TSM, also 👨 known 🎓 as "Tossed 💦👅 Six 6️⃣ Million 💯" is a North ⬆ American 🇺🇸 investment 📈 firm 🚬 often 😵 known 🎓 for their innovative 👷🏼♂️ investment 💸 strategy ♟ of burning 🔥 up ⬆ money 💵🤑💲 and failing 🚫 to return 🔙 any meaningful 🔉 results 💹
Flag: | India |
Registered: | May 1, 2021 |
Last post: | January 31, 2025 at 8:35 PM |
Posts: | 799 |
TSM, also 👨 known 🎓 as "Tossed 💦👅 Six 6️⃣ Million 💯" is a North ⬆ American 🇺🇸 investment 📈 firm 🚬 often 😵 known 🎓 for their innovative 👷🏼♂️ investment 💸 strategy ♟ of burning 🔥 up ⬆ money 💵🤑💲 and failing 🚫 to return 🔙 any meaningful 🔉 results 💹
Its 2077. Im still watching the TSM x Rise Match. I had 4 children. Subroza retired and his son his playing for him now. Wardell has over 3000 kills and TSM has a map point but supamen clutches 1v5. My wife left me.
Hey Envy my son is a huge fan of yours. Anyway over the past few days of watching you play this game hes got much better at playing baseball (he plays in the 11-13 year old division). I just wanted to stop by and thank you for teaching him how to throw so well.
NV vs. XSET now. Winner makes it to Berlin PauseChamp
TSM = Team Sucks Man
XO 2-1 EG
Here. Soothe yourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTT0880lEsU
https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/SEN%20SicK%23xDDDD/overview yes it is my profile
SEN 2-1 NV
Next one's gonna be a banger cause TenZ has just activated, he hasn't even woken up fully yet. If he does, its GG.
Its the confidence. Literal beast like confidence of picking Reyna
If you look closely, Bang's name today is TSM BangNA i.e., BangNoAim
If you look closely, Bang's name today is TSM BangNA i.e., BangNoAim
I think they'll choke when it matters most
https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/5c70a5ed the star matchups bracket
Yes, they have a good chance but its going to be the toughest one for them as they have to make it either directly to GF or LBF beating the likes of 100T, XSET and SEN obvio. Also, these teams have a shit ton of VODs to review and counter their playstyle so TSM better have some secret strats in their pocket.
2nd best team in the world didn't qualify for Berlin
TSM vs. Faze in a GF? What is this, First Strike 2020?
I can watch both NA bo3s before I start to fall asleep
I live at the perfect place as a spectator. EU Challenger matches are in the evening around 7-8 p.m. and NA ones start around 2 a.m. and I sleep late. 😁😁
Extremely true. These teams try to go for double initiator, double controller comps when they can just put one of their cracked players on a duelist and let them frag out. Once they start farming the other team, you wont even feel the absence of that initiator/controller
Makes sense. Good thing they changed that.
How'd they even make it to Iceland last time? They look like a Tier 2 team in terms of execution. Just rushing with no backup strats.
If Fnatic makes to LB Finals, I believe they'll take the spot. Liquid look clueless in their strat executions tbh.
Watched it. Didn't like it. The movie felt very illogical and seemed they just tried to make their own logic and just went with the flow whether it made sense or not. Plus the story felt very weak and just full of cheesy action scenes. Also, they went to space btw. I mean wtf? space?!
Battle of the 1s.
Hiko, Dapr, FNS, vanity, Ethan all really good with their abilities and as support agents
Damn the amount of braindead people on this forum just keeps on increasing.
Did anyone get all of them right? O-O
With 1 comes 2.
What a comeback and what a finish. This is the power and potential of Indian Valorant Esports. Indian Valo haters kal aana kaaal.
https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/b1823a64 making it a little spicy towards the end
go to the end