Flag: Canada
Registered: October 26, 2022
Last post: September 15, 2024 at 11:15 PM
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i appreciate you commenting this because i was genuinely appalled by the conclusion this guy drew from the situation lmfao.

posted 1 month ago

I understand the message you were trying to convey but aint no way you dont want to become friends with literally half the planet because of this πŸ’€. its literally the smallest minority (0.001% of like 4 billion people).

men do way worse things to women statistically and im sure you would feel disgusting if a girl told you she didnt want to be friends with you in the fear that you would do something to her

posted 1 month ago

from what I can see, its mostly VLR saying its flashback compared to twitter. not a bold claim to assume they haven't checked the forums.

also they could just be hard prepping for champs and trying to ignore things like this lmao. also could distract them from their grind if they have to come out and publicly say something or defend their teammate

posted 1 month ago

some rando person thought it was him and everyone just hiveminded onto the idea

posted 1 month ago

Watch the games then make your own decision

posted 1 month ago

tired of this new wave of oxygen newgen fans who dont even watch the games and look at the statlines calling them the goats. lmfao i predicted m80 would win this game and people thought I was yapping. skuba is NOT allat, verno is NOT allat and there are many more talented players but you sheep just think you know tier 2 valorant when you say u like this team that won seeding matches LMFAO.

M80WIN and y'all are shit but also dont know shit. Shout out to SaD esports as well since oxyshit fans were talking shit about them as well.

posted 1 month ago

many of the european timezones have been tough for those who actually have a job or go to school, not to mention there have been zero opportunities for anyone on the east coast of NA to go to a crowd that wouldnt cost hundreds/1000+ in airplane tickets

posted 1 month ago

emea has had like 7 events and north america has had one lmfao. i understand giving emea many events because of neutral timezone however 1 versus 7 is crazy when north america is arguably the biggest region for val

posted 1 month ago

Time zones always shit for us at internationals. either in school/work for emea games or in the middle of the night for pacific lol. also no events hosted here either (which is crazy)

posted 1 month ago

yeah ts was not funny

posted 1 month ago

goats will show why they are the goats

posted 1 month ago

its true lmfao, the org has some ties to some crypto business or something like that and both his mom and dad are the owners of the organization and are hella rich.

if you dont believe me, proof of snarly's real name: https://liquipedia.net/valorant/Snarly#:~:text=Nathan%20%22snarly%22%20Bardis%20(born,is%20currently%20playing%20for%20QoR. ( Nathan Bardis )

His moms name: Nadine Bardis (https://whitepaper.qorbiworld.com/qorbi-world/team)

His dads name: John Bardis (https://whitepaper.qorbiworld.com/qorbi-world/team)

posted 1 month ago

if any europoor, passifician, or δΈ­ε›½δΊΊζˆ‘ηˆ±δΉ θΏ‘εΉ³ asks you about americas greatest talent, just present them any scarn1 vod from the hit team SaD esports. This man is revolutionary and will become the next demon1, aspas, and zombs all merged into one glorious player.

dear scarn oh scarn, where do I begin my love.

posted 1 month ago

I feel like Karon is a poor example to use for this since he is the most extreme of extreme players. If you take a look at other players in their rookie years from ranked that weren't so successful like n4rrate (went from ranked to farming t2 immediately, so I count it), primmie (made talon slightly better in his first ever match with them, which is big all things considered), and DRX as well where they were kinda stuck recycling the old players (they look much fresher now and it looks like their team skill ceiling is higher).

Many players (especially in americas and emea) have been around for a long time and are only on the teams because of their seniority and the fact they have been in the scene for a while.

I truly do believe that players in ranked should be given more chances in the scene and it could help rejuvenate many "dead" teams.

posted 1 month ago

get rid of these washed retired uncs and please get some ranked players πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™its a proven strategy that works and teams need to start embracing it

posted 1 month ago

Somehow seem to get worse the more they cast. If VCT needs a new caster I'm a free agent. Vouch for me down below. #ZombsNation

posted 1 month ago

Unc done lost it πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

posted 1 month ago

guy is mid, should get a real talent like MIBR pa1nt or QCk1

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Loud Sato

posted 2 months ago

geng beat all three americas seeds that destroyed everyone else lmfao. geng was (and is) better

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

canada on top

posted 2 months ago

disregard FNS from the post then it doesnt really matter, I think my point with the other IGLs is still relevant

posted 2 months ago

meh NRG looked way better strategically in their last few games compared to the beginning of the year, but I do agree his mechanics have not been good

posted 2 months ago

inspired by a certain sentinelmain's post about best IGLs of all time

are we really still considering ange1 a top IGL of all time? His team is horrible right now, he has probably the most braindead playstyle out of any IGL, and he just simply isn't good enough anymore. The new age of IGLs like JohnQT, Boo, Munchkin, Boostio, and even old IGLs like Boaster, FNS, and Saadhak show promise and fresh ideas in their games. Ange1 however has kept the same playstyle as his team consistently deteriorates into mediocrity in the emea league.

edit: Disregard FNS from the post idrc, my point still stands

posted 2 months ago

was good on sen but i think people underrate his ability to midround and overall intelligence as a player. zellsis heavily attributed his viper performance and sentinels' early split dominance this year due to dapr teaching him how to fundamentally play viper on the map

posted 2 months ago

talon twitter just confirmed it, hope he feels better πŸ™

posted 2 months ago

who cars lol. newgen valorant fans be like "Erm its just a seeding match πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“" back in the day if u beat a team it meant u were better and you'd call them shit lol.

posted 2 months ago

in 2020 they were one of the most likeable teams due to the players just being funny and having more of a troll playstyle

they then signed the best player in the world at the time who was also the most clouted at the time.

then they spent a lot of money/time on maintaining their #1 spot as the biggest org for clout by signing tarik, aceu, shroud, and now curry recently.

posted 2 months ago

the most overrated team in challengers πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ mfs saying that flyuh mada and brawk are franchise worthy. zero of them are actually good and even a shit m80 still 2-0 clears them.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

"fell off" zombs owns the org and is a millionaire. rest are unemployed bums though.

posted 2 months ago

top 8 in points qualify to playoffs

however, bottom 2 in split 2 placements are in promo/relo, where they can qualify for stage 3.

9-10 are automatically qualified to stage 3 i believe.

QoR cannot go to playoffs

posted 2 months ago

do you know if the ties are based off h2h or map diff

posted 2 months ago

still more matches so its possible they qualify. also for TSM, this is under the assumption that tie breakers is for head to head and not by map diff.

posted 2 months ago

ignore this thread rules are odd and messed up my rankings. apologies

posted 2 months ago

fiziq is a bot. yfp has such a stacked roster and this guy is just weighing them down.

posted 2 months ago

8-37 wins that for sure

posted 2 months ago

everyone thought they would be the bottom 11th team of americas but they had a suprisingly pleasant year with a very fun roster. Respect them !

posted 2 months ago

100 thieves could actually win something if they dropped 0s0na for jawgoat. asuna is horrible

posted 2 months ago

Jawgetious Moorington

posted 2 months ago

she jaw on my ge till i mo.


posted 2 months ago

which proves my point, doing something irresponsibly can be harmful.

posted 2 months ago
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