valyn collecting lunch money
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Registered: | May 28, 2021 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 4:24 PM |
Posts: | 3482 |
valyn collecting lunch money
Optic beat Liquid 2-1. But based on everything else
They will definitely gonna win this match. Heard it here first
People love to downvote facts.
Shit load of ex CS AND non CS players in NA Val.
Which ones have been top of the scene for longest......
They went on a great run end of 22
They're all great players, no reasonable person has doubts over their individual abilities.
It's about how they're going to perform in a team, in high stakes matches. That's where they've mostly faltered, so yeah, nAts included, they all have something to prove coming into 2023.
FACTS. people stuck in 2021. All players on Liquid have something to prove right now.
Fair dos! I want them to be good, we shall see
Facts. This is it, nothing more and nothing less
Curiously optimistic and nothing more
Other than champs, he had a pretty decent 2022 actually
Basically what I've been saying.
The team for sure has a high ceiling, but what does their average performance look like? Mehh
Your first sentence hit the nail on the head. And the point I'm driving home is, M3C didn't just have an off game last year. They had an off year, the players need to prove themselves again, igl especially. So people who are assuming new liquid is god tier under redgar are gassing the team up based on 2021 if you ask me.
Maybe the chamber meta just didn't suit them and I'm being harsh, we'll see. I just don't think it's foregone conclusion that the new roster is hugely upgraded. Other than having a stable 5th.
I get what you're saying, but it's little more than a well known narrative that people just throw around.
If structure is so important, how did M3C+ redgar who had structure and championship winning core, lose to the unstructured liquid when it mattered the most...
They got reverse swept in a bo5 is all I'm saying.
Someone is overrated. Food for thought.
Good team, but they're just in the mix. Not a strong favourite for any international event.
Why do you and others hold the opinion that redgar as an igl is the secret sauce old liquid players need to be successful, when they beat redgar without a "real igl" twice already?
EG about to prove a ton of you wrong lol
Have experienced based examples of the job's experienced based examples of the job competencies.
For example, if they ask you about teamwork, don't just say you're good in a team and you like people cus you're friendly or some shit.
Give an example of a time where you've demonstrated great team work and what the result was. Even if it's not from a work situation, real world examples >
Insane clip tho
If rich, south America probably.
Otherwise not sure
You're actually in over your head on this.
You just compared GE trying to qualify for the biggest tournament, to lock ins 150+ players, which is a throwaway tournament for the most part.
So with that, I'm done with you, if I don't stop now, proper won't eve able to tell who's stupider. Me for replying or you for your L take.
All love G
dude I have no idea either, I just wanted to say that lmao. Here, have an upvote
your chachi
bruhhhh, this is how I know you're not built for this discussion. uneconomical doesn't automatically making a loss. It means its wasteful.
And if you don't think flying out a shit load of players around the world to play 1 match in a relatively inconsequential tournament is wasteful, then I can't help you.
You're allowed to like the format, but don't try and defend it with logic when you have none.
There's something wrong with your brain.
I'm talking about sustainability from a point of having over 150 players fly in from all over the world, stay for a week, incur costs, to play one match and then bounce.
That's just stupid and uneconomical. You wouldn't understand this though, cus you're a retard with bad grades and no bitches.
2 groups of 16.
Swiss stage BO1. 2x top 8s
THEN Seed into 16 team single elim bracket.
This way teams actually get to play more. Fans get to see more matchups that don't overshadow champs matches cus they aren't all bo3s with riots ridiculous over production which they can save for masters and champs
Teams are gonna troll this event because of the dog ass format
Yeah you've never watched a good tournament before if you're saying this.
Hella ways to not overshadow champions and fit within time constraints.
If you think a format where half the teams get to watch the other half play and take notes for a week is good....
If you think flying to Brazil, quarantini6for a week to play one bo1 is a good example of sustainability in eSports....
Thumbs up to you sir
Fnatic about to become the most clowned on and hated org in Val after they lose this 2-1. Such a shame
KCorp lesssgooo
Ardiis inside man, let's go ;-)
NRG are all great players. But they lose a TON of matches last year if they didn't have yaymber.
Bro, they act like this format is poison. Honestly. What a way to kill the most hype tournament in history
What the fuck is this format. Stop reinventing the wheel.
3 weeks is enough time to do 2x swiss stage of BO1s then Seed into a normal bracket.
Good point in your last sentence. Once promotion takes place, there will be a roster shuffle, and that's when the promoted teams / orgs will try and bolster their teams with better players. Most of which will presumably be better players already in tier 1.
We didn't really see that happen last year, but obviously, different format + no stipend from Riot for partnership.
We'll see!
Still, it's looking pretty soft. No change from last year, as in these teams don't appear to be competitive vs the franchised teams.
EMEA tier 2 couldnt compete post promotion as we saw with the splits last year, the teams that got promoted to vct got absolutely washed. This looks to be a repeat for whoever eventually gets promoted. Maybe Acend are the exception.
Not saying they're bad teams, but there looks to be a clear tier break.
How is this even a comparison lol.
Guard have won NA challengers before and made it to masters.
Focus haven't won a damn thing outside of VRL
Same as people thought going into champs haha.