Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: December 4, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2022 at 9:15 AM
Posts: 265
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I didn't say they had in the previous match but now they have similar stuff as VS will from the games. You are literally repeating that both VS and Fnatic are adaptable one of which was mentioned by sprout and the other by me. Do you have ANY OF UR OWN THOUGHTS?

posted about 3 years ago

s n o w f l a k e s or death threats choose one.

posted about 3 years ago

You are underestimating how much fnatic also rely on VODs and Strats. They have good players all around but only 1 heavy hitter which is derke.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea but saying scream isnt a good jett is denying how good he is as a duelist. Scream has more rounds as jett than reyna in the past 60 days but it doesn't seem like u care about facts. Could his and tenz performance be negatively affected due to the fact that they were playing sentinels and TL respectively? DEFINITELY YES. Scream was being denied by sentinels whereas Tenz by Team Liquid. Neither of them did amazing on all 3 maps.

posted about 3 years ago

13-2 bind which was their pick (very comfortable) and sentinels split comp looked weird to even the outside eye and the fact that the results were so close yet you are trying to deny it doesnt make sense.

posted about 3 years ago

VS > GMB as of now i feel like, while FNC also > GMB so far but i dont agree with vs beating fnatic if they play again.

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think acend makes it despite the ruling results, ENVY and VIVO KEYD should be the favorites. Even if vk meets acend in the lower bracket, now that they have somewhat experience with mwzera, they should be big chilling against acend which is literally cned go kill despite having a whole year to get some actual strats

posted about 3 years ago

But i do wanna say, gambit looks real shaky so far now this could be due to vikings and secret showing up hard but if they face an actual challenge before the finale, they might not even make it through.

posted about 3 years ago

I personally think sentinels won't go down this easily (THEY LITERALLY LOST TO TEAM LIQ by a thin margin) and can literally make a grand finals run (i obv could be wrong.) In case of fnatic, idk they are literal lanimals but something just feels off.

posted about 3 years ago

All good but i feel like if liq faces fnatic, it will be a 3-0 solid sweep by liquid.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I don't know how good furia are but I feel like they overperformed the other day. Sen should be in the qualis without an issue (i obv could be wrong) and in all honesty they are still contenders for the trophy like they literally lost to liquid by a thin margin who are also real contenders.
Gambit/SEN/Liquid/Envy(tbh really havent seen them play against real teams but still)/Fnatic are all very much favored still and Vikings/Vison Strikers can also cause some upsets.

posted about 3 years ago

Thanks for ur understanding and taking time out of ur life to talk to me. TBH i was supporting keyd in the game against envy which now may never happen this year but vikings seem strong. We continue to tread along life, hope u have a good one ahead of u.

posted about 3 years ago

you need help.

posted about 3 years ago

How come it is impossible? Furia pause was definitely kind of stupid but riot's fault (can't blame sen) and what VIVO KEYD did should have gotten them banned from the entire champions than just an L in one game, There is literal buzz around in the scene due to these exploits and if a certain player think they can get away with it then they should be punished.

posted about 3 years ago

If I could choose 1 power, it would be being able to know who these people are behind the small screen and being able to send them to jail - HER TWEET TRANSLATION WORD FOR WORD PER GOOGLE. If we follow her own words, 95% of brazillian fanbase would be in jail. + this doesn't change the fact that it's really sad that more people are getting death threats over stupidity.

posted about 3 years ago

TIL that its an actual expression.

posted about 3 years ago

That's terrible but how do you know it was a SEN fan? Genuine question

posted about 3 years ago

What is sad is the fact that this was the case in CSGO, it is the case in valorant and is even the case in traditional sports. Who do you think is at fault?

posted about 3 years ago

You do understand though that it was a counter to all the stupid threats and rage they were receiving FOR HAVING DONE NOTHING WRONG (IT WAS LITERALLY RIOT'S FAULT). Yes people have a breaking point.

posted about 3 years ago

Wait can you delete a post?

posted about 3 years ago

Understandable. Based take. I like you.

posted about 3 years ago

You don't like sentinels because they don't want to stick with ur passionate raging harmful terrorizing asses. Good. Also ur comment and this comment are both off-topic from the actual post.

posted about 3 years ago

You should reply with actual arguments/facts rather than this. I can't even name what you are putting out cuz its just so dumb.

posted about 3 years ago

So is Brazil working towards to solve this parasite issue?

posted about 3 years ago

You do great honors to prove my points. Keep it coming mr. brain dead. BY THIS I MEAN UR ABSOLUTE DOG WATER.

posted about 3 years ago

pro players shouldn't be exploiting game bugs in any way, shape or form and in any game. Literally just revoke their first game scores and start them with a 1 map disadvantage in their 2nd game due to the fact that there was literally BUZZ about the same bug exploit if you don't want to dq them AND THIS IS BEING LENIENT. I honestly can't believe how much this VK fan base defends their dumb actions and im ngl i was literally supporting vivo keyd during their game vs acend cuz having an actual brazillian team that can win against other regions (also applies to kr - VS, and JP - CR/ZETA) helps in viewership.

posted about 3 years ago

i dont even care about their reputation and stuff, i literally have a legit question to which I wanted to talk with brazillians with. Obv every troll comment got a troll reply but otherwise i have been quite fair in all my replies idk why these guys are malding.

posted about 3 years ago

Why are u malding over an actual issue rather than researching and debating/talking over about it?

posted about 3 years ago

exactly, pro players shouldn't be exploiting game bugs in any way, shape or form and in any game. Literally just revoke their first game scores and start them with a 1 map disadvantage in their 2nd game due to the fact that there was literally BUZZ about the same bug exploit.

posted about 3 years ago

No one talking about an issue or a parasite doesn't change anything factually my guy. Its like saying no plays dota 2 in brazil so dota 2 must not exist (i just made this example on the spot please don't cry about how good brazillian dota is.)

posted about 3 years ago

dq vivo keyd. very simple and fair.

posted about 3 years ago

ur braindead if u think it isn't. FAIR AND EQUAL, what is not simple?

posted about 3 years ago

Message edited due to extremely nice guy. No more cusses

posted about 3 years ago

What do you mean? I still dont understand why they were trying to justify stuff? Teams have gotten fully dq'ed from games for using walls/cams exploits and such punishments should be fair and equal for all. Passionate viewers is just an absolute dogwater excuse.

posted about 3 years ago

No, there is a difference in generalizations/discriminatory remarks versus facts. If this is true, this is an actual issue. Generalizations like oh all Arabs use camels for transportation and all Brazilians have negative IQ and live in a forest house surrounded by monkeys don't help but if this is factually correct then it actually pinpoints an issue.

posted about 3 years ago

Based on empirical data, the three countries with the highest IgG seroprevalence were Ethiopia (64.2%, 95%CI: 34.3–89.1), Gabon (56.7%, 54.4–59.0), and Brazil (53.8%, 39.3–68.0) whereas the three lowest were Mexico (7.2%, 5.3–9.4), South Korea (2.1%, 0.6–4.3), and Canada (0.2%, 0.2–0.3)

Are you sure?

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah but a population having an increased number of cases would definitely express peculiar behavior in a more seeable fashion which could literally form the culture. Parasites forming Brazilian culture=confirmed.

posted about 3 years ago

Is there a study/publication that I could refer to?

posted about 3 years ago

u might wanna get ur self checked man, u seem p aggressive kekw.

posted about 3 years ago

u might wanna get ur self checked man, u seem p aggressive kekw.

posted about 3 years ago

u might wanna get ur self checked man, u seem p aggressive kekw.

posted about 3 years ago

idk bro which is why i asked

posted about 3 years ago

Found this really interesting stuff.

"There actually could be a scientific, factual reason on why that is.

There have been a few studies conducted by the National Library of Medicine, studying the effects of a prominent, but relatively harmless brain parasite called Toxoplasmosis. The study found that up to 60-80% of the general population in Brazil have this parasite in their system, and while up to 44% of newborns have adapted some level of antibody to the T. gondii parasite, the studies also concluded that there was a certain level of effect on neurological outcomes as well as cognitive function.

The parasite can quite literally affect and manipulate your behaviour and mannerisms, leading to increased aggression and irritability. In fact, there's evidence to suggest that the parasite has a direct correlation with driving behaviours/decision making and traffic accident rates, which brazil has an average fatality rate of around 24.8/1,000,000, putting the nation amongst one of the highest in world. In comparison, this is around 10 times the fatality rate per million as Sweden.

Some interesting reads if you have the time:





TL;DR: There is possibly a very real epidemiological explanation as to why Brazilian fans behave the way they do when their teams experience a loss, relating to a parasitic brain worm called toxoplasmosis gondii, which can have cognitive affects leading to increased aggression and poor decision making."

  • redditer

Based on empirical data, the three countries with the highest IgG seroprevalence were Ethiopia (64.2%, 95%CI: 34.3–89.1), Gabon (56.7%, 54.4–59.0), and Brazil (53.8%, 39.3–68.0) whereas the three lowest were Mexico (7.2%, 5.3–9.4), South Korea (2.1%, 0.6–4.3), and Canada (0.2%, 0.2–0.3)

Is this fr?

posted about 3 years ago

brain dead.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

that? vivo keyd should have been absolutely dq'ed from the event after using a cam that has previous history of official dqs.

posted about 3 years ago

FR tho isnt this why the current situation happened? they got dq'ed then got mad as to why they got Dq'ed (really dumb) THEN blamed sentinels that they were using a similar cam (WHICH THEY WERE NOT) and then sentinel players replied back?

posted about 3 years ago
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