Flag: International
Registered: June 23, 2021
Last post: July 16, 2021 at 5:10 PM
Posts: 169
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its a bait, you dumbass. a bait is anything that is intentionally retarded, controversial, or braindead, and is obvious, baiting someone into responding hence why its called bait.

posted about 2 years ago

Thief seems like a really good pick-up, but i'd rather see jammyz back on v1. it would be really cool to see honestly.

posted about 2 years ago

4/10 bait, nt

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yeah v1 did use the meta pretty hard, but i still think they will be a top 5 NA team, because its not just that you use the meta and you become instantly good, some teams used the meta and still arent good, like T1, xset, etc. and v1 were just able to use it to the best of their advantage bc they are all skilled players. but in all honesty, i do not think that they will make it to Berlin.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

raka_gg twitter alt lOL https://twitter.com/accatellll/status/1408103555337183236
raka is not smart at all, he does bait sometimes, but a lot of his takes are genuinely braindead, like his one about 'punishing' users with bad takes when realistically a lot of takes that get down fragged are actually logical, just people with hiveminds and lack of critical thinking all join in on the party

posted about 2 years ago

they will definitely make playoffs wdym? even if they dont qualify through challengers 1, they still have challengers 2 open qualifiers where zellsis is back, and they Qualify then

posted about 2 years ago


he said to drop ur @

posted about 2 years ago

LMFAOOOO u got exposed on twitter but its all good we all know ur a baiter

posted about 2 years ago

LMFAOAOAOA no way a valorant pro player actually pays attention to forums on this site.... what an idiot, 85% of people on this site are retarded or baiters

posted about 2 years ago

no he's not lmfao, get your facts straight. he's only suspended for the first open qualifiers and Challengers 1. he will be back to playing with V1 in the 2nd open qualifiers/challengers

posted about 2 years ago

it could be, they might increase # of matches. no one knows the details, dont act like u know for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

True. As long as we have double eliminations, anything is fine.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah no i already know bang is on tsm, theres a lot of proof with the reports and what not, im simply stating that OP's statement isnt really valid proof

posted about 2 years ago

idk, the stats prove that he's best tho

posted about 2 years ago

LeWashed? are u dumb? lebron is statistically the best nba player rn, let me give you like 29 different articles proving it to you lmfao..



and ur delusional if u think tenz was carried by shahzam. sentinels wouldnt have the success they have had for the past months, winning masters and the iceland lan, dominating NA, without Tenz.

anyways, its obvious that ur baiting, but i did fall for it a bit, so i have to say, 8.5/10 bait. NT

posted about 2 years ago

nba - lebron

val - tenz

for all the other ones, i dont really know or care

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

ok so we all know that bang will be on tsm, but what you're saying is not really proof of it.. lets say that, hypothetically, we didnt know that bang was gonna be on tsm from the leaks and reports; just because he queues with drone doesnt prove that he's on tsm, maybe they just queued bc they both were online at the same time or something like that?

posted about 2 years ago

i think it should be a group stage in groups of 4, into an 8-team double elimination bracket. that is the most perfect and optimal bracket for competitive play, objectively speaking. its the most fair, as well, as it allows teams a 2nd chance, to redeem 'bad days' which happen to almost every good team.

posted about 2 years ago

they had a lot of success with single duelist actually, so i think jammyz is the most ideal and perfect option.

posted about 2 years ago

OH shit i just noticed, yeah, the one on the right thats covered by the green lady thingy is probably bang. if it was brax, there would be no reason to cover it, so it has to be bang.

posted about 2 years ago

you're late bro...

posted about 2 years ago

no you cant lmfao, just telling someone to kill themselves on the internet once doesnt mean shit. if they actually were to kill themselves, it just means that they had serious mental issues even beforehand.

posted about 2 years ago

Shut the fuck up, nothing is too far when it comes to fucking annoying toxic attention whores liek this who have nothing better to do. They'd do the world a favour by dying

posted about 2 years ago

Kill yourself you fucking bitch, no one in life cares about you, retard. It's obvious, because of how much you desperately require attention on the internet.

posted about 2 years ago

just shut the fuck up you retarded ape, its so obvious that you are an autistic degenerate, which is why people dont take the time out of their day to deal with you , you fucking attention whore, u get none from ur parents, and u have no friends bc ur ugly, so thats why u spend so much time baiting on vlr. i pity you my friend

posted about 2 years ago

LMFAO.. 3/10 bait, once again. very low quality baits from you.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

LMFAO, nah. i'd give this one a 3/8

posted about 2 years ago

really good bait, 8/10

posted about 2 years ago

why would i do that when its obvious you're baiting? no normal, intelligent human would actually be as braindead as you when it comes to baits so obviously im not gonna waste time with you.

posted about 2 years ago

Jammyz is not going to LG, they already have dazzle and ban. jammyz deserves a good tier 1 team bro, i wonder why he's not able to get into one yet. makes no sense, he literally has experience at an international lan and performed pretty decent there for a stand-in.

posted about 2 years ago

4/10 bait nt

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

by the way, its official guys, if u check Wedid's twitter, he put the contract gif, this just confirms he's on NRG for the long run, lets gooo

posted about 2 years ago

1/10 bait nt

posted about 2 years ago

theres a report rumouring wedid to be the final choice for NRG, and george geddes is never wrong, so we pretty much know that wedid will be on nrg and dazzle is on LG.
anyways, thoughts? i personally think wedid on NRG is a super good pick up, cant wait to see how they perform.


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

This seems like a very good pick-up for faze, i think we can expect them to show up really well.

posted about 2 years ago

lol, so delusional. you really think they didnt practise her properly when they were literally the 2nd best team in the tournament? and did u see how close the matches were? stop being a fucking retard and accept the fact that astra isnt as good as she used to be, and that EU used astra properly and still couldnt win. its pathetic honestly. ur talking out of ur ass without any proof of the bullshit ur saying lmao. and fnatic's bind comp is still really good and they have the 2nd best bind in the world. u have no proof that they win if they use different comp

posted about 2 years ago

yea i never saw anyone say that, but either way its shown that NA is better, but im not talking about that, im talking about the fact that astra just isnt as good as u still think she is. and she is not necessary.

posted about 2 years ago

thats just a groundless assumption. fnatic used astra on many maps and still couldnt take maps, so ur argument makes no sense. brimstone on bind paired with viper works very well, fnatic literally went super close with sentinels on bind.

posted about 2 years ago

what? wdym EU opinion lmao... u act as if EU is bad or something, stop being ignorant bro. Astra isnt as good as before, and you dont need astra as a necessity anymore. Omen is now as good as her. even liquid didnt use astra and still placed 4th WHEN she was OP, so think about how teams will do now that she isn't OP? it's basic logic, you are just ignorant.

posted about 2 years ago

no, she is not the best controller by a mile. thats what she was before the nerf. now she's on par or just slightly better than omen, which makes him extremely viable. you're delusional if u think she's still the best. many pros have said that astra is much worse now and omen is back in business.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yeah no, not likely with how good fnatic's been. acend couldnt even make it to the playoffs, lol. ur overrating them despite the fact they've accomplished nothing since masters 1

posted about 2 years ago
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