reminder that this is how they look against a good team btw
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | April 30, 2022 |
Last post: | January 24, 2025 at 8:57 PM |
Posts: | 1866 |
reminder that this is how they look against a good team btw
chill bro, this is a showmatch. you guys are winning americas
show me prx international titles
also fake flagger. embarrased of your region brother?
cant understand shit go learn basic english
dgzin said “boa lerdao” which means something like “wp nerd” but even then, dgzin didnt commit a literal hate crime towards someone.
also keznit excused himself by saying that he cant be racist because he has brazilian friends. typical racists say that when confronted too
we need an international event quickly, you EMEA are becoming confident in showing your face around here again 🤦♂️
i mean reproducing monkey noises towards brazilians and calling dgzin “cj of valorant” + punished by riot under accusations of being racist doesnt quite clear his name
do you have dreams of winning a title? what has KRU accomplished since inception?
all KRU has to brag about is beating a champions winner, LCQ win (😭) and bouncing back from being 0-9 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
compare his performance today vs other days. he is still aspas so he will always perform on some level
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk if they qualify lets watch their shitty international performance as USUAL. Never seen these goofs get past quarter or semi finals. Never seen them being in the talk for top 5 itw even ONCE. it aint happening broooo 😭😭
mibr and furia at least shouldnt even be franchised
ngl we were actually free and our incompentence is the reason why KRU is 5-0 right now. had they faced other teams than mibr furia and worst loud ever they would be 3-2 or 2-3
doesnt matter, they are a decent team but all im saying is that they arent good enough to tipically be 5-0 as they are currently. even if they win this map they wont beat LEV (keep in mind that aspas is having an unusual bad day too)
mibr (free)
furia (free)
loud (after several core changes to their playstyle, they beat the worst looking loud since inception)
EG (when they were slowly picking up pace)
4 out of 5 wins were in matches that 95% of tier 1 teams would have also won. this team aint winning SHIT mark my words. this is how they look against an actual good team btw, all they can do is put up a fight.
people calling this El Clasico are so delusional lmao
this is like Real Madrid (LEV) vs Real Madrid Castilla Club de Fútbol (Real Madrid B)
aspas go kill and quick 2-0
if loud underestimate G2 they 100% deserve to lose 26-0
a team thats 1-3 rn cant afford to underestimate anyone
if mexico is that good why do you choose to fleed to the US? some even come to our southern lands kkkkkkkkkk
sorry i dont understand boludo. english please? are you asking for some change?
1 Peso argentino igual a
0,0058 Real brasileiro at least you guys are better than chile kkkkk
oh WOW! HE WON LCQ! maybe he IS the GOAT! mb for trash talking the LCQ mvp and winner!
1 Peso mexicano igual a
0,30 Real brasileiro go count some pennys
1 Peso mexicano igual a
0,30 Real brasileiro
1 Peso chileno igual a
0,0054 Real brasileiro
still went 0-9 so no impact kills? only explanation
0 trophies btw
have kru even played a finals ever? honest question bc i cant remember them having any deep run kkkkkkkkkkk
KRU cant go past quarter finals so never happening
true, and 2023 keznit went 0-9
oxy >
bro has won games by himself for C9 where keznit hasnt so far.
at least we can still quali, where are you guys kkkkkk
"As soon as kru makes some noise internationally" never happening kkkkkkk
lmao guess who never left their parents basement now 😭 bro has never touched a boob in his life thats crazy
we actually dont have basements in brazil
oh please. im talking exclusively about people trashing him. are you saying that his “toxicity” (i dont believe that he was ever toxic, all sports. go pull my post history) didnt attract negativity from others?
you liked to run your mouth all split and now your team is in a slump thats funny
i mean im sorry for all the things that are going sideways on his personal life, thats awful.
but professionally? he kinda asked for it. last year bro made sure he would shit on everyones head so ig those people are coming back at him rn
nah bro thats stupid as fuck sorry
defenders could just build a whole fort and sit at bombsite and still win every round through crossfires and trips
the baby players would complain that they have to play twice a week