Ok bud keep going your parents are probably proud of you
Flag: | Thailand |
Registered: | June 22, 2022 |
Last post: | March 6, 2025 at 1:30 PM |
Posts: | 2852 |
Ok bud keep going your parents are probably proud of you
Buddy how have you been baiting for 2 years and youre still doing the same lame "SHITMEA" bait ever since. I would look to quit this website and find a meaningful hobby if i were you
HM: nAts, Less, Alfajer, Shao, stax, TenZ
Aspas is the clear number 1, the others are too hard to rank accordingly. Dont take the ranking too seriously
is he the best rookie of all time? (after demon1)
as in the sense of, debuts his year in T1 valorant and just DOMINATES every game
babysasuke and moatz
i heard demon1 got fined for streaming during the event in tokyo
Isnt it prohibited to stream during tournament time for the players
im a big fan of keiko but IMO marteen has better mechanics than him
also N4RRATE and Shao are definetely more valuable players than nAts lol
its funny how you can summon simp4s0m by just mentioning bilibili
things to note:
yeah i really vouch this format. champs moreso had the feeling of a summer event for me but i wouldnt mind if it gets pushed down a few months
but a kickoff event every year in december, idk man, it would be fire as FUCK but the costs are gonna go through the roofs
+that one scrim leaker
This would actually be pretty fire, idk what riot is trying to achieve with their 5 month offseasons but this is definetely the better option for us viewers
"B-b-but the players!" Theyre salaried professionals and theyre already getting way more break than the average labor worker
yeah they really worked hard for a mickey mouse trophy
sen didnt even deserve to win grand finals its just that geng is from apac and therefore choked
sen will get grouped in champs
Buddy your flair is not even in playoffs you can sit this one out
you dont even believe it urself
Brother who tf cares about transitivity just by eye test BBL is just a better team than shartquid
navi improved and fartquid somehow got worse
just look at the gameplay BBL is miles ahead of liquid
Look at this shit
BBL won 2-0 against Heretics
Liquid got FARMED by Heretics losing 2-13 on first map
And going from current situation Liquid will advance to playoffs?
Well i cant be mad for FUT trying their hardest because theyre trying to farm champions points but really dude? We cannot see the misery that is FARTQUID advance to playoffs if we have seen such good gameplay from BBL. This shit is fucked.
Lol theyre probably still best buddies, theyre grown ass men they wont break a friendship over fucking nadeshot
Idk how you define aura but NAVI have aura for sure
also FUT turkish aura
Ngl this site used to be so peak with so many funny baiters and now its a dead desert
Back in the days we had rivalries like babysasuke vs Yessirskiiii
Nowadays we have cringy attention seeking 13 year old (TheAceGamer) and a schizo nrg dickrider (Asuna_Yuuki)
We are all the funny baiters? Did they just disappear?
im surprised nobody said alecks? hes a radiant ranked demon
BLEED is just a shitfest in general, you have y0y who is playing an agent he cannot play, sS🐍 who is just baiting the entire team every game for stats, then you remove 2 players after kickoff, the coach is on fraudwatch and the team environment is probably not good at all according to the other members before.
agreed, big fan of them, hope they improve lots over split 2 🙏
Yay (content creator)
"Bro has the personality of a chair" - ardiis 2023
You should not be talking about mid with that M8 flair bud
do people SERIOUSLY think ge is worse than bleed? the gameplay this bleed offers is one of the worst ive ever seen in my life, they play worse than teams did back in 2020
Its actually insane how people are sleeping on GE right now
GE beat (a nerfed but still good) RRQ 2-0, almost beat Talon 2-0, and had a good showing against ZETA.
Meanwhile Bl00d's only win was against DFM, they couldnt even make it remotely close against all the other opponents.
Also i dont know how T1 swept through to playoffs, losing to DFM (which honestly isnt even that bad) but still showing horrible gameplay, GE deserved it WAY more IMO.
Gonna be the most stacked event of all time but im placing my bets on Leviatan
how is 100t sooo much worse than fnatic? theyre both pretty equal
je ne comprends pas le britanniques non plus, je ne suis pas un britannique
NAVI Ange1
NAVI Zyppan
NAVI suygetsu
facile gagner
Navi va gagner la Sao Paulo et va être le meilleur team dans EMEA. Merci pour le discussion
Yeah no disrespect but flor would just get dunked on if she or whatever faced zekken/asuna/victor or even jawgemo or any other t1 player...
That Faze Sweag Tournament was just a reminder of me posting that thread. That point still stands. C9 wont replicate what Optic did. Thats it. There is nothing more to it yay is still the best player in the world and its gonne be like that for a while
Yall mfers are heartbroken, its a fucking forum website i just shared my opinion and now i have a bunch of baiters running at me for no reason 💀
Take a break for a week. It sounds ridiculous but trust me on this one. Also do consistent warmup. Consistent. Do it every day every time before you play. Never skip Preperation. Also dont autopilot. Finally, i recommend watching pro players before playing yourself, it helped me tremendously. Before i play i always watch a 5 min montage from like yay or cryo it makes you tap heads more and spray less onggg.
Not too far from reality, he used to be widely considered to be one of the best. I am obviously talking about recency, FNS is recently the best IGL because he achieved so much recently. Zombs achieved much 2 years ago
I think SEN will experience a renessaince
GE will surprise
Talon will place well
EG will do better than people expect