I'm not defending drx they're consistently top 6 . I'm just really critical that they can't get pass that consistently. Not sure if it'd mental or just players at this point.
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Registered: | August 13, 2021 |
Last post: | April 17, 2023 at 12:01 AM |
Posts: | 1403 |
I'm not defending drx they're consistently top 6 . I'm just really critical that they can't get pass that consistently. Not sure if it'd mental or just players at this point.
Japan from results are undeniably the worse. Other than the zeta run.
They don't deserve hate they're undeniably been consistently top 6 but what they do deserve is criticism.
Yeah if j was living in EU I'd buy it and get a train ride or plane over.
U buy those tickets and u buy them now. Eu frogs now Is the time.
Csgo frogs keep thinking their game has international competition when it's an EU only game and scene is dead everywhere else. Lol im speaking facts what has valve do to grow the scene anywhere.
Match was close like both teams neck and neck on another day fnatic can take it.
Bro I'm actually so confused like they haven't make any official announcement or anything.
Like what are they trying to do with this event ? Test like a crowd production lan ? Because with that small number that's how it seem .
How will future Master be ? Lan crowds this small or is this the best they can manage with their short time ...
Fake flag not prx fans! Fake fan
Nothing is wrong with drx I just feel like overall the team has bad mental otherwise they would close out games.
Lmao ppl on here legit said mindfreak is not better than sscary
U can't give them excuses drx been here longer than fpx and lev. I can see them lose to optic but losing to fpx or lev is not good look at all.
You don't even watch apac games lol typical emea fans
Lol imagine forsaken and Jing just rolls derke this forum would explode
I can see it being 2 1 for both games either way.
Yeah we don't know latam looking insane loud did lose to kru and kru were 3 0 by lev. Lev beat xset and pushed drx to 3rd map.
Get fking rekt by Derke. If u hate pearl it's cause u don't know the map or got owned by it !
Did u watch prx vs Guild mindfreak pop off first game and played exceptionally well second game. Ppl underate prx support players so much cause they set up jing and forsaken to frag. Mindfreak and benkai pretty much always play the situation perfect.
In retrospect it was actually so 5Head because moment xset knew spike was in haven they legit just all back up and try to defend it lmao then raze just sachel in no hesitation to retrieve it. It looks troll but rewatching it things went there way. If only xset stayed on the site and try to aim duel they would had a better chance than giving up the site.
He probably will be on the spike . Gg soon that website is basically outcast if banned vlr gg user LOL
Yeah but I wouldn't put him in top 5 he's been inconsistent with m3c going down . Nats have consistently been good throughout.
Hasn't had the same performance at all. NATS Is a much better pick Even when they aren't performing Nats do well.
Derke forsaken yay mako marved. Those are the 5 that prove themselves often. Rest are unproven.
If drx wins here they have a good chance of winning as they conquer their mental block.
I support both teams just want to see an entertaining series I think fnatic are favor but hope prx wins
Look at last masters . Same exact story and run for optic. they're just a team that don't play good when they're not under pressure and also they rarely every lose rematch.
Oh lol their were when they beat optic in NA finals
Optic don't do well when they don't have pressure on them. Look at last masters they lost to the guard too and came in at second place. This run is looking to be a repeat of last masters.
W post think NA fans actually understand that the team they thought were God's xset literally barely pass playoff masters level LUL
If xset bombs out roster change might be coming lol
M PLAYER CONTROLLERS ARE CARCK: melser marved mako mindfreak
He single handedly won them this map. Insane clutch to win push them to OT
Best match to watch so recently.
Edit: I guess u guys love to watch stomps lol
If lev wins ascent I say it's not a fluke
It's cause the top 4 teams prx fnatic drx and optic are different they steamrolled every other team. That's why it's been stomps
Yeah bro It was such poor quality like xset made so many mistakes and just getting roll in aim duels. Like NA other than Optic play like bots and it's actually embarrassing compared to the other matches we seen this masters.
Yeah I'm considering buying their jersey before . Just for the memories
Common apac Jimmy w
Instead of paying millions to buy players lmao just buy PRX KEKW
He's one player he's good but how can u carry when region getting rolled by prx ?
I'm all for bleed buying prx as long as they don't replace staff or players cause they pay real well with their money.