He played in russian team crowcrowd before fnatic
His parents both russians, i think he wrote it on this site and his name just sounds like d3ffo's name :/
Flag: | Serbia |
Registered: | March 31, 2022 |
Last post: | June 4, 2022 at 12:57 PM |
Posts: | 183 |
He played in russian team crowcrowd before fnatic
His parents both russians, i think he wrote it on this site and his name just sounds like d3ffo's name :/
Isnt its just a fact?
In 2021 Masters 2 emea sent only eu teams and they lost. But fnatic with 1 cis player Derke made it to the finals at least
Meanwhile team with 5 cis players made it to the finals. twice
In Masters 1 2022 there are only eu teams without any cis player and its worst ever emea performance and placements so far
EU best team acend were hard carried for almost a year by Turkish God level player, they finally had good results without his overperformace only in champions and not even qualified in playoffs after that
Rb wtf...
Legday one of the best eng caster https://youtu.be/uXtVnxdyZdU
Prx playstyle not gonna work vs zeta
Japanese enjoyer's thoughts:
If only other Japanese orgs will finally realize that they need to create teams without foreign players to make good communication, structure and discipline like zeta, then they will have a good chance vs kr teams
Didnt expected it😳
Next time instead of this strange way with your name trick to spell it to me just write to me that i am never wrong!
Come on just check my flair instead of asking this question to me.
Im glad there finally a lot people who understands it
Other can progress, but emea represented lets say by not the most progressive emea's teams rn
G2 lucky to be in playoffs, acend played without their mvp and lost to bbl.
Some people just can't understand sarcasm
Are you still mad bcs guard 13-0ed 100t?
No need to practice for them they can dominate na without it
Ok if you want it so bad then im gonna be their coach for you. Just ask them to send me a contract
"crow>nivera" is a next level copium but other things are right
Wasnt 3 matches with the most biggest viewership on this tournament were with zeta ?
Yeah thats what people with brains call honeymoon phase you know? You can be good only on a short distance. Time show the truth.
FPX qualified to every eu event with same roster. People with brains call it consistent good results. Your best emea team not qualified to next emea and sucked balls when tried to play even lvp (because they had nothing to play) lmaoo
Lmao you can repeat it even 100 times if you want to convince yourself, but the real fact is that fnatic had easier group
So cringe when na trying to talk about emea
Fnc were not even close to be the best
Fpx won 1st eu Challengers of 2 split, fnc only second
Fpx played in a group of death when fnatic had tr teams and guild in their group . Just like this time lmao
Other regions send not their best teams
Emea send fnc and tl( 2 honeymoon teams bruh)instead of fpx and gmb
Kr send nuturn instead of vs
All favourites teams from other regions just chocked to make this sentinels run possible
You just owned them man
I heckin have a big hopes for team created by ddk sean and mikes
Starxo tweeted before even game vs bbl started that he dont care about result of the match against bbl, surely team got some problems inside. But you right Acend cant be in S tier, because they were good only on Split Bind and Ascent
About Gambit. im pretty sure that its a reasonable mental issues when your org and region canceled by riot and you dont know could you get money for what are you doing or do you even have a possibility to continue to play. I read in news that russian government had a thoughts about to close internet like china, surely they heard about this as well
Acend not qualified to playoffs only because they were defeated by bbl (because they played with russian sub instead of zeek)
g2 and fnatic lose as well when they got sub: G2 when they had keloqz lost to fnatic, and Fnatic with their 2 to nip and zeta
Even m3c surely got mental issues after they org and region were cancelled and riot forced team to play 6 games in 1 week while before they played 1 official in a week
fpx only team that looked scary even with sub
There is no a dominant team only because fpx are not here lmao, if they were able than our region power ranking was absolutely the same
Their liquid pants told me more than their mouths
After japan of course 😏
2 days for g2 to watch zeta's games and prepare
0 days for zeta to create new stuff or to chill
Competitive integrity 👍
Thanks god there lower bracket so zeta just need to eliminate another eu team
My third team is acend, not fnatic.
acend got best sniper in the world and zeek, but unfortunately their mvp zeek had some mental issues, so they didn't performed well
у фнатик все завязано на том, чтобы помогать дерке найти энтри,логично что без дерке нихуя не работает их система
чоквиды одна из тупейших команд в еу
крейзи раки против гамбит второй раз тоже близко играли и всем похуй было
Zeta and its not a copium
Because on every m1 tournament emea representative teams are fucking botnatic and chokequid
Its just mad bettors like in every other sport lmao
Insosistent top team = a lot of lost money on this team
If only zeta players had 1 day break zeta would be able to win vs g2
☝️🤓funny fact: even fucking Crazy Racoon pushed Gambit(>g2) to their limits in their second game and played close vs V1