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Registered: January 13, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 6:00 AM
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its rare to see babysasuke get upvotes, but this time it makes sense

posted about a year ago

why dont any of you make a video directly comparing the playstyles of 3 players from 3 different regions who all play the same agent.

most obvious would be aspas vs derke vs something jett
what does aspas do differently from the other 2, is it just aim or anything else?

an even better comparison would be less vs nats
how do they utilize their sentinel util? how differently do they hold sites? what is their role while retaking a site? etc

crashies vs leo?
how does their sova differ from each other

i feel we have seen enough team focused videos, how a team adopted a good comp and made it meta etc etc , but now i think i really want to see something different in form of comparing players and playstyles

posted about a year ago

leo did say that riot is planning to completely change the timeline of challengers and the regular leagues. he said he didnt want any overlap. it is possible that the challenger league for next year starts as early as september - october. unlike last year. so i think we have to see what happens

posted about a year ago

babyj didnt even get into a team since leaving 100t, idk how a player cant not get a team in 1+year. i cant see him in this list

posted about a year ago

yep exactly, non emeans didnt recognize him, that is why i put him there.

posted about a year ago

predicting which players will be the stars and under focus next year...
for eg sayf something and qw1 werent heavily rated last year, atleast internationally


only emea coz i dont know many "underrated" players in t2 americas or pacific

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


what could this possibly be?

if it is a music video , i want it to be substantially poorer in quality than what we expect at champs, otherwise it would ruin the fun

posted about a year ago

starxo did a 1v3 in 17-18 OT, by that case it should've also been higher? its just a list someone made, you dont have to show your presence everywhere, bitching about stuff that doesnt matter

posted about a year ago

does that matter? this is just a twitter post, just coz you guys disagree doesnt mean you have to cry about it

and stop calling it a 1v5. it wasnt.

posted about a year ago


(edit: dude these brazilians are actually crying about this. i dont care whether saadhak deserved #1 or #10, my point was this is irrelevant no need to be so fixated and passionate about a simple video!!)

see the comments
why are you such cry babies? literally cant handle a normal video highlighting the best plays of all the leagues.
.... crying about saadhak clutch should've been higher? like whether it should've been or not, its so stupid that its only brazilian fans i see crying.

fnatic lose, brazil fans will come crying
call prx good contenders, brazil fans will come crying
call derke good, brazil fans will come crying
make a list(mostly unbiased) and brazil fans will still come crying


posted about a year ago

its ludwig obviously, he communicates with each of the 5 players using an*l beads

posted about a year ago

how many trophies has pacific won? how many finals has pacific made?

posted about a year ago

sorry, optic fan. otherwise would've considered

posted about a year ago

winning pacific is one step closer to being tier 2 in emea, give them a month and they might beat Les Petits Bouffons. they need time

posted about a year ago

and paperthin doesnt scream enough. he makes it so dead. tom and mitch have a personality even when they are not hyping things up which keeps the match interesting. paperthin sounds like the most boring caster ong

posted about a year ago

dudeeeeeeeeeeeeee the last one

i was reading the last manga till like 20 ch or something, and then left it for a few months then forgot the name. ty for reminding me of this

posted about a year ago

can you recommend any manga(/anime) similar to -
last game
bokutachi no remake(watched the anime)

(i prefer the most normie shit...)
the recommendations can be similar to any one of the above

posted about a year ago

yep, can confirm

posted about a year ago

W list

posted about a year ago

we lost mitch and tom so that we could get paperthin?????

good bye, its going to be a real effort, having to watch half the games

posted about a year ago

blud put zyppan at S but chronicle at A. yea this guy knows valorant for sure

posted about a year ago

well whats fun and what will actually happen is different. you cant live in delusion, the best region (EMEA) will obv have the most teams in playoffs

posted about a year ago

mitch and tom are definitely not attending Sadge. and with doug balla getting the AMERICAS finals game, it looks quite likely that they'll be in japan. i dont hate them but yeah mitch tom better

posted about a year ago

W take. havent seen someone describe what balla lacks better

posted about a year ago

the only good pacific talent

posted about a year ago

oh no! please no!! anyone but whoever was casting the pacific games. get achillios and give him someone from emea or NA, but i cant stand any single one of the pacific casters apart from achillios. the pacific casters are dead unfluent boring lack humor lack synergy lack hype.omg i would literally watch match on mute(not kidding) if any of the pacific duos come to cast

posted about a year ago

yea gl winning against our 4th seed

ps: you wont

posted about a year ago

bro wtf are these timings. just to accomodate american viewers they literally fuck asian and european viewers. EU has to wake up at like 4-5 am to watch the games , while asian fans might be in college or work, what is this dogshit schedule? it was almost impossible to fuck over EU timings as they are in middle of the timezone, but somehow riot managed to do it? 3 pm for japan start time seems reasonable? 3-6 6-9, quite good for asian fans, while american fans have to wake up early or probably miss the first game. atleast we'll have good timings for EU and asia

posted about a year ago

just playoffs + inconsistent + pacific weaker league

posted about a year ago

i am an emea fan, but why is no pacific fan talking about the fact that drx stopped playing with foxy9 once they reached the final stages of the competition? like isnt it genuinely obvious that they would perform somewhat worse than their best?

especially coz prx is all about aim and firepower

posted about a year ago

typical prx fans thinking all aim and full push is gonna be enough to let them win an international event 💀💀

posted about a year ago

yep, davai and mindfreak 💀💀

posted about a year ago

meet him in the second half of icebox, when it matters the most. he'll ghost the server

posted about a year ago

EMEA will have 2 slots lil bro, its NAVI and KOI not NAVI/KOI

posted about a year ago

nah . thats way too much overrating. prx would fit just below giants and above heretics

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

starxo to igl 💀💀

posted about a year ago

KKKKKKKKKKKK imagine living in the south or north america

posted about a year ago

paperthin is dogshit

posted about a year ago

yea ong. i cant imagine how were the finals casted by doug and balla. like tell me something more underwhelming for a finals

posted about a year ago

PLEASE for the sake of god dont use the zedd phantom, that gun is literal dogshit, grief, stinger has better spread than that phantom. thats the only skin i would never want to see ever again in the hand of anyone

posted about a year ago

they have won bo5 s with a difference roster (scream nivera liquid and this liquid has literally nothing that aligns or carries onto this new team)

and the bo5 s they played are also in lcq, where the top emea teams are already not there

posted about a year ago

fnatic has an active twitter account for japanese fans, that does apex(japanese team) and valorant. the valorant tweets consistently get more interactions than most other emea org's normal tweets. fnatic are fkn big in japan

posted about a year ago

"should" and "will", there is a difference. also why do you think so? coz of suygetsu?

posted about a year ago

alfajer was severly affected mentally with the turkey earthquakes at lock in. the difference in his performance at lock in and in the emea league is good indicator of that. less can be put ahead atm, but tokyo should be a good indicator of whose actually the best sentinel in the world(after nats of course)

posted about a year ago

which team will have most no. of fans in the japanese crowd

#0 EG (cant compete with the universal clout team)
#1 fnatic
#2 prx
#3 drx
#4 t1/liquid
rest of the teams will have some supporters especially for certain players, but not enough in total to compete with the above
fut navi nrg loud edg ase

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i agree, but you say that to an americas or pacific fan , they would call it the farmers league or something. whereas if you say that about leo or chronicle, they wouldnt even be able to argue about their spots in the top 10. thats the sort of result i am waiting for. also yes for me personally, he is already in top 10, but i also understand why most people as of now wont have him there

posted about a year ago


aint no way we are losing those maps with a fit chronicle

posted about a year ago
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