I clean up the data

posted 3 months ago

If only I could put val games on a parlay. Peak degeneracy

posted 4 months ago

You must be ballin out to afford Tom Ford as a gift LMAO. That shit is like $300 for 50 ml

posted 5 months ago

A few graphic tees can be used to spice up the wardrobe, I live somewhere cold so its easier to layer. Experiment with the rule of thirds and different materials especially

posted 6 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Lemme take a look at it. Also can help with some general college advice tips but be warned, I will not reply quickly. Midterm season is kicking my ass rn.

posted 7 months ago

RIP to a dynasty. I think LOUD will still be a great team but I can't see them having another international win without a duelist with the same caliber of Aspas, especially as the meta progresses and the level of play gets higher.

posted 7 months ago

GOAT has to account for longevity so Something has to be lower down for sure. Also I don't see chronicle up there despite the fact that he is probably the most common player when people mention the GOAT.

MaKo, Aspas, and Leo make sense for top 3 tho

posted 8 months ago

Aint no way you browse vlr comments. Stay here too long and you'll become like us

posted 9 months ago

Did you not see the recent matches? KK was +11 against PRX(second best team in the world) despite his team underperforming and going 2-0. Additionally he is by far the flashiest duelist which only adds to his hype.

posted 9 months ago

What year you living in? Let me in on your time travelling secrets

posted 9 months ago

If MaKo doesn't perform, you can call S0M the best controller in the world, but the GOAT status still belongs to MaKo. That guy has 2.5 years of consistent high level play at the top, and hit peaks that only Pancada has matched IMO. Boaster is a good player, but for purely smokes he doesn't match against MaKo and Pancada

posted 9 months ago

I just think NAVI's firepower is top tier, and individually shao, zyppan and suygetsu all have been looking great. However, they lose when it matters and its so confusing how.

posted 10 months ago

SEN #0 on the rankings. Obv tenz drops 40+ on every map if they made it

posted 10 months ago
  2. PRX
  3. EG
  4. EDG
  5. NRG
  6. TL
  7. LOUD
  8. DRX
  9. T1
  10. KRU
  11. NAVI
  12. GIANTS
  13. BLG
  14. FUT
  15. ZETA
  16. FPX

What do yall think? I'm willing to provide reasonings in the comments.

posted 10 months ago

Got a healthy version of takis and some beef jerky

posted 11 months ago

I mean crashies should be flamed but Ardiis hasn't played well the entire season. In the regular season, he was 2nd worst on the team only behind FNS who contributed a lot with his IGLing. At the level NRG want to play at, Ardiis isn't good enough the same way that foxy9 isn't good enough to bring DRX into the top echelon of valorant.

posted 11 months ago

Ardiis aint it. 3rd highest rating on the team is awful for a primary duelist, especially on a team that really sets him up. Somone like zekken would be much better

posted 11 months ago

This has gotta be bait.

posted 11 months ago

Totally unbiased: FNC vs EDG.

posted 11 months ago

Babysasuke has been hitting recently

posted 11 months ago

Maybe Im coping but I think they run the foxy9 comp to throw off every other team's prep. I hope they beat FUT using the foxy9 comp then use the RB neon comp in playoffs.

posted 11 months ago

I think that stax is the main problem though. His util use is obviously world class but his midrounding and fragging abilities are just below what is needed for a championship. Like think about FNS. He is the greatest caller right now but people still hate on him when he goes negative. Stax goes negative and is in the bottom half of callers at this tournament. I hope he returns to form but overall he looks like the weak link.

posted 11 months ago

Im still huffing copium that DRX is using foxy9 essentially as a decoy to throw off enemy prep. I refuse to believe that DRX (who was the first team to have a full map pool) hasn't practiced lotus at all considering RB is probably still the world's best neon.

posted 11 months ago

Honestly just bench foxy9. I really don't believe in him that much + I feel that he just isn't comparable to the star fraggers of other teams that are in contention for the championship, eg. Aspas, Derke, Sayf. I think best bet is either to drop stax(as crazy as that sounds) for a better IGL or put him into intensive IGL training because the team is built on individual heroics right now. Also I am curious how Termi is coaching behind the scenes, because DRX has had a mid rounding problem for years but it never seems to be fixed. Maybe hire an assistant coach or something because by god the adaptability is just not there for this team.

posted 11 months ago

Sonder owns whatever "seankukuz" is supposed to mean

posted about a year ago

I agree, anthem goes hard

posted about a year ago

Maybe not the best teams in the world, but would still wash a lot of franchised teams. Also Zmjjkk top 5 duelists worldwide.

posted about a year ago

It would probably take CS pros quite a while to be top tier in val. It's not obvious, but being able to use and react to enemy utility reflexively is quite hard, not to mention all the character specific tech CS pros would have to learn. I would say that comparing CS pros and Val pros is not fair and even the level of mechanical skill needed differs between the games.

posted about a year ago

Bro everyone sleeping on ZMJJKK

posted about a year ago

Aged like fine wine LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

Aged like fine wine LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

Aged like fine wine LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for the answer

posted about 2 years ago

I really want to watch virtuoso vs norcal esports. However Nerdstreetgamers is not streaming the match. Is there a way to view the match?

posted about 2 years ago