Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: January 13, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 6:00 AM
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heretics and? who else is bad?

posted about a year ago

and besides heretics and fnatic, i can see any of these teams finishing from 2 to 9

posted about a year ago

no he is embracing the misled hate some french fans have directed towards him. its all good though, you can troll and direct your emotions, its content for us neutrals :)

posted about a year ago

yea i dont want all the caster duos to be the exact same(no matter how good they are). sometimes you need casters with a personality, like here tom and mitch have that silly funny style, while still being hype when required. achillios needs someone he can actually cast with. bren is pog, but he hasnt been at his best in the recent events. and pansy is undoubtedly no.1

posted about a year ago

its going to be one hell of a game.
sideshow vs france
bald (egg) vs hair(scream)

lets see if the bald shines, or are we about to see some -edshots

posted about a year ago

emea>apac>challengers NA>americas, yea

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

how many vct trophies does NA have again?

posted about a year ago

drx aint winning one. hopefully zeta does a miracle or prx find their identity with something

posted about a year ago

drx has played 5 international lans, you are dumb if you think they only have korean fans. and how are you putting t1 geng all above, the league fanbase doesnt translate like that lmfao

posted about a year ago

totally agree, just wanted to say that apac english is very mid. seeing achillios cast with paperthin seems so unfair. achillios is so good, while paperthin sounds very very average. after watching him, i was like yeah, thats why they only call one guy from apac to international events.

posted about a year ago

where are your international vct trophies?

posted about a year ago



1) apac matches on a weekend, emea on a weekday
2) emea's one clouted team(koi) + one decent sized team(navi) > apac's 2 biggest (zeta + drx) team aside probably prx
3) still got more viewers :)

wait for koi vs kc if you want to see the best numbers this region has to offer

posted about a year ago

all you said is true, but he isnt even among emea's top 4 caster here

posted about a year ago

this zlatan is actually good though

posted about a year ago

the games have been good enough, nothing like unwatchable. and this is like a brand new environment for the entire production team. its going to be so consistent and good next week onwards.(its still pretty good rn)

posted about a year ago

"the team that is being slept on" vs "the team that is sleeping"

posted about a year ago

yea, but even your rankings arent very concrete, any team can beat any team here, so we can atleast conclude that vit is a top half of emea team

posted about a year ago

vit is probably the 3rd best team in emea, they have to competitive against them at the very least. losing isnt the end

posted about a year ago

good, but they need more than that. they need igl change, and i'll probably take baddyg over avova(ik that's not possible though). so benjy + one more change, preferably an igl , if they are rich why not drop keloqz for yay

posted about a year ago

he copied you!


(fut manager)

posted about a year ago

got it

posted about a year ago

emea has more than na

posted about a year ago

ok one question, since i am on a break from playing valorant, does his molly still destroy the kj ult? or like that was a bug pre gekko release?

posted about a year ago

spanish fans, why is ibai's cam so small, one thing i like is how they switch/zoom into each of the 3 dudes there, but like the cam could be a bit bigger, like how most streamers have

posted about a year ago

the goat region. best stage, best teams, best players, best crowd EZ

posted about a year ago

can you remind me again how many trophies does the entire pacific in combined have?

posted about a year ago

Just because they stream more, tweet more, and are generally more visible doesn't mean EMEA has any less talent. We saw yesterday how much EMEA has improved after the Lock In tournament. And when it comes to players, there's Cloud, who popped off and who 80% of the Valorant fanbase probably doesn't know anything about. We also got to know another crazy talent in Kamyk, who first subbed into the number one team in the world and then performed his role very well, showing glimpses of how good he could be, even though he wasn't playing any of his primary agents.

posted about a year ago

nats the goat of valorant is back. hopefully liquid can show their potential today. letsgo liquid

posted about a year ago

the emea talent is actually stacked this year, the casters are so good too. i can somewhat understand why you and many others dont like that certain guy, but the rest of them are really good and top tier

posted about a year ago

saadhak was inconsistent at raze, remove fns from this list, drop down saadhak and put lev kingg in 2nd

posted about a year ago

the videos and content from emea has been insane


i think this is easily better than the apac one(apac isnt bad, but this is better).
NA will have the LCS stage which is ReisdentSleeper

posted about a year ago

i am sorry secret, i didnt hate you, but i very much didnt enjoy the fans you had. but after today's jessievash interview, i no longer feel that way.

posted about a year ago

lmao no they are luckyrex. they will bring something in the team and that will give them enough firepower to stay at top of apac(farmers league) for another year. thats just how it is. they'll shit the bed against any top 8 team in the world

posted about a year ago

give dfm like a firepower upgrade in one player only and they win this map 13-9 or something + regardless prx were so good(more like luckY) with the clutches today. replay this game today or tomorrow and the results would be different

posted about a year ago

definitely, but for me oregairu then horimiya and then the rest

posted about a year ago

oregairu. dont disrespect this masterpiece by saying kaguya, kaguya is much more like a spy family vibe. oregairu>horimiy>>>>>>kaguya

posted about a year ago

lol coz its not logical and too much effort to prepare 9+ walkouts in span of a few weeks. and just coz someone puts more effort into walkouts doesnt mean he is taking the competition lightly or not seriously

posted about a year ago

definitely not today

posted about a year ago

i am ready

posted about a year ago

maybe not against dfm, but i am ready for the future


posted about a year ago

he didnt shoot

posted about a year ago

pep owns bayern

posted about a year ago

i only use fake flag to trigger the indos

posted about a year ago

agree with most of what you said, but its not that deep, just a comment

posted about a year ago

that is true, being the most expensive player and then being dropped really sucks in the middle of the season. if it was traditional sports the oil money would've helped a lot

posted about a year ago

no way fnatic admin said this lmao,


for more context, this was on a tiktok where the players were choosing "this or that" player on their valorant team

posted about a year ago

disguised toast has more money than the guard rn LUL

posted about a year ago

didnt see much of him, but statistically a very good player. and mini and cojo confirmed that he is actually very good, and easily fits into the team. also if anyone doesnt know, fnatic had to practice regularly with kamyk before lock in, when alfa was affected by the turkey earthquakes

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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