Flag: International
Registered: May 24, 2021
Last post: March 2, 2024 at 6:53 AM
Posts: 62
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This bug isn't new, so why is Keyd using it? They are pros, they are aware that VGIA was punished for using this so its only fair that they are punished too. Agree with you that Riot should have fixed this bug by now, or tournament admins should have stopped the match when they saw this illegal cam

posted about 3 years ago
  1. HOW is this still in the game? After the whole Giants thing, this should have been fixed.
  2. Furia got stopped for a crouch boost, but Keyd doesn't get stopped by admins for using an illegal cam?
  3. Why the hell is Keyd using this cam? They're a pro team. They are aware of the Vodafone Giants scandal. They know this tournament will be live-streamed, so they're clowns for using it.
    All the parties in this conflict messed up, everyone sucks here: Riot, Keyd and the tournament admins. All of them messed up.
posted about 3 years ago

Ignore them, they're idiots. I play in SEA. Yes, silver/gold has smurfs. Stop whining. Every region has smurfs. Having played in SEA and EU, both regions are roughly the same. EU Gold I felt was a bit more aim-reliant than SEA gold. Pretty much it. Our silver/golds are NOT better EU/NA. Just patently untrue.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't think you understand the point of trigger discipline, it's a gamble, just like spraying like a madman when you're blind. (btw if he just kept his crosshair still he may have gotten more, but anyway) yes if Rise cleared him he gets nothing but if they didn't, he gets 2-3. That's the ENTIRE point of playing trigger discipline. It's always a gamble. I agree people are exaggerating how bad this clip is, but regardless.

posted about 3 years ago

The stimmy is genuinely the most useless ability in the game. I play Brimstone a lot on Bind and Split and I wouldn't even notice it if they removed it.
If they give him something useful instead of the stim, his pick rate would be higher

posted about 3 years ago

To get fucked in playoffs they have to make it there in the first place

posted about 3 years ago

This person is wrong about Myth, but right that TSM won't sign Sinaatra. They dropped a cracked player on their female team because she ranted about fast food workers 3 years ago. You think an org that cares that much about image is going to pick up the most controversial player in Valorant?
Secondly, it makes ZERO sense. Levi looked great, apart from aim, but they don't need another cracked aimer, they need excellent Sova util which Levi provides.
The only org shameless enough to pick Sinaatra is FaZe.

posted about 3 years ago

ShahZ and Bang don't even play duelist on many maps, and if ShahZ thought he could play duelist better than TenZ then he would play only duelist for SEN because he is the IGL and coach for SEN and he can make that decision. Tex hasn't even proven himself in any major tourney. Meanwhile TenZ was the MVP for Riot's biggest tourney, and has won both Masters events. Lowlife troll.

posted about 3 years ago

Just a couple weeks before this Babybay mocks Bang, and now they meet in the finals lol. You cannot make this up

posted about 3 years ago

v1 was leading 12-11 on Map 1, sure they got "pooped on".

posted about 3 years ago

LMAO. This team is on a 12 match streak against their region and the world's best teams and people still talk trash about their players. You don't destroy absolutely everyone if you have someone on your team holding you back. Zombs is crucial to SEN's winning, every single player on SEN is absolutely world class at their role.

posted about 3 years ago
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