Flag: Greece
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: March 2, 2025 at 4:24 PM
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Apart from Jampii, they all clear Heat on Jett

posted about a year ago

What happened / what did you see to make you fly off the handle and post this lol. not wrong though.

posted about a year ago

Feels like the opposite to me. Lockin had way more variety, even just by virtue of new maps and agents being in the mix..

posted about a year ago

Owned him

posted about a year ago

Why did you get downfragged, holy moly

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

utterly disgusting for them to do that to their roster

posted about a year ago

Don't feel left out. You can bet Masters Tokyo is gonna be the same regarding Japanese players.

posted about a year ago

it's more of a return I think. Source and older versions of GO were quite bright also.

posted about a year ago

True, but I don't think it's that much pressure on riot.

Val has a massive user base in regions where CS isn't super prominent. I'm sure they'll continue to iterate at their existing pace.

posted about a year ago

I need that as an ingame model for sure!

posted about a year ago

Only an idiot would think that.

Both games have a large audience overlap ontop of 2 very distinct user bases.

Both games will be fine.

posted about a year ago

Not intended to be divisive, love both games and both will co-exist.

Says there are more new features coming ontop of the 3 videos announced. HYPED.


posted about a year ago

I love CS forever, but I can tell you, people aren't exaggerating when they complain about cheaters in cs MM. It's horrific at times.

posted about a year ago

A Smart comment that will be lost on many.

Both games have bright futures, I love to see it.

posted about a year ago

Check the gas knobs in your kitchen my boy

posted about a year ago

Nope, we all saw it now hahaha

posted about a year ago

Considering the viewer numbers GC got last year. This is a pisstake and spit in the face of the GC players.

"We want women playing in masters" doesn't give credence to these poor choices. It's also not a realistic goal within the immediate future. More riot Ls.

posted about a year ago

Probably tried it in scrims and got their shit pushed in.

Or they're just not brave enough to try it.

posted about a year ago

Map shows nothing, move on

posted about a year ago

Never saw it coming

posted about a year ago

actually quite true

posted about a year ago

Bro Cs has had the same formula for 23 years. You're way off. If it does die, it won't be for its lack of innovation.

posted about a year ago

Unless you have aspirations to go pro. Just enjoy both?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Dude stop arguing with that retard, you'll look as bad as him soon.

posted about a year ago

how old are they? 🤐

posted about a year ago

W, keep it up homie

posted about a year ago

"They struggled in the chamber meta" - So did other teams. It's Valorant bro, if a team falls off during any meta, they still fell off. This game is always changing and the ability to keep up is what separates the elite from the not so elite.

Also scrimbux doesn't matter, results do. It's really not unfair to say that the team peaked. It's not like I'm saying they became trash.

Would they dominate in this meta? Saying that is nothing more than theory at this point, it literally cannot be proven. The fact that everyone knew a chamber nerf was coming and they chose to not stay together also says alot.

posted about a year ago

Subroza is insane but I've seen him throw rounds for TSM with overaggression many many times. Still, I'd love to see it.

posted about a year ago

Your point is mostly right, but you picked a terrible example considering fnatic won a tourney with boaster displaying some of his most impressive fragging to date

posted about a year ago

No. TL were fire power gods, but still had 2 very inconsistent players. There's no firepower if half your squad doesn't show up.

posted about a year ago

Not incorrect

posted about a year ago

Still no masters trophy yet though

posted about a year ago

Valorant is too small an esport for y'all to expect big metrics for the second division. Think of something more mainstream like NBA Vs D league basketball, the dropoff in money and viewership is also humongous. Same with hockey, same with just about any sport you can think of.

Sounds to me like you expect too much from a video game. It's hard to make people care about Exolo lazers Vs insert random latam team.

The interest is always at the top.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, you've clearly never been to LA

posted about a year ago

What's he leaked so far?

posted about a year ago

Thank you NRG Ardiis

posted about a year ago

Old gambit roster peaked in 2021. No matter how many of them you put together you so won't bring back the magic. Get over it. We saw their level as a team in 2022.

posted about a year ago

You are correct. Keloqz won't be playing online , franchising is all LAN.

posted about a year ago

Already was on duelist/sage.
Wont be on initiator. Open to being wrong, but I don't see it.

posted about a year ago

Someone with an understanding

posted about a year ago

Always was

posted about a year ago

People still play that?

posted about a year ago

He will never be supernova

posted about a year ago

All good my friend!

posted about a year ago

Bo7, shit to watch and shit to play. leave that alone

posted about a year ago
  1. getting shit on in ranked doesn't automatically mean they're better. Especially online, so many variables to consider.
  2. the MENTAL aspect
  3. Just because you think those settings are good for you doesn't mean they're best for you.
  4. Someone may have higher peaks, but are they more consistent?
posted about a year ago

I see what you're saying, but it can be remedied by creating consistent spray patterns that although more predictable, penalise spraying over bursting. The recoil reset i think is too soft, I've seen sooo much quick burst strafe bursting with body shots over effort to lock on the head. Also, a slightly longer reset time on recoil rewards composure and trigger discipline, some players are just getting away with pressing Mouse 1 repeatedly.

posted about a year ago
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