Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 20, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:55 AM
Posts: 679
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True. No bad blood between PH and TH. When it comes to international games, we support APAC teams as one too

posted about a year ago

Coping already

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro have you seen India vs Indonesia chat? HAHAAH

posted about a year ago

Gekko not playable yet. Maybe week 2 or 3

posted about a year ago

I am having GXR flashbacks bro. What a traumatic event wasted a whole day

posted about a year ago

the most overhyped team

posted about a year ago

Imagine randomly hating on the most wholesome region in APAC

posted about a year ago

twitch chat flaming the kid during first half

posted about a year ago

This kid is special

posted about a year ago

Another day another cry for the most delusional RRQ fan. After the unforgettable rope incident to this LMAOOO


posted about a year ago

Yes and I think that's an esports org thing to do. Im fine with that but ESL literally handles CSGO tournaments and I expected them to be more professional. It just doesn't feel right to me to see them promoting negativity to other games. Maybe I'm too soft for this but okay. I guess I'll just enjoy both games

posted about a year ago


Just saw this earlier. I get it when fans fight about which is the best game between Valorant and CSGO. But did not expect ESL to say something like this. Why can't just we celebrate both games? Why do we have to choose? Why spread negativity? Instead of celebrating the game and talk about the new features, they are more excited about what's gonna happen to Valorant. Yes, we get it. You're old and Counter Strike is the OG game. You're the alpha. Now can you stfu and enjoy your game?

posted about a year ago

So happy for the members of RNT especially Ching and Josh after that last minute RNT India situation. Also Hotsauz redemption arc. Hopefully KDM boys will bounce back in lowers bracket I wanna see dispenser again in vcl even as a coach

posted about a year ago

I thought they already conducted a trial composing 6 PH players and 5 Indo Players before? Obviously, previous RRQ core (PH Players) outperformed the Indonesian Players included. But Riot got mad because they are supposed to represent Indonesia so they got no choice to kick those pinoy players and replace with Lmemore and fl1p

posted about a year ago

Common Delusional Indian Fan be like

posted about a year ago

WTF no way they beat SR Nacague HAHAHAHA. LFG CHING

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bro didn't even consider that it was already planned prior to 2023 πŸ˜‚ You really think RIOT would just cancel their plans and waste reservations? After that disgusting L fans gesture during LOCK IN tournament and you still think RIOT will host a tournament in Brazil soon?

posted about a year ago

You're ***** πŸ—Ώ

posted about a year ago

Fortunately yes. I'm at college still and my hobby is watching Valorant more than playing it cause my PC broke. I only watch VCT Brazil and VCL in EMEA to analyze their game because sometimes I bet on them. But entirely, I watch VCL NA and APAC for entertainment only.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This guy prolly made his tier list based only on results without watching the playstyle of each region.

Highly Favorites for Ascension:
EMEA = Supermassive, APEKS, Parla, Ascend
PACIFIC = DK, MITH, (Bleed maybe)
AMERICAS = The Guard, M80, (No brazil unfortunately)

I made this list without any biases and watched their games (not only highlights) In EMEA, I have watched Turkey, NE polaris, Dach. I watched several regions but I can't stand watching the gameplay even their top team. And believe me, All turkish teams are so good.

In APAC, I watched Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, MYSG, Korea, and JP. Don't see anybody beating DK or MiTH in my opinion.

In Americas, I watched Brazil also and I am not impressed with their performance and the way they play. So many inconsistencies in utility usage. So far from the standards of LOUD. I see no team beating any NA team. Guard or M80 are the best team in Americas Ascension IMO.

posted about a year ago

SMG W org for picking up W roster

posted about a year ago

Imagine dominating the whole APAC for 3 splits and still not enough to qualify for Champions because they lost in the finals against X10. Really hope SMG pick enerii in some time but I don't see anyone getting replaced sooner in this roster. I just wan't to see Enerii and my Bren Core to succeed

posted about a year ago

the 2 cracked players of ZOL too. Capricious and Kamiyu. Really wished enerii was part of either team tho. Still can't believe she wasn't able to qualify for Champions after winning 3 splits last year.

posted about a year ago

Imagine adding Twirly and Enerii to this lineup

posted about a year ago

Maaaan. Gotta respect this Clayy guy. He might be the most delusional/only RRQ fan in this server but the dedication to support this org is very consistent.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ry666 you're indonesian right? Any reason why enerii didn't join a team this year? I really thought she will join a team together with Alexy. Both of them playing together in ranked all the time during off season.

posted about a year ago

So happy for SMG members. They've been stucked between 3rd-4th place last year and now they have the chance to win it all this time.

posted about a year ago

2-0 SMG. They will win split 1 without dropping a map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I just clicked the video and turned on loop. I'm just vibin for 30 minutes straight already . My only problem is it's too short but overall it's fine.

posted about a year ago

Ping diff or nah you're a delusional if you think GE would beat this SMG roster. It's either you're not familiar with their players or you haven't watched Game Changers previously at all. Only teams I see winning this whole event are Sapphire (previous X10), RRQ, SMG, and maybe OG.

posted about a year ago

another depressed bettor ong

posted about a year ago

I love both teams but TS 2-1 hopium

posted about a year ago

NAOS on fire. 14 consecutive maps

posted about a year ago

ROFL just saw this comment of yours. I don't even need to explain myself. Seems that you're the one is delusional and too much copium. PH region lives rent free in your head? IM DEAD HAHAHAH


posted about a year ago

bro said delusional when he's the only one mentioning RRQ in this discussion HAHAH The amount of copium this guy had. RRQ can't even get a map to top 10 EMEA team. Pinoys had to carry indo region?

edit: Bro is still stuck to Chamber Meta πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ

posted about a year ago

doesn't matter tho. indogshit region

posted about a year ago
  1. DRX
  2. TALON
  4. PRX (If they get something)
  5. GEN G
  6. ZETA
posted about a year ago

VCT Pacific starts on March 25 but still no schedule released. Anyone has an idea when? I'm so hype lol

posted about a year ago

I'm just happy we have at least 2 contender teams for Ascension League <3

posted about a year ago

That's the old TS lol. TS way better now but NAOS is still a good team tho.

posted about a year ago

The competition between the two is way different

posted about a year ago

Ngl Dubstep looks so uncomfortable on that Astra. But there's a lot of time to fix errors. Navi just too good for them right now. Only 3 APAC teams managed to get out of first round and literally no one expected for Team Secret to be one of it. Still a decent run! GG go next!

posted about a year ago

My copium is ranning out TS.............

posted about a year ago
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