Flag: Virgin Islands, U.S.
Registered: July 23, 2022
Last post: June 30, 2023 at 11:10 PM
Posts: 873
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took a daveeys life game and leafs worst game of the year JUST TO LOSE LMAOAOAOOAOAOAOAOAO

posted about a year ago

Hey, fellow VLR warriors,

It's time to unleash some truth bombs about the group stage format in Valorant tournaments. Brace yourselves because this flaw is about to hit you harder than a Jett ult.

Picture this: the final group stage matches arrive, and what do we get? A lackluster spectacle. Why? Because those top-seeded teams have already punched their ticket to the playoffs. They're sitting back, sipping margaritas while the rest of us are starving for some fierce competition.

But that's not all! The teams that stand zero chance of making it to the playoffs? Well, they couldn't care less. They're like, "Yo, we're out. Who needs to try?" It's as if they've already hit the surrender button before the game even starts.

We deserve better, my friends. We want every match to ignite the screen, to make us scream and jump out of our chairs. We want blood-pumping action that keeps us on the edge of our seats, not this sorry excuse for a show.

So, Riot Games, listen up! It's time to put some fire back into the group stage. Give those top-seeded teams a reason to fight tooth and nail until the bitter end. Throw in some mind-blowing incentives, spice up the rewards, and make them battle for glory, not just a fancy spot in the playoffs.

And don't forget about the underdogs, the teams that won't make it to the playoffs. Show them some love too! Give them a reason to give it their all, to unleash their inner beasts, even if they won't make it to the grand stage. They deserve a chance to shine.

So, fellow gamers, let's rally together. Let's demand a group stage that's an electrifying battlefield, where legends are made and dreams are shattered. No more snooze-fests, no more wasted potential. Let's make Riot Games feel the heat and bring back the adrenaline that Valorant is known for.

Are you with me? Share your thoughts, unleash your fury, and let's show Riot that we won't settle for anything less than an edge-of-your-seat group stage experience!

GPT actually did a good job.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i forgot this is playoffs

posted about a year ago

this is the only cope thread
the other ones i made was just saying that KRU are hitting shots they dont ever hit

posted about a year ago

letting KRU win so they dont disband, so they can beat them in an important match

posted about a year ago

i dont even care that C9 won that round daveeys is not that good YOU HAVENT WON A GAME YET DONT TRY NOW

yea bro

posted about a year ago

shoot like this the whole season and KRU are undefeated wtf

posted about a year ago

that was the worst double satchel ive ever seen

posted about a year ago

#2 and #3
the duality of man

posted about a year ago

tryhard answer

posted about a year ago

Most Racist Countries in the World (WaPo and BT results combined)*:
South Africa
South Korea

posted about a year ago

you are racist as fuck

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

racism for sure

posted about a year ago

calling dgzin "mbappe" over and over again surely theyre AI

posted about a year ago

blud think he on the team

posted about a year ago

zip his pants up when youre done lil bro

posted about a year ago

yea... most franchised teams just got the players that the good teams didnt want.

posted about a year ago

C9 and DRX???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
PRX MAYBE but prob not

posted about a year ago

LOUD-good (shouldve won)

posted about a year ago

luka said its harder to score in because they dont call as many fouls dumbass
NBA's worst player>euroleague's best player

posted about a year ago

keep coping lil bro euroleague are NBA rejects

posted about a year ago

i never said you disrespected them. im just telling you whats gonna happen

posted about a year ago

bro said keith he doesnt know you lil bro

posted about a year ago

theyre still gonna 26-0 your shitty flair

posted about a year ago

the guy who OWNS SHITNATIC
boaster still has nightmares about ratzam

posted about a year ago

thank god there arent more SA teams. couldnt stand anther KRU v MIBR type game jesus that was too boring

posted about a year ago

forgot to mention that jakee CLEARS boaster. since you compared leo to runi its only fair + xeppa betta

posted about a year ago

i watched him play chamber on every single map

posted about a year ago

ive been a C9 fan since shinobi was a person who played video games

posted about a year ago

yay made everyone think he was good at the game with the awp LMAO that fraud is so shit

posted about a year ago

stfu theyve 2-0'd every team in the past 4 matches keep coping while C9 runs through your favorite teams

posted about a year ago

watching my team dominate in this pathetic league. surely we just qualify C9 to tokyo already to not waste anyones time. kru gonna finally know what its like to go against a good team for once

posted about a year ago

yay doesnt even do good tho lil bro surely he should be hard carrying every game

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they were too happy with LOUD beating all the NA teams and 1 fluke MIBR win

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro said that trying to not let aspas drop 30 kills on them is anti-stratting LMAO youre clueless

posted about a year ago

hes good for one of those flicks every 50 rounds lil bro
he has thousands of hours on aim trainers id hope he has good aim

posted about a year ago

theyve been talking like these are 3rd graders and this isnt a T1 game. every time someone makes a mistake these casters laugh at them like theyd be any better
ik these are 2 bad teams but the casters dont have to keep reminding everyone that this is a joke of a match

posted about a year ago

bro got banned for a decade

posted about a year ago

yea probably because theyve been running through Americas??? they didnt just spawn into this situation lil bro

posted about a year ago

blud think he on the team

posted about a year ago

if you dont think there will be new players thatll come in and boost teams like SEN or 100T or FURIA over the edge youre dumb as fuck.

posted about a year ago

i dont care lil bro

posted about a year ago

there will be a lot of new players, that werent cs pros, thatll come in and help other teams take over. C9 already showing that these new players can bring something and help win games

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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