Found this really interesting stuff.
"There actually could be a scientific, factual reason on why that is.
There have been a few studies conducted by the National Library of Medicine, studying the effects of a prominent, but relatively harmless brain parasite called Toxoplasmosis. The study found that up to 60-80% of the general population in Brazil have this parasite in their system, and while up to 44% of newborns have adapted some level of antibody to the T. gondii parasite, the studies also concluded that there was a certain level of effect on neurological outcomes as well as cognitive function.
The parasite can quite literally affect and manipulate your behaviour and mannerisms, leading to increased aggression and irritability. In fact, there's evidence to suggest that the parasite has a direct correlation with driving behaviours/decision making and traffic accident rates, which brazil has an average fatality rate of around 24.8/1,000,000, putting the nation amongst one of the highest in world. In comparison, this is around 10 times the fatality rate per million as Sweden.
Some interesting reads if you have the time:
TL;DR: There is possibly a very real epidemiological explanation as to why Brazilian fans behave the way they do when their teams experience a loss, relating to a parasitic brain worm called toxoplasmosis gondii, which can have cognitive affects leading to increased aggression and poor decision making."
Based on empirical data, the three countries with the highest IgG seroprevalence were Ethiopia (64.2%, 95%CI: 34.3–89.1), Gabon (56.7%, 54.4–59.0), and Brazil (53.8%, 39.3–68.0) whereas the three lowest were Mexico (7.2%, 5.3–9.4), South Korea (2.1%, 0.6–4.3), and Canada (0.2%, 0.2–0.3)
Is this fr?