Flag: Lebanon
Registered: December 4, 2021
Last post: February 27, 2025 at 8:31 PM
Posts: 456
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Loud last hope for Amercias league..

posted about 2 years ago

furia is looking much better now.. i think it was the best chance to eliminate fnct.. americas league is fucked up

posted about 2 years ago

eu ficaria bem grilado por ter um campeao mundial do outro lado do mundo, pq msmo desenvolvendo a liga pode-se chegar nos mundiais e tomar um diff..

posted about 2 years ago

100T n vai ganhar nada esse ano, pode ver.. oq estou querendo falar é que poderiam trocar o time pra melhores resultados, se a fúria está ok em perder entao está no caminho certo, lembra que esse msmo core da fúria está aí desde o ano passado, e nao conseguiu bater pancada e amigos nem nip e ainda penou com a vk.. e vc está falando que agora do nada é o top 3? Eu bato na tecla que tem jogador mto talentoso sim, mas tem as mochilas cobrando pesado.

posted about 2 years ago

olha, acho que a série foi fraca, se for falar blz, o primeiro mapa foi pegado e podia ter ido pro lado da fúria blz, eu vi e fiquei surpreso, mas quem ficou mais surpreso foi o time da fnc com aquela composição louca, eles demoraram de mais pra entender como jogar contra, podemos falar que o unico mapa pegado da fúria foi comp diff, eu vi só 2x5 nas 2 séries... time assim pode chegar em alguma semi no máximo, nunca vai ganhar titulo.

posted about 2 years ago

esse é o problema, vc acha que eles vao poder jogar bem em Tokyo, mas eles já tem vaga garantida, duvido que se fosse ter que passar pelo Challengers League Brazil eles conseguiriam.

posted about 2 years ago

Não entendo como uma org pega o um core de time que nunca conseguiu nada em cenário internacional, mal se destacava no nacional e mantem pro sistema de franquias, onde todos os times sao super times e foram montados para baterem nao só a sua região mas bater o topo do mundo. Desculpa aí, acho Khalil bom mas ele nao está na sua melhor forma, de um ano pra cá acho que caiu muito, mazin nunca acreditei nele, qck muito inconsistente, pode ser um yay como pode ser um zombs, nao to falando que os caras sao mto ruins, só nao acho que eles deveriam ficar nessa furia aí do sistema de franquias.

posted about 2 years ago

DG zin peidando sempre nos jogos dificeis.. mw carregando nessa aí

posted about 2 years ago

yeess!! all brazilians knew that mw was different, it was hard to argue here on the forum because of trenbolone

posted about 2 years ago

mano, a fanatic n fez nenhum ponto até aqui, tudo em cima de erro da furia, pqp!

posted about 2 years ago

foda que é sempre a msma coisa, vc começa acreditar, vc sabe que o time pode chegar em alto nível, aí chega na hora e faz umas cagadas dessas.. típico br prata com mira de radiante.

posted about 2 years ago

entrega fácil essa porra! fica em casa time ruim do krll!! tá achando que é ranked??
bando de burro do krl

posted about 2 years ago

I believe they can win, I don't believe they will, if that's the case, I hope 100T sends FNC home with a big win

posted about 2 years ago

I think Riot couldn't let this game happen, they have to come up with something to cancel or give the victory to FNC, it's simply unfair to have to play against MW

posted about 2 years ago

100T Vs Furia for sure..
2-1 Furia

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinels sucks, and if you don't agree you can go see a doctor, they're just doing shit.. I don't think this will go on for long, I'm just saying that now they are in shit, I believe that in the future they can be very good, but they need time..

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't have much faith in mazin or dgzin, I always believed a lot in the rest of the players, but almost every squad is proving to be very capable, I'm just finding khalil well below what he had already shown.. I think Furia could very well win from FNC, but anything can happen.. I think that in general FNC is much superior in tactics but if Furia takes fast maps and explosion composition, Furia can win easily, they just can't play slow because in slow game emea plays better

posted about 2 years ago

KekW, Sentinels is soo bad and FNC loses 13 rounds.. shamee

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA on TOP! of the bottom

posted about 2 years ago

Acho que o Zeekken e Depphh foram horríveis.. mas de fato o time inteiro se provou ruim, não acho que vá continuar assim por muito tempo, qlq coisa acho q vai ser mais fácil ter mais BR no time dq os 2 sairem agora de cara, vc tá supondo que é melhor ter 2 nadas dq 2 campeoes mundiais..

posted about 2 years ago

tem q aproveitar e pedir dicas no lol pros korea.

posted about 2 years ago

EZ money here! hahaha

posted about 2 years ago

you're forgetting that FNC always looks good, and always loses, FNC is FNC don't forget that

posted about 2 years ago

Furia VS 100T wll b insane!
EZ for LEV on semi

posted about 2 years ago

this is really funny, u assuming FNC is going to play against 100t i think it's going to be furia vs 100t

posted about 2 years ago

Furia D? Lol, I think the Fury could very well beat FNC tomorrow. I don't think that will happen because FNC is far superior in tactics but not in aim. we will see..
About your TLDR:
4 - Americas
3 - EMEA
1 - Pacific
3 EMEA representatives could very well leave between tomorrow and after.. 100T / Furia / LEV could take everything to the end of bracket one having to leave.. I don't believe I will see more than 1 emea representative in the playoffs.

posted about 2 years ago

FNC it's always a disappointment, it went through an easy team and everyone putting Rank S, wait for them to get a difficult match, then yes you rankea .. every time they arrive the same way.

posted about 2 years ago

verdade, hoje foi insano.. mas nem perto de ontem.. essa segunda fase do lock in tá contando com mais pessoas pq a riot resolveu disponibilizar maior % do ginásio, ou seja.. no alpha tinham menos ingressos disponíveis e menos publico presente.

posted about 2 years ago

alguem inventou ironia? sério?

posted about 2 years ago

mano, a t1 tá entregando, tipo, a fúria tá jogando melhor dq imaginei, bem melhor.. mas ainda vários erros bobos, isso em jogo fácil é ok, mas em jogo dificil n dá.. sao detalhes que fazem campeoes.. a galera fica puta pq sou mto critico, mas é a real.. os caras n podem chegar em torneios desse nível fazendo as besteiras que estao fazendo..

posted about 2 years ago

sedex, é os newba da ranked que tao no torneio, rlx

posted about 2 years ago

relaxa galera! é map pick da furia, do melhor lado do mapa e tamo perdendo! vai ser stomp!
Brazil é ruim de mais, unico time que salva é a LOUD, se vc pensa diferente vc precisa de atenção medica.

posted about 2 years ago

brazilian streamer

posted about 2 years ago

as far as i know, c9 chose to ship yay due to org's cost reduction

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

any team that picks reyna deserves a stomp

posted about 2 years ago

kkkkkkkkk, all bad

posted about 2 years ago

I agree, they show many flaws in the 3 maps

posted about 2 years ago

I almost fell asleep in the first game, very boring .. I imagine this second one is the same or worse .. only the last game saves that day.

posted about 2 years ago

Ranked game, old comps, old plays, soo far worst game on lock in, I hope the level of the 2 teams improves in the third map

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy ganhava 20k BRL / mes, agora ele tá ganhando 40k USD = 206,000 BRL / Mes.

posted about 2 years ago

look, I don't know if you'll understand the analogy here, but here's the thing, there are people who play classic mario to this day .. and they perfected the movement to an absurd level, jump at the exact pixel and such .. it takes years to learn .. it's absurd to watch this skill madness .. and there are people who play the last Marios in the same absurd way .. except that the newest Mario is much more difficult and has much more depth .. I think the CS player is just like the old mario player... now leaving the analogy and going back to CS Vs valorant. I'm old and I think Valorant is getting more and more complex and complicated, more agents etc, and as a good cs 1.5 player I love the game, I played until I dropped my head.. new games with more functions and graphics attracted me more.. so cod was my choice, when cs go came out I simply didn't believe it, an old core with graphics that at the time were already outdated at launch. the CS that exists today is due to players who have been playing the game since the 2000 generation, it took years to reach the competitive level it is today, and valorant has just been released and in many ways it is a much better game. and it's only evolving..

posted about 2 years ago

Think of a x1 situation in CS, how many options do you have? 50 moves? Valorant in the same situation you have thousands.. CS player can't think that far, so make the game bigger to stop thinking you're so stupid..

posted about 2 years ago

man, cs player is old, they can't even understand valorant, imagine playing.. is like comparing checkers with chess..some people evolve, some like s1mple are diamond in valorant...
also, people who still play cs must play ps3, locked in time..

posted about 2 years ago

pois é, se o xand fosse de jett ele daria na cara do cned.. nem vou assistir isso.. aguardando o prox.

posted about 2 years ago

some people evolve, some like s1mple are diamond in valorant...
also, people who still play cs must play ps3, locked in time..

posted about 2 years ago

man, cs player is old, they can't even understand valorant, imagine playing.. is like comparing checkers with chess..

posted about 2 years ago

Ange1 is bad on val and cs, same scream.. same tenz .. same shazam..
valorant is too hard for cs player to understand

posted about 2 years ago

just imagine... kru wins e fnatic vs sentinels is 50% anyways..

posted about 2 years ago
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