Flag: Virgin Islands, U.S.
Registered: July 23, 2022
Last post: June 30, 2023 at 11:10 PM
Posts: 873
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posted about a year ago

tbf its not really "cheating"... its definitely exploiting, but that doesnt make it cheating

posted about a year ago

LOUD fans beware…. DRX is simply too strong

DRX wins 26-0 I hate to break it to you

posted about a year ago

Dude, you have no idea. C9 has been the backbone of the NA eSports community for 7 years. It's understandable that I'm slightly upset about this. and as much as I like making a joke about it, I know this is the end of an era, and very possibly the end of NA Recognition in eSports. and as someone who's spent all of my adult life supporting NA at worlds and CS Majors, it's deeply upsetting to see this happen.
and it's not only NA eSports in risk, people jobs and careers are at risk,

so i ask you to show a minute amount of respect and empathy in tis situation.

posted about a year ago

C9 fans of new and old, I call you to heed this warning. An army never dies, for what is the world without CLOUD 9?
And I say "Let this chaos fall into us!"
Let it fester into the wounds of our esport, let it burden the battered and bruised hearts of North Americans on this site. for I am apart of the army that never dies.
and for you, my dearest reader, I ask;
Are you?

CLOUD 9 gaming was a North American eSports organisation situated in Santa Monica, California. It blazed the path of North American VALORANT alike, just like SEN did before them. but as all good things come to an end, so did CLOUD 9 Gaming.
But C9 had something no other organisation has had in NA eSports history, C9 had an ARMY. and now, even just for a day, i call to not only C9 fans, but every baiter, every super-fan and every no-life on this glorious site to change their flair to the C9 flair, just for a day.

#AnArmyNeverDies #CLOUD9ARMY

and for what i hope isn't the last time... #MakeMagic

posted about a year ago

geno smith only got drafted because of tavon austin tbh

posted about a year ago

geno smith only got drafted because of tavon austin tbh

posted about a year ago

ever since i joined this site, as a wee lad, its been my dream to attain stars. I dont really know why, but its been a big part of my life. Ive stayed up late at night, brainstorming funny/creative ideas, to hopefully get me up frags. I daydream in school about it. Im failing all of my classes because im too busy thinking about my vlr stars. if i ever get all four stars filled up, i dont even know what id do. my whole body would be filled with an excitement that ive never experienced before. the only people that can help me, is you guys... only you guys, could help me attain all four stars. if you could... please... take a couple seconds of your time to up frag my comments. it really would make my day. if you dont, i understand, but id really appreciate it if you could :)

posted about a year ago

Met up with my duo, it wasn't awkward at all. Met her friend thats really close to her, red flag?? After we went for a walk at korea town, got Boba and corn dog together, I notice she meows randomly in middle of conversations like she does in valorant and she told me she wants to bark at random strangers especially children weird but I dont mind cause I was fine with it in valorant. We went to Canada's wonderland after (better than Disney world imo and never been there) that's when I started getting comfortable with her hanging my hand on her shoulder whenever Im tired. she asked me to hold hands, at first I said no but we did hold hands eventually. At night we went to jollibe for her first time, she liked it. Then night ended. Should I go for another date, if so any tips?

posted about a year ago

kanye christ

posted about a year ago

(whoever replaces curry)
mitch/whoever replaces him

posted about a year ago


looking good so far

posted about a year ago

vanity, vanity, vanity

vanity "anthony" vanity solos

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if they lose this series 2-0... its the most disappointing showing from a team. losing out 4-0, after many thought they had a chance to win, isn't a good look

posted about a year ago

immortal, but now is diamond


posted about a year ago

more BR teams in uppers than SHITMEA KEKW

BR clutching a 3v1

posted about a year ago

diamond 2 and thinks his opinion is valid LMAOOOOOOOOOOO SO BAD YOU KNOW NOTHING

every map in ranked is CT sided due to zero strats and team chem


posted about a year ago

had the home advantage and lost 2-0 KEK

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

very common sheahhhh W

posted about a year ago

I check the score in my class and it was 12-6

I check again and LOUD’s up 1-0 and winning LEV pick

GG LOUD wins champs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yep!!! Yay, fns, crashies, marved, and victor are my top 5 NA!!!

posted about a year ago

now bad grammar in text......... so bad

posted about a year ago

been playing other games. played so much last act i need a break

posted about a year ago

comma not in the title, but in the text........'
0/8 SO BAD

posted about a year ago

this is just to flex the rank buddy you arent fooling me

posted about a year ago


wouldnt expect the morons of VLR to understand (i just did a google search and clicked the fist link)

posted about a year ago

yes... yes i did..

posted about a year ago

youd probably need a bigger ship for the Mediterranean

posted about a year ago

yay, marved, crashies, FNS, victor

posted about a year ago

the logo is pretty cool

posted about a year ago

singular taco in the title, multiple tacos in the text. horrible bait 0/8

posted about a year ago

nah i wouldve had FNC top 4 over XSET, but unfortunately they play OPTIC and FPX in my pickems...

the only reason XSET is top 4 is because of liquid and DRX shit mentality

posted about a year ago

lets ask the queen how she feels about this

posted about a year ago

college sports solos EZ

posted about a year ago

jared "rolex" zombs solos ratzam

posted about a year ago

i want to put LEV as the winners, but OPTIC neva lost a rematch. if its not a rematch against OPTIC in the finals, i have LEV winning

i fucked up but now its fixed

posted about a year ago

they losing to FNC but making a lower bracket and getting top 4 EZPZ

my pickems

posted about a year ago

but FPX won that series... so what even is the argument??? if XSET lost, then i wouldnt be saying this. youre reaching brotha

posted about a year ago

im American bro i just beat my wife and children

posted about a year ago

im trying to down my miller lites and abuse my wife while watching the football players i dont have time to mourn the loss of some fucking queen... not even donald trump smh

posted about a year ago

undeniably is so crazy. the "try not to be biased" challenge is showing to be very tough. just say you hate NA and move on im begging you

posted about a year ago

the FNC pick is a bit more respectable now.

but an 11-1 half isnt luck i hate to be the bearer of bad news. if the maps XSET won were very close, i would understand the "lucky" claim, but they werent. 13-7 and 13-5 are pretty comfortable wins.

btw.... i do not care about this tourny, considering C9 is not participating in it. I could not care less who wins or who loses

posted about a year ago

0 OT's LEV 13-0 LLL

posted about a year ago

youre fucking retarded bro.... i never said XSET was better than FPX. Im simply saying that they arent the worst team. surely their win over FPX puts them over LOUD (who only shit stomped ZETA DIVISON). FNC also played horribly too. they almost lost to FURIA, and they probably should have tbh. they did play very well against 100t today, but that dosent put them in 1st place.

btw... leaf wasnt playing in that series, so that game doesnt count IDGAF

posted about a year ago

VLR user try not to be bias challenge (impossible)

bro has XSET in last place after they beat FPX (in pretty comfortable fashion), and has FNC 1st. this is prob a bait, but if it isnt, this is so bad

posted about a year ago
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