Flag: Germany
Registered: June 21, 2024
Last post: February 19, 2025 at 1:46 AM
Posts: 160
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Ur clearly understood it wrong my friend. With Jing PRX is stuck on a few comps and cant change their core gameplay plan, because he only plays raze, neon and sage. He also often said he wont change his agent pool. That makes PRX much worse. Something is one of the best with the Op, so he has so play Jett on Jett maps, so because of Jing they have to play Double Duelist. This is often the reason why they play so chaotic. Monyets agent pool is way better. He also plays initiator, so on Raze maps he would go Raze and on Jett maps he could go initiator. That would allow PRX to change their core gameplan which would be important imo. Every team knows how to counter PRX, because they are playing the same over and over again because of Jings agent pool.

posted 6 months ago

i really do not care if the player is humble or not. hes clearly the problem for these weird ass comps, so he should learn new agents or leave. the hate is absolutely justified imo bc he is the problem on prx

posted 7 months ago

but on ascent jing should play senti, because a good op is just necessary

posted 7 months ago

But it doesnt make sense to force something to play sentinel. hes one of the best awpers in the game so he should play jett and jing should learn kj (which is not hard). something is already playing other roles like initiator so on jett maps he should play duelist and jing sentinel and on raze/neon maps jing should play duelist and something is the initiator

posted 7 months ago

L glaze

posted 7 months ago
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