Flag: Lebanon
Registered: December 4, 2021
Last post: April 25, 2024 at 12:29 AM
Posts: 422
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posted about a year ago

any team that picks reyna deserves a stomp

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkk, all bad

posted about a year ago

I agree, they show many flaws in the 3 maps

posted about a year ago

I almost fell asleep in the first game, very boring .. I imagine this second one is the same or worse .. only the last game saves that day.

posted about a year ago

Ranked game, old comps, old plays, soo far worst game on lock in, I hope the level of the 2 teams improves in the third map

posted about a year ago

Sacy ganhava 20k BRL / mes, agora ele tá ganhando 40k USD = 206,000 BRL / Mes.

posted about a year ago

look, I don't know if you'll understand the analogy here, but here's the thing, there are people who play classic mario to this day .. and they perfected the movement to an absurd level, jump at the exact pixel and such .. it takes years to learn .. it's absurd to watch this skill madness .. and there are people who play the last Marios in the same absurd way .. except that the newest Mario is much more difficult and has much more depth .. I think the CS player is just like the old mario player... now leaving the analogy and going back to CS Vs valorant. I'm old and I think Valorant is getting more and more complex and complicated, more agents etc, and as a good cs 1.5 player I love the game, I played until I dropped my head.. new games with more functions and graphics attracted me more.. so cod was my choice, when cs go came out I simply didn't believe it, an old core with graphics that at the time were already outdated at launch. the CS that exists today is due to players who have been playing the game since the 2000 generation, it took years to reach the competitive level it is today, and valorant has just been released and in many ways it is a much better game. and it's only evolving..

posted about a year ago

Think of a x1 situation in CS, how many options do you have? 50 moves? Valorant in the same situation you have thousands.. CS player can't think that far, so make the game bigger to stop thinking you're so stupid..

posted about a year ago

man, cs player is old, they can't even understand valorant, imagine playing.. is like comparing checkers with chess..some people evolve, some like s1mple are diamond in valorant...
also, people who still play cs must play ps3, locked in time..

posted about a year ago

pois é, se o xand fosse de jett ele daria na cara do cned.. nem vou assistir isso.. aguardando o prox.

posted about a year ago

some people evolve, some like s1mple are diamond in valorant...
also, people who still play cs must play ps3, locked in time..

posted about a year ago

man, cs player is old, they can't even understand valorant, imagine playing.. is like comparing checkers with chess..

posted about a year ago

Ange1 is bad on val and cs, same scream.. same tenz .. same shazam..
valorant is too hard for cs player to understand

posted about a year ago

just imagine... kru wins e fnatic vs sentinels is 50% anyways..

posted about a year ago

tier SSS on Cs = tier B valorant

posted about a year ago

1 left, w

posted about a year ago

calm down, the event was announced as the biggest event that valorant has ever seen, and it was sold as .. but several problems were reported and people simply do not want to go to the event, the event was prepared by riot international and they do not understand anything about the logistics of how things work here in Brazil, you can research that there are many complaints from the public, excessive heat, many annoying rules and even the stadium is not being sold out because riot is selling tickets and they are not using full capacity of the stadium, also due to the lack of structure for the event, which is not even turning on the AC.

posted about a year ago

achei que o cara tava falando que tava indo comer.. hahaha

posted about a year ago

Funny to see INSHALLAH on israel flag

posted about a year ago

i love zeta, but lev looks insane, I believe they go deep run.

posted about a year ago

W for americas!

posted about a year ago

tembolonarage, tem 3 anos que vc é meme aqui no forum por causa disso, se esse nao for o ano do MW só desiste..

posted about a year ago

MW é diferenciado na mira e movimentação, mas isso n é tudo, espero q o time tenha tatica pra ganhar isso aí...

posted about a year ago

same, looks good, but missing something on the end.

posted about a year ago

I don't think DRX will beat Loud, I mean.. it's okay to say that C9 was very strong and they ran over, not taking away the merit of DRX but I think it was a lot because C9 wasn't 100% ready with all the players yet knowing how they should react in various circumstances, it's a new team.. many people can even give a lot more merits to DRX but in the end I don't think they got any team very ready to react against different styles and plays, all DRX matches lost one map, of course there will be time to work and study the opponent, I expect a great match,
but nothing close to what we've seen between Loud and NRG.

posted about a year ago

Vai ser sem vaselina

posted about a year ago

i love zeta, but manitos tamo juntos na final!

posted about a year ago

A mano, para de comparar, fato é que sadizinho n encaixou hj, e acho que em alto nível é melhor ele fazer um kayo msmo.. pesou um pouquinho mas GG, deu tudo certo no final.. espero que ele melhore os entrys com ela ou troque o agente.

posted about a year ago

I'm crying just seeing this post, probably all Brazilians too

posted about a year ago

Free Venezuela! Planta verde e colhe maduro!

posted about a year ago

Não sei de quem foi a ideia, mas até onde sei desde o começo do valorant a Haven asiática é exemplo pro mundo, imagina entrar em um torneio onde vc perde 2 mapas e saí, e contra um time asiático pikar um mapa forte da região e esperar ganhar o pick dos caras tbm... patetadas, se fosse qlq outro mapa era gg pra MIBR msmo nao estando nem 40% dq espero do time, até agora acho que a mibr está mostrando o pior valorant que a região pode oferecer, nível de vct, realmente uma vergonha para estar nas franquias.

posted about a year ago

esse vct misto com ban de homen é bem fraco, no geral eu assisto pra dar risada, alguns jogos sao bons até, mas vai demorar um pouco pra evoluir, liquid vai destruir geral igual ano passado e vai chegar lá fora e vai perder ez.

posted about a year ago

é foda, as minas tao focadas em provocar e esqueceram que n tao aquilo tudo.. chocaram aí no 3º lugar, espero que evoluam depois disso..

posted about a year ago

tudo que entendi disso é que ninguém tá botando fé na Furia nem na MIBR.

posted about a year ago

Relax brother, they will sell skins for 2 weeks and then it will be nerfed again...

posted about a year ago

Loud It's not like the other teams in Brazil

posted about a year ago

KRU 2º Latam GG

posted about a year ago

Loud 3 Stomps - 0.0ptic

posted about a year ago

Foi ridículo isso aí, incrível como cai o nivel da transmissao nacional com isso..

posted about a year ago

2 Times instáveis, porém mto bons quando estao em um bom dia, o que entrar melhor pro game ganha.

posted about a year ago

Po, eu acho que a Loud perde, espero que não, mas acho que a Zeta vai voltar forte pro rematch, e n boto mto fé na adaptação rapida da loud, enquanto a zeta já mostrou no primeiro masters que consegue dar a volta por cima de qlq coisa.

posted about a year ago

Bye Bye Fúria, 2 - 0 Fnatic, 2 Stomps.

posted about a year ago

é, concordo plenamente com o trembolona, hahahaha. DG é mto fraco e na horá de mostrar jogo pipocou, é por isso que eu preferia até a tbk no lugar da fúria, vai tomar 2-0 da Fnatic e nao vai nem encontrar o mouse, igual aconteceu contra a kru.

posted about a year ago
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