Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 16, 2021
Last post: July 3, 2023 at 8:12 AM
Posts: 3732
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Own that fraud Shownu

posted about a year ago

Fucking AMEN!!!1

posted about a year ago

Bc he blocked someone clearly having a manic episode on twitter?

grow up

posted about a year ago

You're upset someone downvoted you, both are sad

posted about a year ago

He needs some Shrooms and a chill place.

posted about a year ago

Artic monekys
Post malone

posted about a year ago

e. Im robbing you with my shank

posted about a year ago

Villian arc

posted about a year ago

there is a british person in play offs and 0 yanks.

England triumphant once again.

posted about a year ago

Prime 1-2 have different variants

posted about a year ago

Ange1 wins.

posted about a year ago

I heard there is a giant dump truck parked out back of the arena to carry Boaster masssive ballsack back to the hotel after, can anyone confirm?

posted about a year ago

respect, got 1 round with no monitors on

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NAVI seem like they have better support staff.

But playerwise they are pretty equal.

posted about a year ago

C9 YAY lol. time for a new account coper

posted about a year ago

Water isnt wet. Water makes thing wet

posted about a year ago

UK is destined for tier 2 tournements.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

mwzera is cracked.

posted about a year ago

He is him

posted about a year ago

L1NK cosplay*

posted about a year ago

You're watching the best of the best play.

No. it really doesn't

posted about a year ago

dont put your dick in crazy .

Stick it in other men.

posted about a year ago

Good, woman are overrated.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic and Navi clears LEV and LOUD....

posted about a year ago

C9 is 2nd in NA????? okaaaaayy dude. nice cope

posted about a year ago

Farming L takes today babysucka

posted about a year ago

Jail valorant gameplay

posted about a year ago

I like him but the way he critics his teammates whilst doing braindead plays is funny

posted about a year ago

Watching his stream rn, he raged at a teammate bc he got told to place a KJ alarm bot to prevent flanks.

He then proceed to mute him and call out ever little mistake Chamber makes.

Man can ever be critical of his own plays

posted about a year ago

He is the most bitter small little man in the community.

He got a huge ego whilst being mediocre at the game and analysing.

posted about a year ago

Soulcass underperformed but to blame Liquid loss solely on him is moronic

posted about a year ago

Not really, Xeppa zelsis and Trent all initiator roles ....

posted about a year ago

That team hasn't been together 2 years...

posted about a year ago

Only sheep like yourself watch the main production.

You're complaining about HUD which has been improved after every LAN.
The casters/analyst are fair critism. The crowd is out of RIOT control, You're complaining about fans enjoying the game live.
Tickets did sell out but Brazil are very supportive of their country teams, seen in valo and cs.

You sit here and cry like a little bitch when sliggy co-streams have been LIT

posted about a year ago

Christ you're a little bitch

posted about a year ago

babysucka coping thread LOLOLOLOL EZ

posted about a year ago

They are all Boaster supporters.

posted about a year ago

Don't get too ahead of yourself young one

posted about a year ago

Esports is tempory, Money can last a lifetime.

Chase the bag

posted about a year ago

Boaster calling seems solid so far

posted about a year ago

They didnt want to Bonus that round

posted about a year ago

Irrelevant 2022 match. Get with the times old man

posted about a year ago

Babysucka smoking that madcrack

posted about a year ago

100T couldn't even beat FUT. let alone the top 5 EMEA

posted about a year ago

weird coping thread

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Bruh, they players are not winning any clutches...

posted about a year ago

Do you think teams will try to run more Harbour on icebox?

posted about a year ago
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