Flag: Canada
Registered: October 26, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:55 PM
Posts: 1730
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posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I hate BAN

posted about a year ago

Hi Boaster

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

100% yes. m80 is the best team in non franchising

posted about a year ago

Hi Nachtel ^_^

posted about a year ago

Ratio ^_^

you fartheadmeanieweenie


posted about a year ago

Hey Breezyball ^_^

May you please summarize that! Gee whilickers! That is one long paragraph! What the heckle.

Sincerely, -SENZOMBS

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

reverses money is gone.

In the realm of Valorant's vibrant stage,
Where teams clash, destinies engage,
A tale unfolds, of FUT's endeavor,
To rise against odds, to fight forever.

Amidst the battle, with scores so grim,
Down one to eleven, the chances seem slim,
But within the hearts of FUT's valiant crew,
A flicker of hope, a flame that grew.

In the face of defeat, they stand tall,
Unyielding spirits, never to fall,
For within each player's resolute gaze,
Lies a burning passion, a persistent blaze.

They gather their strength, their minds aligned,
A symphony of tactics, tightly entwined,
With unwavering focus, they forge a new plan,
To claw back from the depths, to rise and withstand.

Their leader, a beacon, in the darkest of times,
Guiding their footsteps, inspiring their rhymes,
With strategic genius and unwavering voice,
He kindles their fire, gives them no choice.

The first round, a triumph, a glimmer of hope,
As they tighten their ranks, with resilience to cope,
One by one, they break the enemy's sway,
Precision and teamwork lead them astray.

The crowd roars as FUT gains momentum,
Their triumph now felt, no longer a phantom,
The score begins to shift, slowly but sure,
As their confidence soars, their spirits pure.

Each player finds solace in their comrades' embrace,
A synergy formed, a bond they won't erase,
For teamwork, they realize, is their true strength,
And united they stand, regardless of length.

With every round, their prowess displayed,
Their skills on full exhibit, enemies dismayed,
The crowd erupts, a symphony of belief,
As FUT charges forward, defying all grief.

Their aim becomes sharper, their reflexes acute,
They reclaim their rhythm, they refuse to refute,
Round after round, the deficit shrinks,
As FUT, indomitable, dances on the brink.

And so, in a final explosive display,
FUT emerges triumphant, at the end of the day,
With sheer determination, they rewrite the tale,
From despair to glory, they etch their prevail.

For in Valorant's realm, where legends are born,
The underdogs rise, the doubts are torn,
FUT's victory, a testament to their might,
Defying the odds, illuminating the night.

So remember this tale of unyielding belief,
That no matter the challenge, no matter the grief,
With resilience and courage, triumph can be,
For FUT, the victors, in Valorant's decree.

posted about a year ago

@reversexd where 50 dollar hahahahaahahahaha

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sadly you are wrong

posted about a year ago

Harbor diff s0m is better than ban dont let that fraud onto my beautiful agent harbor council rise up

posted about a year ago

ban ACTUALLY cut out my internet

posted about a year ago

Ur bad zombs clears u kid

posted about a year ago

Cresp respectfully Energy Sam is gonna Clear Ur Fraud Ban Kid Who r U dont make me ban u from Vlr cup server :rage:

posted about a year ago

#1 and #2 BAN HATER

posted about a year ago

BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑 πŸ–•BAN 😑

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

double negative against diamonds as an immortal 2

posted about a year ago

I clear that fraud

posted about a year ago

yeah bro get enough credits to graduate then talk to me little bro. your goat does NOT know you.

posted about a year ago

Bro I am literally marved on the sentinels and the smokes I clutch more rounds than you could even fathom child

posted about a year ago

I boosted this guy to immortal do not listen to him

posted about a year ago

u smell like nickels kid dont even talk about Fenis like that

posted about a year ago

where do I buy loud jersey? cannot find on their website

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

eutalyx fastest fingers in valorant wtf

posted about a year ago

going through all of the stages of grief

posted about a year ago

noobs demone clears you noobs ata kaptan however only good player on FUT


posted about a year ago

Join voice 1 for watchparty smile its gonna be super duper awesome #LIVEVIL :eg;

posted about a year ago

No he did nothing (trust)

posted about a year ago

m80 clears

posted about a year ago

Hacknaija is my dog

posted about a year ago

who are you

posted about a year ago

what the fuck is norfolk island

posted about a year ago

team canada showing why we have the best players in the world once again

posted about a year ago

take care man you're awesome. sad to see you go

posted about a year ago

zangetsu is my child

posted about a year ago

Sorry but zombsnation clears you.

posted about a year ago

get that fraud out ORESPORTS dserved it more

yay, zombs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bjor

posted about a year ago

he won 5/6 of the rounds for DSG by his plays/skills. hes still good guys trust.


posted about a year ago

He's still good trust but hes with dogshit team he just needs his daddy and his brother Fenis and Marvdad

posted about a year ago

mad lions has gotten 4 aces in 1 half.

posted about a year ago

Yay is warming up bro ur shit

posted about a year ago

Uzbekistan Clears

posted about a year ago
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