Flag: Virgin Islands, U.S.
Registered: July 23, 2022
Last post: June 30, 2023 at 11:10 PM
Posts: 873
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oh okay GIA just cheating now to get anything jeez louise

posted about a year ago

navi team wasnt completely dominating before franchised league + they downgraded from ardis to cned :skull: fnc prob good tho

posted about a year ago

cned is nothing now that chamber nor jett is OP. we saw what starxo did against NRG :skull: and idk the other 2 probably on shit teams doing nothing but being on the bottom

posted about a year ago

look at the acend players now lil bro where are they LMAO. keep hanging on to that fluke ass win itll never happen again

posted about a year ago

where was EU in champs? not even top 3 LMAO

posted about a year ago

you illiterate or what?

posted about a year ago

looking at this current match not 1 NA player is overweight you are clueless. only fat people in NA are on C9 but zellsis makes up for it cuz bro is in actual good shape

posted about a year ago

the GM's cant build good teams cuz EU is fucking dogshit brotha wake up ur dreaming

posted about a year ago

you cant perform like this after winning last map these guys are fraudulent

posted about a year ago

NRG is actually playing so bad though wtf they wanna go home

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

youve had an account for 1.5 years, only have 27 posts, and one of them is this...

posted about a year ago

Okay, giantnutsack12345

posted about a year ago

Trying to do some big brain upsets rather than picking the favorites in every match

posted about a year ago

Can’t wait for every NA fan shit talking EU to look stupid when they realize the 3 best EU teams are on the other side of the bracket.

posted about a year ago

Missed on the FPX pick but unlucky

posted about a year ago

He did the same thing for most of his OPTIC videos. Basically just saying the other team played horrible and that’s why OPTIC won.

posted about a year ago

im good on allat lil bro if youre trying to imply that NRG isnt trying and theyre just picking maps they wont play later in the year youre fucked in the head

posted about a year ago

"I ain't placing any of em. All of them Equal until they face a real team."
wasting my time

posted about a year ago

"NRG literally picked Icebox, Optic's previous permaban and worst map" ok and?
obviously theyre confident enough to pick it now so what kind of dumbfuck argument is that

posted about a year ago

bro made an entire account just to make up an argument with himself wtff

posted about a year ago

if you actually read it he never ranked any of the teams you dumb fuck

posted about a year ago

the only retake that half was on the wrong site WTFFFFFFF

posted about a year ago

lets get the next match started its ova

posted about a year ago

holy sheet fam this guy up next

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hes on an alt lil bro

posted about a year ago

obv im upset but what makes you think im distraught over this? just pointing out the fact i lost my rank over shit ass teammates. def silver or lower rank with this take tho

posted about a year ago


i lost my, well earned, immortal rank to some shit teammates and DC's
i didnt even play all that bad wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

posted about a year ago

did you just reply to that with DRX winning against FNC? holy sheet brain damage

posted about a year ago

dia 3 cuz ur boosted

posted about a year ago

as a former 16 year old who wasnt immo, my excuse was that i didnt even own a pc until i was 15 and i didnt play valorant until i was 16

posted about a year ago

LMAO stay in gold lobbies. NO ONE is running double SENTINEL in ranked lil vro. double initiator is a stretch in ranked and thats literally the meta. i smurf ur peak and as a matter of fact im gonna go smurf rn to hopefully ruin ur game

posted about a year ago

no vro id rather have a cypher cam and trips to know where they are. her wall mid is useless 90% of the time and mf sdont know how to use her slows good enough to justify the pick.

posted about a year ago

im not though and thats why im confused

posted about a year ago

asc 3 like 76 rr

posted about a year ago

what the fuck is a "blue lock"

posted about a year ago

no i remembered that. just shit only good for blocking heaven and screens on attack

posted about a year ago

i am still silver in valorant

posted about a year ago

please stay out of my lobbies thank you

posted about a year ago

who keeps telling my dumbass teammates that sage is useful on any map other than icebox

posted about a year ago

Yea it wasn’t supposed to be a nagzet copy, but it def seems like it

posted about a year ago

This is cringe asf but I can’t ask my normie, non-valorant player friends this. Is “nagZ” a good name or should I change it up. It was “grief” but I changed. Help pls!!^_^
Edit: when I thought of the name it wasn’t supposed to be after nagzet, but I def see that it looks like it. Probs gonna stick to grief lmao

posted about a year ago

talk about valorant

posted about a year ago

not tryna dick ride, but if you dont think that team (even with PROD) couldnt qual with a coach and real strats youre delusional

posted about a year ago

i mean its kinda unlucky for him. assuming hes innocent (not saying he is, just assuming so) it sucks he cant compete - even if he wanted to - because of the whole situation. thats how it is though, and honestly i dont think hes losing that much sleep over it cuz streaming is probably better for his "idc" attitude

posted about a year ago

flexing another mans accomplishments, especially when he doesnt know who you are, is HOF dick riding

posted about a year ago

unfortunately ur flair is playing 2 maps and getting sent home

posted about a year ago
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